
class poppy.ContinuousDeformableMirror(dm_shape=(10, 10), actuator_spacing=None, influence_func=None, name='DM', include_actuator_print_through=False, actuator_print_through_file=None, actuator_mask_file=None, radius=<Quantity 1. m>, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, include_factor_of_two=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AnalyticOpticalElement

Generic deformable mirror, of the continuous face sheet variety.

dm_shapetuple with 2 elements

Number of actuators across the clear aperture in each dimension

actuator_spacingfloat or astropy Quantity with dimension length

Spacing between adjacent actuators as seen in that plane

influence_funcInfluence function filename. Optional. If not supplied,

a Gaussian model approximately representative of an influence function for a Boston MEMS DMs will be used. This parameter can let you provide a more detailed model for your particular mirror.

radiusfloat or Quantity with dimension length

radius of the clear aperture of the DM. Note, the reflective clear aperture may potentially be larger than the controllable active aperture, depending on the details of your particular hardware. This parameter does not affect any of the actuator models, only the reflective area for wavefront amplitude.

flip_x, flip_yBool

Flip the orientation of the X or Y axes of the DM actuators. Useful if your device is not oriented such that the origin is at lower left as seen in the pupil.


include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False). If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc). If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)

Additionally, the standard parameters for shift_x and shift_y can be accepted and
will be handled by the **kwargs mechanism. Note, rotation is not yet supported for DMs,
and shifts are currently rounded to integer pixels in the sampled wavefront, rather
than being applied as floating point values. Shifts are specified in physical units
of meters transverse motion in the DM plane.
Note: Keeping track of actuator locations and spacing is subtle. This note
assumes you are familiar with ‘counting fenceposts’ and off-by-one errors.
This class follows the convention adopted by Boston Micromachines:
If there are N actuators across a given distance, there are N-1 spaces between
actuators across that distance (plus half an actuator space border on the outside,
which is still controlled by the outermost actuators.). The controlled portion of
the pupil thus has diameter = (N-1)*actuator_spacing.
However, for display purposes etc it is often useful if the displayed pupil extends
over the full N actuators, so we set the `pupil_diam` attribute to N*actuator_spacing,
or the reflective radius, whichever is larger.

Attributes Summary


DM actuator geometry - i.e. how many actuators per axis .


The commanded surface shape of the deformable mirror, in meters.

Methods Summary


Overplot actuator coordinates on some already-existing pupil display

annotate_grid([linestyle, color])

display([annotate, grid, what, crosshairs])

Display an Analytic optic by first computing it onto a grid. Parameters ---------- wavelength : float Wavelength to evaluate this optic's properties at npix : int Number of pixels to use when sampling the optical element. what : str What to display: 'intensity', 'surface' or 'phase', or 'both' ax : matplotlib.Axes instance Axes to display into nrows, row : integers # of rows and row index for subplot display crosshairs : bool Display crosshairs indicating the center? colorbar : bool Show colorbar? colorbar_orientation : bool Desired orientation, horizontal or vertical? Default is horizontal if only 1 row of plots, else vertical opd_vmax : float Max value for OPD image display, in meters. title : string Plot label annotate : bool Draw annotations on plot grid : bool Show the grid for the DM actuator spacing.

display_actuators([annotate, grid, what, ...])

Display the optical surface, viewed as discrete actuators



Flatten the DM by setting all actuators to zero piston

get_act_coordinates([one_d, ...])

Y and X coordinates for the actuators


Return the surface shape OPD for the optic.


Note that this is the amplitude transmission, not the total intensity transmission.

set_actuator(actx, acty, new_value)

Set an individual actuator of the DM. Parameters ------------- actx, acty : integers Coordinates of the actuator you wish to control new_value : float Desired surface height for that actuator, in meters by default or use astropy Units to specify another unit if desired. Example ----------- dm.set_actuator(12, 22, 123.4*u.nm).


Set the entire surface shape of the DM.

Attributes Documentation


DM actuator geometry - i.e. how many actuators per axis


The commanded surface shape of the deformable mirror, in meters. This is the input to the DM. See the .opd property for the output.

Methods Documentation

annotate(marker='+', **kwargs)[source]

Overplot actuator coordinates on some already-existing pupil display

annotate_grid(linestyle=':', color='black', **kwargs)[source]
display(annotate=False, grid=False, what='opd', crosshairs=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Display an Analytic optic by first computing it onto a grid. Parameters ———- wavelength : float

Wavelength to evaluate this optic’s properties at


Number of pixels to use when sampling the optical element.


What to display: ‘intensity’, ‘surface’ or ‘phase’, or ‘both’

axmatplotlib.Axes instance

Axes to display into

nrows, rowintegers

# of rows and row index for subplot display


Display crosshairs indicating the center?


Show colorbar?


Desired orientation, horizontal or vertical? Default is horizontal if only 1 row of plots, else vertical


Max value for OPD image display, in meters.


Plot label


Draw annotations on plot


Show the grid for the DM actuator spacing

display_actuators(annotate=False, grid=True, what='opd', crosshairs=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Display the optical surface, viewed as discrete actuators


Annotate coordinates and types of actuators on the display? Default false.


Annotate grid of actuators on the display? Default true.


What to display: ‘intensity’ transmission, ‘opd’, or ‘both’


Draw crosshairs on plot to indicate the origin.


Flatten the DM by setting all actuators to zero piston

get_act_coordinates(one_d=False, include_transformations=False)[source]

Y and X coordinates for the actuators


Return 1-dimensional arrays of coordinates per axis? Default is to return 2D arrays with same shape as full array.


Return apparent coordinates after rotations, etc of the DM.

y_act, x_actfloat ndarrays

actuator coordinates, in units of meters


Return the surface shape OPD for the optic. Interpolates from the current optic surface state onto the desired coordinates for the wave.


Note that this is the amplitude transmission, not the total intensity transmission.

set_actuator(actx, acty, new_value)[source]

Set an individual actuator of the DM. Parameters ————- actx, acty : integers

Coordinates of the actuator you wish to control


Desired surface height for that actuator, in meters by default or use astropy Units to specify another unit if desired.


dm.set_actuator(12, 22, 123.4*u.nm)


Set the entire surface shape of the DM.

new_surface2d ndarray, or scalar

Desired DM surface OPD, in meters by default, or use the astropy units system to specify a different unit