Source code for poppy.fresnel

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
import logging
import time

import poppy
from poppy.poppy_core import PlaneType, Wavefront, BaseWavefront, BaseOpticalSystem, FITSOpticalElement
from . import utils
from . import accel_math
from .accel_math import xp

if accel_math._NUMEXPR_AVAILABLE:
    import numexpr as ne
    pi = np.pi  # needed for evaluation inside numexpr strings.

_log = logging.getLogger('poppy')

__all__ = ['QuadPhase', 'QuadraticLens', 'FresnelWavefront', 'FresnelOpticalSystem',

[docs] class QuadPhase(poppy.optics.AnalyticOpticalElement): """ Quadratic phase factor, q(z) suitable for representing a radially-dependent wavefront curvature. Parameters ---------- z : float or astropy.Quantity of type length radius of curvature planetype : poppy.PlaneType constant plane type name : string Descriptive string name References ---------- Lawrence eq. 88 """ @utils.quantity_input(z=u.m) def __init__(self, z=1.0 * u.m, # FIXME consider renaming fl? z seems ambiguous with distance. planetype=PlaneType.intermediate, name='Quadratic Wavefront Curvature Operator', **kwargs): poppy.AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=planetype, **kwargs) self.z = z self._z_m =
[docs] def get_opd(self, wave): """ Return OPD representing a quadratic phase Parameters ---------- wave : obj a Fresnel Wavefront object """ y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave) _log.debug("Applying spherical phase curvature ={0:0.2e}".format(self.z)) _log.debug("Applying spherical lens phase ={0:0.2e}".format(1.0 / self.z)) z = self._z_m # numexpr can't evaluate self. if (z == np.inf) | (z == -np.inf): # Phasor should be 1 # OPD should be flat _log.debug("infinite radius of curvature -> quad phase becomes 0") return 0 if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR: opd = ne.evaluate("(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2.0 * z)") else: opd = (x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2.0 *z) return opd
class _QuadPhaseShifted(QuadPhase): """ Identical to class 'QuadPhase' except for array origin. This class provides a quadratic phase factor for application to FFT shifted wavefronts, with the origin in the corner. For centered "physical" coordinate system optics with an origin at the wavefront center use `QuadPhase`. """ def __init__(self, z, **kwargs): QuadPhase.__init__(self, z, **kwargs) def get_phasor(self, wave): """ Return complex phasor, for FFT shifted array Parameters ---------- wave : object FresnelWavefront instance """ return accel_math._fftshift(super(_QuadPhaseShifted, self).get_phasor(wave))
[docs] class QuadraticLens(QuadPhase): """ Gaussian Lens Thin wrapper for QuadPhase Parameters ---------- f_lens : float or astropy.Quantity of type length Focal length of this lens name : string Descriptive string name planetype : poppy.PlaneType constant plane type """ @utils.quantity_input(f_lens=u.m) def __init__(self, f_lens=1.0 * u.m, planetype=PlaneType.unspecified, name='Quadratic Lens', **kwargs): QuadPhase.__init__(self, f_lens, planetype=planetype, name=name, **kwargs) self.fl = _log.debug("Initialized: " + + ", fl ={0:0.2e}".format(self.fl)) def __str__(self): return "Lens: {0}, with focal length {1}".format(, self.fl)
class ConicLens(poppy.optics.CircularAperture): @u.quantity_input(f_lens=u.m, radius=u.m) def __init__(self, f_lens=1.0 * u.m, K=1.0, radius=1.0 * u.m, planetype=PlaneType.unspecified, name="Conic lens", **kwargs): """Conic Lens/Mirror Parabolic, elliptical, hyperbolic, or spherical powered optic. Parameters ---------- f_lens : astropy.quantities.Quantity of dimension length Focal length of the optic K : float Conic constant radius: astropy.quantities.Quantity of dimension length Radius of the clear aperture of the optic as seen on axis. name : string Descriptive name planetype : poppy.PlaneType, optional Optional optical plane type specifier """ super(ConicLens, self).__init__(name=name,, planetype=planetype, **kwargs) self.f_lens = f_lens self.K = K
[docs] class FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement(FITSOpticalElement): ''' This class allows the definition of focal plane masks using .fits files that will be applied to a wavefront via an FFT/MFT sequence to achieve the correct sampling at the assumed focal plane. This element will only function as an intermediate planetype due to pixelscale and display functionality when propagating to this plane. Note: if an image planetype were to be used, the wavefront at this plane may have infinite pixelscales, making it impossible to display the wavefront with extents. The method used to apply this element requires additional information from the user that is not required for FITSOpticalElements. These additional parameters are listed below. Parameters not in FITSOpticalElement ------------------------------------ wavelength_c: astropy.quantity Central wavelength of the user's system, required in order to convert the pixelscale to units of lambda/D and scale the pixelscale of the element based on the wavelength being propagated. If this parameter is left as None, the pixel scale can be read from the FITS header keyword PIXELSCL, if that keyword exists in the provided file. entrance_pupil_diam: astropy.quantity Entrance pupil diameter of the system, required to convert the pixelscale to units of lambda/D. If this parameter is left as None, the pixel scale can be read from the FITS header keyword PIXELSCL, if that keyword exists in the provided file. pixelscale: float pixelscale value in units of arcsec/pix. If this parameter is left as None, the pixel scale can be read from the FITS header keyword PIXELSCL, if that keyword exists in the provided file. centering: str What type of centering to use for the MFTs, see MFT documentation for more information. Default is 'ADJUSTABLE'. ''' def __init__(self, name="unnamed FPM element", transmission=None, opd=None, opdunits=None, planetype=PlaneType.intermediate, wavelength_c=None, entrance_pupil_diam=None, pixelscale=None, centering='ADJUSTABLE', **kwargs): FITSOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, transmission=transmission, opd=opd, opdunits=opdunits, planetype=planetype, **kwargs) self.centering = centering if planetype is not PlaneType.intermediate: raise ValueError('For this optic, the planetype must be an intermediate ' 'plane in order for pixelscales to be accurate after ' 'propagation and for display functionality.') if 'PIXELSCL' in self.amplitude_header and pixelscale is None: self.pixelscale = self.amplitude_header['PIXELSCL']*u.arcsec/u.pix elif pixelscale is not None and pixelscale.unit.is_equivalent(u.arcsec/u.pix): self.pixelscale = else: raise ValueError('To utilize this element type, a pixelscale must be provided in units of arcsec/pix in the header of ' 'the FITS file or by manual entry as a keyword.') if 'WAVELENC' in self.amplitude_header and wavelength_c is None: self.wavelength_c = self.amplitude_header['WAVELENC']*u.m elif wavelength_c is not None and wavelength_c.unit.is_equivalent(u.meter): self.wavelength_c = else: raise ValueError('To utilize this element type, a central wavelength must be specified in units of meters in the header of ' 'the FITS file or by manual entry as a keyword. This is required to convert to units of lambda/D for an MFT.') if 'PUPLDIAM' in self.amplitude_header and entrance_pupil_diam is None: self.entrance_pupil_diam = self.amplitude_header['PUPLDIAM']*u.m elif entrance_pupil_diam is not None and entrance_pupil_diam.unit.is_equivalent(u.meter): self.entrance_pupil_diam = else: raise ValueError('To utilize this element type, an entrance pupil diameter must be specified in units of meters in the header of ' 'the FITS file or by manual entry as a keyword. This is required to convert to units of lambda/D for an MFT.') # convert the sampling of the optic to units of lambda/D for when an MFT is used self.pixelscale_lamD = _log.debug( "FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement {} initialized:" "centering style {}, " "central wavelength for operation {}, " "entrance pupil diameter of system {}, " "pixelscale of {} arcsec/pix.".format(, self.centering, self.wavelength_c, self.entrance_pupil_diam, self.pixelscale.value) )
[docs] class FresnelWavefront(BaseWavefront): angular_coordinates = False """Should coordinates be expressed in arcseconds instead of meters at the current plane? """ @u.quantity_input(beam_radius=u.m) def __init__(self, beam_radius, units=u.m, rayleigh_factor=2.0, oversample=2, **kwargs): """ Wavefront for Fresnel diffraction calculation. This class inherits from and extends the Fraunhofer-domain poppy.Wavefront class. Parameters ---------- beam_radius : astropy.Quantity of type length Radius of the illuminated beam at the initial optical plane. I.e. this would be the pupil aperture radius in an entrance pupil. units : astropy.units.Unit Astropy units of input parameters rayleigh_factor: Threshold for considering a wave spherical. oversample : float Padding factor to apply to the wavefront array, multiplying on top of the beam radius. References ---------- - Lawrence, G. N. (1992), Optical Modeling, in Applied Optics and Optical Engineering., vol. XI, edited by R. R. Shannon and J. C. Wyant., Academic Press, New York. - - IDEX Optics and Photonics(n.d.), Gaussian Beam Optics, [online] Available from: - Krist, J. E. (2007), PROPER: an optical propagation library for IDL, vol. 6675, p. 66750P-66750P-9. [online] Available from: - Andersen, T., and A. Enmark (2011), Integrated Modeling of Telescopes, Springer Science & Business Media. """ super(FresnelWavefront, self).__init__( * 2.0, oversample=oversample, **kwargs ) try: except (AttributeError, u.UnitsError): raise ValueError("The 'units' parameter must be an astropy.units.Unit representing length.") self.units = units """`astropy.units.Unit` for measuring distance""" self.w_0 = # convert to base units. """Beam waist radius at initial plane""" self.z = 0 * units """Current wavefront coordinate along the optical axis""" self.z_w0 = 0 * units """Coordinate along the optical axis of the latest beam waist""" self.waists_w0 = [] """List of beam waist radii, in series as encountered during the course of an optical propagation.""" self.waists_z = [] """List of beam waist distances along the optical axis, in series as encountered during the course of an optical propagation.""" self.spherical = False """Is this wavefront spherical or planar?""" self.k = np.pi * 2.0 / self.wavelength """ Wavenumber""" self.rayleigh_factor = rayleigh_factor """Threshold for considering a wave spherical, in units of Rayleigh distance""" self.focal_length = np.inf * u.m """Focal length of the current beam, or infinity if not a focused beam""" if self.oversample > 1 and not self.ispadded: # add padding for oversampling, if necessary self.wavefront = utils.pad_to_oversample(self.wavefront, self.oversample) self.ispadded = True logmsg = "Padded WF array for oversampling by {0:.3f}, to {1}.".format( self.oversample, self.wavefront.shape ) _log.debug(logmsg) self.history.append(logmsg) else: _log.debug("Skipping oversampling, oversample < 1 or already padded ") if self.oversample < 2: _log.warning("Oversampling > 2x suggested for reliable results in Fresnel propagation.") self._y, self._x = xp.indices(self.shape, dtype=float) self._y -= (self.wavefront.shape[0]) / 2.0 self._x -= (self.wavefront.shape[1]) / 2.0 """saves x and y indices for future use""" # FIXME MP: this self.n attribute appears unnecessary? if self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]: self.n = self.shape[0] else: self.n = self.shape if self.planetype == PlaneType.image: raise ValueError( "Input wavefront needs to be a pupil plane in units of m/pix. Specify a diameter not a pixelscale.")
[docs] def display(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'use_angular_coordinates' not in kwargs: # Is this FresnelWavefront in angular units? return super(FresnelWavefront, self).display( *args, use_angular_coordinates=self.angular_coordinates, **kwargs ) else: # ensure this FresnelWavefront's coordinates are # temporarily set to the requested type, so that # the self.coordinates() call will yield results # appropriate for displaying that type. tmp = self.angular_coordinates self.angular_coordinates = kwargs['use_angular_coordinates'] retval = super(FresnelWavefront, self).display( *args, **kwargs ) self.angular_coordinates = tmp return retval
display.__doc__ = Wavefront.display.__doc__ # properties and methods supporting fresnel propagation @property def z_r(self): """ Rayleigh distance for the gaussian beam, based on current beam waist and wavelength. I.e. the distance along the propagation direction from the beam waist at which the area of the cross section has doubled. The depth of focus is conventionally twice this distance. """ return np.pi * self.w_0 ** 2 / self.wavelength @property def divergence(self): """ Half-angle divergence of the gaussian beam I.e. the angle between the optical axis and the beam radius (at a large distance from the waist) in radians. """ return self.wavelength / (np.pi * self.w_0) @property def param_str(self): """ Formatted string of gaussian beam parameters. """ string = "w_0:{0:0.3e},".format(self.w_0) + " z_w0={0:0.3e}".format(self.z_w0) + "\n" + \ "z={0:0.3e},".format(self.z) + " z_r={0:0.3e}".format(self.z_r) return string @property def waists(self): """ each [z_w_0,w_0] for each waist generated by an optic """ return np.array([self.waists_z, self.waists_w0]) def _fft(self): """ Apply normalized forward 2D Fast Fourier Transform to wavefront """ self.wavefront = accel_math.fft_2d(self.wavefront, forward=True, fftshift=False) def _inv_fft(self): """ Apply normalized Inverse 2D Fast Fourier Transform to wavefront """ self.wavefront = accel_math.fft_2d(self.wavefront, forward=False, fftshift=False)
[docs] def r_c(self, z=None): """ The gaussian beam radius of curvature as a function of distance z Parameters ---------- z : float, optional Distance along the optical axis. If not specified, the wavefront's current z coordinate will be used, returning the beam radius of curvature at the current position. Returns ------- Astropy.units.Quantity of dimension length """ if z is None: z = self.z dz = (z - self.z_w0) # z relative to waist if dz == 0: return np.inf * u.m return dz * (1 + (self.z_r / dz) ** 2)
[docs] def spot_radius(self, z=None): """ radius of a propagating gaussian wavefront, at a distance z Parameters ---------- z : float, optional Distance along the optical axis. If not specified, the wavefront's current z coordinate will be used, returning the beam radius at the current position. Returns ------- Astropy.units.Quantity of dimension length """ if z is None: z = self.z return self.w_0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + ((z - self.z_w0) / self.z_r) ** 2)
# methods supporting coordinates, including switching between distance and angular units
[docs] @staticmethod def pupil_coordinates(x, y, pixelscale): """Utility function to generate coordinates arrays for a pupil plane wavefront Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like pixel indices pixelscale : float or 2-tuple of floats the pixel scale in meters/pixel, optionally different in X and Y Returns ------- Y, X : array_like Wavefront coordinates in either meters or arcseconds for pupil and image, respectively """ # Override parent class method to provide one that's compatible with # FFT indexing conventions. Centered one one pixel not on the middle # of the array. # This function is intentionally distinct from the regular Wavefront.coordinates(), and behaves # slightly differently. This is required for use in the angular spectrum propagation in the PTP and # Direct propagations. pixelscale_mpix = / u.pixel).value if not np.isscalar(pixelscale_mpix): pixel_scale_x, pixel_scale_y = pixelscale_mpix else: pixel_scale_x, pixel_scale_y = pixelscale_mpix, pixelscale_mpix if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR: return ne.evaluate("pixel_scale_y * y"), ne.evaluate("pixel_scale_x * x") else: return pixel_scale_y * y, pixel_scale_x * x
[docs] def coordinates(self): """ Return Y, X coordinates for this wavefront, in the manner of numpy.indices() This function knows about the offset resulting from FFTs. Use it whenever computing anything measured in wavefront coordinates. The behavior for Fresnel wavefronts is slightly different from Fraunhofer wavefronts, in that the optical axis is *not* the exact center of an array (the corner between pixels for an even number of pixels), but rather is a specific pixel (e.g. pixel 512,512 for a 1024x1024 array). This is for consistency with the array indexing convention used in FFTs since this class depends on FFTs rather than the more flexible matrix DFTs for its propagation. For Fresnel wavefronts, this depends on the focal length to get the image scale right. Returns ------- Y, X : array_like Wavefront coordinates in either meters or arcseconds for pupil and image, respectively """ y, x = type(self).pupil_coordinates(self._x, self._y, self._pixelscale_m) # If the wavefront been explicitly set to use angular units, # for instance at an image plane,then # then convert to angular coordinates using the focal length if self.angular_coordinates: if not np.isfinite(self.focal_length.value): raise ValueError("Cannot convert to angular units for a beam with infinite focal length") platescale = (1 * u.radian / self.focal_length).to(u.arcsec / u.m) _log.debug("Converting to angular coords using plate scale = {}".format(platescale)) y *= platescale.value x *= platescale.value return y, x
@property def pixelscale(self): """ Pixelscale, in meters by default or in arcseconds if angular_coordinates is True """ if self.angular_coordinates: return ((1 * u.radian / self.focal_length).to(u.arcsec / u.m)) * self._pixelscale_m else: return self._pixelscale_m @pixelscale.setter def pixelscale(self, value): if self.angular_coordinates: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set pixelscale of Fresnel wavefront while in angular units.") self._pixelscale_m = value @property def fov(self): """ FOV in arcseconds, if applicable""" if self.angular_coordinates: return np.asarray(self.wavefront.shape) * u.pixel * self.pixelscale else: return None # methods for optical propagation
[docs] @utils.quantity_input(z=u.meter) def propagate_direct(self, z): """ Implements the direct propagation algorithm as described in Andersen & Enmark (2011). Works best for far field propagation. Not part of the Gaussian beam propagation method. This algorithm was implemented early on as a cross-check for the main propagate_fresnel pathway which uses the angular spectrum method. In most cases you should use that; calling this method is not recommended in general for most use cases, unless you have a particular reason to do so. Parameters ---------- z : float or Astropy.Quantity length the distance from the current location to propagate the beam. """ self.angular_coordinates = False # coordinates must be in meters for propagation z_direct = y, x = self.coordinates() k = np.pi * 2.0 / s = self.n * u.pix * self.pixelscale # S is "simulation size" and has length of meters _log.debug( "Propagation Parameters: k={0:0.2e},".format(k) + "S={0:0.2e},".format(s) + "z={0:0.2e},".format(z_direct)) # TODO the following exponential code could be accelerated with numexpr quadphase_1st = xp.exp(1.0j * k * (x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2 * z_direct)) # eq. 6.68 quadphase_2nd = xp.exp(1.0j * k * z_direct) / (1.0j * * z_direct) * xp.exp( 1.0j * k * (x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2 * z_direct)) # eq. 6.70 stage1 = self.wavefront * quadphase_1st # eq.6.67 if z_direct > 0: result = accel_math._ifftshift(stage1) result = accel_math.fft_2d(result, forward=True, fftshift=False) result = accel_math._fftshift(result) result *= / u.pix).value ** 2 # eq.6.69 and #6.80 else: result = accel_math._fftshift(stage1) result = accel_math.fft_2d(result, forward=False, fftshift=False) result = accel_math._ifftshift(result) result *= / u.pix).value ** 2 * self.n ** 2 result *= quadphase_2nd # FIXME there is some inconsistency in the flux normalization here, possibly with the pixelscale scaling # As a result this function does not properly conserve energy (i.e. conserve total intensity) # Ideally this should be debugged but is not a priority to do so right now. _log.warning("caution, propagate_direct normalization does not preserve flux.") self.pixelscale = self.wavelength * abs(z) / s / u.pix self.wavefront = result self.history.append("Direct propagation to z= {0:0.2e}".format(z)) self.z += z
[docs] @utils.quantity_input(distance=u.meter) def propagate_to(self, optic, distance): """Propagates a wavefront object to the next optic in the list, after some separation distance (which might be zero). Modifies this wavefront object itself. Transformations between most planes use Fresnel propagation. If the target plane is an image plane, the output wavefront will be set to provide its coordinates in arcseconds based on its focal length, but it retains its internal dimensions in meters for future Fresnel propagations. Transformations to a Detector plane are handled separately to allow adjusting the pixel scale to match the target scale. Transformations from any frame through a rotation plane simply rotate the wavefront accordingly. Parameters ---------- optic : OpticalElement The optic to propagate to. Used for determining the appropriate optical plane. distance : astropy.Quantity of dimension length separation distance of this optic relative to the prior optic in the system. """ msg = " Propagating wavefront to {0} after distance {1} ".format(str(optic), distance) _log.debug(msg) self.history.append(msg) self.angular_coordinates = False # coordinates must be in meters for propagation # Apply Fresnel propagation for the specified distance, regardless of # what type of plane is next if distance != 0 * u.m: self.propagate_fresnel(distance) self.current_plane_index += 1 # Now we may do some further manipulations depending on the next plane if optic.planetype == PlaneType.rotation: # rotate self.rotate(optic.angle) self.location = 'after ' + elif optic.planetype == PlaneType.image: self.location = 'before ' + self.angular_coordinates = True # image planes want angular coordinates self.planetype = PlaneType.image # needed for back compatibility when using image plane optics elif optic.planetype == PlaneType.detector: self._resample_wavefront_pixelscale(optic) self.location = 'at detector ' + else: self.location = 'before ' +
@utils.quantity_input(dz=u.meter) def _propagate_ptp(self, dz): """ Plane-to-Plane Fresnel propagation. This function propagates a planar wavefront some distance while keeping it planar, yielding a planar output wavefront. This is used for propagation entirely within the Rayleigh distance of the beam waist. Parameters ---------- dz : float the distance from the current location to propagate the beam. References ---------- Lawrence eq. 82, 86,87 """ if self.spherical: raise RuntimeError( '_propagate_ptp can only start from a planar wavefront, but was called with a spherical one.') if isinstance(dz, u.quantity.Quantity): z_direct = # convert to meters. else: _log.warning("z= {0:0.2e}, has no units, assuming meters ".format(dz)) z_direct = dz if abs(dz) < 1 * u.Angstrom: _log.debug("Skipping small dz = " + str(dz)) # TODO: make this scale with physics and only skip un-interesting # distances instead of this arbitrary length -douglase return x, y = self.coordinates() # meters meter_per_pix = / u.pix).value rhosqr = accel_math._fftshift((x / (meter_per_pix ** 2 * self.n)) ** 2 + ( y / (meter_per_pix ** 2 * self.n)) ** 2) # Transfer Function of diffraction propagation eq. 22, eq. 87 wavelen_m = if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR: exp_t = ne.evaluate("exp(-1j * pi * wavelen_m * (z_direct) * rhosqr)") else: exp_t = xp.exp(-1j * np.pi * wavelen_m * z_direct * rhosqr) self._fft() self.wavefront *= exp_t # eq. 6.68 self._inv_fft() self.z += dz self.history.append("Propagated Plane-to-Plane, dz = " + str(z_direct)) @utils.quantity_input(dz=u.meter) def _propagate_wts(self, dz): """ Waist-to-Spherical Fresnel propagation This function propagates a planar input wavefront to become a spherical wavefront. The starting position should be within the Rayleigh distance of the waist, and the ending position will be outside of that. Parameters ---------- dz : float the distance from the current location to propagate the beam. References ---------- Lawrence eq. 83,88 """ _log.debug("Waist to Spherical propagation, dz=" + str(dz)) if self.spherical: raise RuntimeError( '_propagate_wts can only start from a planar wavefront, but was called with a spherical one.') if dz == 0: _log.error("Waist to Spherical propagation stopped, no change in distance.") return self *= _QuadPhaseShifted(dz) # SIGN CONVENTION: forward optical propagations want a positive sign in the complex exponential, which # numpy implements as an "inverse" FFT if dz > 0: self._inv_fft() else: self._fft() self.pixelscale = self.wavelength * abs(dz) / (self.n * u.pixel * self.pixelscale) / u.pixel self.z += dz self.history.append("Propagated Waist to Spherical, dz = " + str(dz)) self.spherical = True # wavefront is now spherical @utils.quantity_input(dz=u.meter) def _propagate_stw(self, dz): """Spherical-to-Waist Fresnel propagation This function propagates a spherical wavefront to become a planar wavefront. The starting position should be outside the Rayleigh distance of the waist, and the ending position will be inside of it. Parameters ---------- dz : float the distance from the current location to propagate the beam, in meters References ---------- Lawrence eq. 89 """ if not self.spherical: raise RuntimeError( '_propagate_stw can only start from a spherical wavefront, but was called with a planar one.') _log.debug("Spherical to Waist propagation, dz=" + str(dz)) if dz == 0 * u.meter: _log.error("Spherical to Waist propagation stopped, no change in distance.") return # SIGN CONVENTION: forward optical propagations want a positive sign in the complex exponential, which # numpy implements as an "inverse" FFT if dz > 0 * u.meter: self._inv_fft() else: self._fft() # update to new pixel scale before applying curvature self.pixelscale = self.wavelength * abs(dz) / (self.n * u.pixel * self.pixelscale) / u.pixel self *= _QuadPhaseShifted(dz) self.z += dz self.history.append("Propagated Spherical to Waist, dz = " + str(dz)) self.spherical = False # wavefront is now planar
[docs] def planar_range(self, z): """ Returns True if the input range z is within the Rayleigh range of the waist. Parameters ---------- z : float distance from the beam waist """ return abs(self.z_w0 - z) < self.z_r
[docs] @utils.quantity_input(delta_z=u.meter) def propagate_fresnel(self, delta_z, display_intermed=False): """Top-level routine for Fresnel diffraction propagation Each spherical wavefront is propagated to a waist and then to the next appropriate plane (spherical or planar). Parameters ---------- delta_z : float the distance from the current location to propagate the beam. display_intermed : boolean If True, display the complex start, intermediates waist and end surfaces. """ self.angular_coordinates = False # coordinates must be in meters for propagation z = self.z + delta_z if display_intermed: plt.figure() self.display('both', colorbar=True, title="Starting Surface") self.wavefront = accel_math._fftshift(self.wavefront) _log.debug("Beginning Fresnel Prop. Waist at z = " + str(self.z_w0)) if not self.spherical: if self.planar_range(z): # Plane waves inside planar range: use plane-to-plane _log.debug(' Plane to Plane Regime, dz=' + str(delta_z)) _log.debug(' Constant Pixelscale: {}'.format(self.pixelscale)) self._propagate_ptp(delta_z) else: # Plane wave to spherical. First use PTP to the waist, then WTS to Spherical _log.debug(' Plane to Spherical Regime, inside Z_R to outside Z_R') _log.debug(' Starting Pixelscale: {}'.format(self.pixelscale)) self._propagate_ptp(self.z_w0 - self.z) if display_intermed: plt.figure() self.display('both', colorbar=True) self._propagate_wts(z - self.z_w0) else: if self.planar_range(z): # Spherical to plane. First use STW to the waist, then PTP to the desired plane _log.debug(' Spherical to Plane Regime, outside Z_R to inside Z_R') self._propagate_stw(self.z_w0 - self.z) if display_intermed: plt.figure() self.display('both', colorbar=True, title='Intermediate Waist') self._propagate_ptp(z - self.z_w0) else: # Spherical to Spherical. First STW to the waist, then WTS to the desired spherical surface _log.debug(' Spherical to Spherical, Outside Z_R to waist (z_w0) to outside Z_R') _log.debug(' Starting Pixelscale: {}'.format(self.pixelscale)) self._propagate_stw(self.z_w0 - self.z) _log.debug(' Intermediate Pixelscale: {}'.format(self.pixelscale)) if display_intermed: plt.figure() self.display('both', colorbar=True, title='Intermediate Waist') self._propagate_wts(z - self.z_w0) if display_intermed: plt.figure() self.display('both', colorbar=True) self.wavefront = accel_math._fftshift(self.wavefront) self.planetype = PlaneType.intermediate _log.debug("------ Propagated to plane of type " + str(self.planetype) + " at z = {0:0.2e} ------".format(z))
def __imul__(self, optic): """Multiply a Wavefront by an OpticalElement or scalar""" if isinstance(optic, QuadraticLens): # Special case: if we have a lens, call the routine for that, # which will modify the properties of this wavefront more fundamentally # than most other optics, adjusting beam parameters and so forth self.apply_lens_power(optic) return self elif isinstance(optic, FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement): # Special case: if we have an FPM, call the routine for that, # which will apply an amplitude transmission to the wavefront. self.apply_image_plane_fftmft(optic) return self else: # Otherwise fall back to the parent class return super(FresnelWavefront, self).__imul__(optic)
[docs] def apply_lens_power(self, optic, ignore_wavefront=False): """ Adds lens wavefront curvature to the wavefront corresponding to the lens' focal length f_l, and updates the Gaussian beam parameters of the wavefront. Parameters ---------- optic : QuadraticLens An optic ignore_wavefront : boolean If True then only gaussian beam propagation parameters will be updated and the wavefront surface will not be calculated. Useful for quick calculations of gaussian laser beams """ _log.debug("------ Applying Lens: " + str( + " ------") _log.debug(" Pre-Lens Beam Parameters: " + self.param_str) # calculate beam radius at current surface spot_radius = self.spot_radius() _log.debug(" Beam radius at " + str( + " ={0:0.2e}".format(spot_radius)) # Is the incident beam planar or spherical? # We decided based on whether the last waist is outside the rayleigh distance. # I.e. here we neglect small curvature just away from the waist # Based on that, determine the radius of curvature of the output beam if abs(self.z_w0 - self.z) > self.rayleigh_factor * self.z_r: _log.debug("spherical beam") _log.debug(self.param_str) r_input_beam = self.z - self.z_w0 r_output_beam = 1.0 / (1.0 / self.r_c() - 1.0 / optic.fl) _log.debug( " input curved wavefront and " + str( + " has output beam curvature of ={0:0.2e}".format( r_output_beam)) else: r_input_beam = np.inf * u.m # we are at a focus or pupil, so the new optic is the only curvature of the beam r_output_beam = -1 * optic.fl _log.debug( " input flat wavefront and " + str( + " has output beam curvature of ={0:0.2e}".format( r_output_beam)) # update the wavefront parameters to the post-lens beam waist if self.r_c() == optic.fl: self.z_w0 = self.z self.w_0 = spot_radius*u.m _log.debug(str( + " has a flat output wavefront") else: self.z_w0 = -r_output_beam / ( 1.0 + (self.wavelength * r_output_beam / (np.pi * spot_radius ** 2)) ** 2) + self.z self.w_0 = spot_radius / np.sqrt(1.0 + (np.pi * spot_radius ** 2 / (self.wavelength * r_output_beam)) ** 2) _log.debug(str( + " has a curvature of ={0:0.2e}".format(r_output_beam)) _log.debug(str( + " has a curved output wavefront, with waist at {}".format(self.z_w0)) _log.debug("Post Optic Parameters:" + self.param_str) # Update the focal length of the beam. This is closely related to but tracked separately from # the beam waist and radius of curvature; we keep track of it to use in optional conversion # of coordinates to angular units. if not np.isfinite(self.focal_length): self.focal_length = 1 * optic.fl _log.debug("Set output beam focal length to {}".format(self.focal_length)) else: # determine magnification as the change in curvature of this optic mag = r_output_beam / r_input_beam self.focal_length *= mag _log.debug("Magnification: {} from R_in = {}, R_out = {}".format(mag, r_input_beam, r_output_beam)) _log.debug("Output beam focal length is now {}".format(self.focal_length)) self.waists_z.append( self.waists_w0.append( # update wavefront location: if optic.planetype != PlaneType.unspecified: self.planetype = optic.planetype if ignore_wavefront: # What we have done above is sufficient for Gaussian beam propagation, # and if that's all we're interested in we can skip updating the # wavefront array. _log.debug("------ Optic: " + str( + " applied, for Gaussian beam parameters only ------") return # Now we need to figure out the phase term to apply to the wavefront # data array if not self.spherical: if abs(self.z_w0 - self.z) < self.z_r: _log.debug('Near-field, Plane-to-Plane Propagation.') z_eff = 1 * optic.fl else: # find the radius of curvature of the lens output beam # curvatures are multiplicative exponentials # e^(1/z) = e^(1/x)*e^(1/y) = e^(1/x+1/y) -> 1/z = 1/x + 1/y # z = 1/(1/x+1/y) = xy/x+y z_eff = 1.0 / (1.0 / optic.fl + 1.0 / (self.z - self.z_w0)) _log.debug('Inside Rayleigh distance to Outside Rayleigh distance.') self.spherical = True else: # spherical input wavefront if abs(self.z_w0 - self.z) > self.z_r: _log.debug('Spherical to Spherical wavefront propagation.') _log.debug("1/fl={0:0.4e}".format(1.0 / optic.fl)) _log.debug("1.0/(R_input_beam)={0:0.4e}".format(1.0 / r_input_beam)) _log.debug("1.0/(self.z-self.z_w0)={0:0.4e}".format(1.0 / (self.z - self.z_w0))) if (self.z - self.z_w0) == 0: z_eff = 1.0 / (1.0 / optic.fl + 1.0 / (self.z - self.z_w0)) else: z_eff = 1.0 / (1.0 / optic.fl + 1.0 / (self.z - self.z_w0) - 1.0 / r_input_beam) else: _log.debug('Spherical to Planar.') z_eff = 1.0 / (1.0 / optic.fl - 1.0 / r_input_beam) self.spherical = False # Apply phase to the wavefront array effective_optic = QuadPhase(-z_eff, self *= effective_optic _log.debug("------ Optic: " + str( + " applied ------")
[docs] def apply_image_plane_fftmft(self, optic): """ Apply a focal plane mask using fft and mft methods to highly sample at the focal plane. Parameters ---------- optic : FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement """ _log.debug("------ Applying FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement using FFT and MFT sequence ------") # readjust pixelscale to wavelength being propagated fpm_pxscl_lamD = ( optic.pixelscale_lamD * / ).value # get the fpm phasor either using numexpr or numpy scale = 2. * np.pi / if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR: _log.debug("Calculating FPM phasor from numexpr.") trans = optic.get_transmission(self) opd = optic.get_opd(self) fpm_phasor = ne.evaluate("trans * exp(1j * opd * scale)") else: _log.debug("Calculating FPM phasor with Numpy/CuPy.") fpm_phasor = optic.get_transmission(self) * xp.exp(1j * optic.get_opd(self) * scale) nfpm = fpm_phasor.shape[0] n = self.wavefront.shape[0] nfpmlamD = nfpm*fpm_pxscl_lamD*self.oversample mft = poppy.matrixDFT.MatrixFourierTransform(centering=optic.centering) self.wavefront = accel_math._ifftshift(self.wavefront) self.wavefront = accel_math.fft_2d(self.wavefront, forward=False, fftshift=True) # do a forward FFT to virtual pupil self.wavefront = mft.perform(self.wavefront, nfpmlamD, nfpm) # MFT back to highly sampled focal plane self.wavefront *= fpm_phasor self.wavefront = mft.inverse(self.wavefront, nfpmlamD, n) # MFT to virtual pupil self.wavefront = accel_math.fft_2d(self.wavefront, forward=True, fftshift=True) # FFT back to focal plane self.wavefront = accel_math._fftshift(self.wavefront) _log.debug("------ FixedSamplingImagePlaneElement: " + str( + " applied ------")
def _resample_wavefront_pixelscale(self, detector): """ Resample a Fresnel wavefront to a desired detector sampling. The interpolation is done via the scipy.ndimage.zoom function, by default using cubic interpolation. If you wish a different order of interpolation, set the `.interp_order` attribute of the detector instance. Parameters ---------- detector : Detector class instance Detector that defines the desired pixel scale Returns ------- The wavefront object is modified to have the appropriate pixel scale and spatial extent. """ if self.angular_coordinates: raise NotImplementedError("Resampling to detector doesn't yet work in angular coordinates for Fresnel.") pixscale_ratio = (self.pixelscale / detector.pixelscale).decompose().value if np.abs(pixscale_ratio - 1.0) < 1e-3: _log.debug("Wavefront is already at desired pixel scale " "{:.4g}. No resampling needed.".format(self.pixelscale)) self.wavefront = utils.pad_or_crop_to_shape(self.wavefront, detector.shape) return super(FresnelWavefront, self)._resample_wavefront_pixelscale(detector) self.n = detector.shape[0]
[docs] @classmethod def from_wavefront(cls, wavefront): """Convert a Fraunhofer type wavefront object to a Fresnel one Note, for now this function only works if the input wavefront is at a pupil plane, so the Fraunhofer wavefront has pixelscale in meters/pix rather than arcsec/pix. Conversion from image planes may be added later. Parameters ---------- wavefront : Wavefront The (Fraunhofer-type) wavefront to be converted """ # Generate a Fresnel wavefront with the same sampling wf = wavefront if wf.planetype == PlaneType.image: raise NotImplementedError("Conversion from image planes to Fresnel is not yet implemented.") if wf.ispadded: beam_radius = wf.wavefront.shape[0] / wf.oversample / 2 * wf.pixelscale * u.pixel else: beam_radius = wf.wavefront.shape[0] / 2 * wf.pixelscale * u.pixel new_wf = FresnelWavefront(beam_radius=beam_radius, npix=wf.shape[0], oversample=wf.oversample, wavelength=wf.wavelength) # Deal with metadata new_wf.history = wf.history.copy() new_wf.history.append("Converted to Fresnel propagation") new_wf.history.append(" Fresnel array pixel scale = {:.4g}, oversample = {}".format(new_wf.pixelscale, new_wf.oversample)) # Copy over the contents of the array new_wf.wavefront = utils.pad_to_size(wf.wavefront, new_wf.shape) # Copy over misc internal info if hasattr(wf, '_display_hint_expected_nplanes'): new_wf._display_hint_expected_nplanes = wf._display_hint_expected_nplanes new_wf.current_plane_index = wf.current_plane_index new_wf.location = wf.location return new_wf
[docs] class FresnelOpticalSystem(BaseOpticalSystem): """ Class representing a series of optical elements, through which light can be propagated using the Fresnel formalism. This is comparable to the "regular" (Fraunhofer-domain) OpticalSystem, but adds functionality for propagation to arbitrary optical planes rather than just pupil and image planes. Parameters ---------- name : string descriptive name of optical system pupil_diameter : astropy.Quantity of dimension length Diameter of entrance pupil npix : int Number of pixels across the entrance pupil by default 1024 beam_ratio : float Padding factor for the entrance pupil; what fraction of the array should correspond to the entrance pupil. Default is 0.5, which corresponds to Nyquist sampling (2 pixels per resolution element) verbose : bool whether to be more verbose with log output while computing """ @u.quantity_input(pupil_diameter=u.m) def __init__(self, name="unnamed system", pupil_diameter=1 * u.m, npix=1024, beam_ratio=0.5, verbose=True): super(FresnelOpticalSystem, self).__init__(name=name, verbose=verbose) self.pupil_diameter = pupil_diameter self.beam_ratio = beam_ratio del self.oversample # use beam_ratio instead for fresnel systems self.npix = npix self.distances = [] # distance along the optical axis to each successive optic
[docs] @u.quantity_input(distance=u.m) def add_optic(self, optic=None, distance=0.0 * u.m, index=None): """ Add an optic to the optical system Parameters ---------- optic : OpticalElement instance Some optic distance : astropy.Quantity of dimension length separation distance of this optic relative to the prior optic in the system. index : int Index at which to insert the new optical element """ if index is None: # Optic is appended to the end of the system self.planes.append(optic) self.distances.append( else: # Insert the optic into the middle of the beam train somewhere self.planes.insert(index, optic) self.distances.insert(index, if self.verbose:"Added optic: {0} after separation: {1:.2e} ".format(self.planes[-1].name, distance)) return optic
[docs] @u.quantity_input(distance=u.m, pixelscale=u.micron / u.pixel) def add_detector(self, pixelscale=10 * u.micron / u.pixel, fov_pixels=10 * u.pixel, distance=0.0 * u.m): """ Add a detector to the optical system Parameters ---------- pixelscale : astropy.Quantity, with units micron/pixel or equivalent The pixel scale at the detector fov_pixels : astropy.Quantity with units pixel The number of pixels per axis of the detector. Assumes square detector. distance : astropy.Quantity of dimension length separation distance of this optic relative to the prior optic in the system. """ super(FresnelOpticalSystem, self).add_detector(pixelscale=pixelscale, fov_pixels=fov_pixels) self.distances.append(distance) if self.verbose:"Added detector: {0} after separation: {1:.2e} ".format(self.planes[-1].name, distance))
[docs] @utils.quantity_input(wavelength=u.meter) def input_wavefront(self, wavelength=1e-6 * u.meter, inwave=None): """Create a Wavefront object suitable for sending through a given optical system. Uses self.source_offset to assign an off-axis tilt, if requested. (FIXME does not work for Fresnel yet) Parameters ---------- wavelength : float Wavelength in meters Returns ------- wavefront : poppy.fresnel.FresnelWavefront instance A wavefront appropriate for passing through this optical system. """ oversample = 1 / self.beam_ratio if inwave is None: inwave = FresnelWavefront(self.pupil_diameter / 2, wavelength=wavelength, npix=self.npix, oversample=oversample) elif isinstance(inwave, poppy.FresnelWavefront):'Using user-defined FresnelWavefront() for the input wavefront of the FresnelOpticalSystem().') else: raise ValueError("Input wavefront must be a FresnelWavefront() object or None, when using FresnelOpticalSystem().") _log.debug("Input wavefront has wavelength={0} microns, npix={1}, diam={3}, pixel scale={2}".format(, self.npix, self.pupil_diameter / (self.npix * u.pixel), self.pupil_diameter)) inwave._display_hint_expected_nplanes = len(self) # For displaying a multi-step calculation nicely return inwave
[docs] def propagate(self, wavefront, normalize='none', return_intermediates=False, display_intermediates=False): """ Core low-level routine for propagating a wavefront through an optical system See docstring of OpticalSystem.propagate for details """ intermediate_wfs = [] for optic, distance in zip(self.planes, self.distances): if poppy.conf.enable_speed_tests: # pragma: no cover s0 = time.time() # The actual propagation: wavefront.propagate_to(optic, distance) wavefront *= optic # Normalize if appropriate: if normalize.lower() == 'first' and wavefront.current_plane_index == 1: # set entrance plane to 1. wavefront.normalize() _log.debug("normalizing at first plane (entrance pupil) to 1.0 total intensity") elif normalize.lower() == 'first=2' and wavefront.current_plane_index == 1: # this undocumented option is present only for testing/validation purposes wavefront.normalize() wavefront *= np.sqrt(2) elif normalize.lower() == 'exit_pupil': # normalize the last pupil in the system to 1 last_pupil_plane_index = np.where( np.asarray([p.planetype is PlaneType.pupil for p in self.planes]))[0].max() + 1 if wavefront.current_plane_index == last_pupil_plane_index: wavefront.normalize() _log.debug( "normalizing at exit pupil (plane {0}) to 1.0 total intensity".format(wavefront.current_plane_index)) elif normalize.lower() == 'last' and wavefront.current_plane_index == len(self.planes): wavefront.normalize() _log.debug("normalizing at last plane to 1.0 total intensity") # Optional outputs: if poppy.conf.enable_flux_tests: _log.debug(" Flux === " + str(wavefront.total_intensity)) if return_intermediates: # save intermediate wavefront, summed for polychromatic if needed intermediate_wfs.append(wavefront.copy()) if poppy.conf.enable_speed_tests: # pragma: no cover s1 = time.time() _log.debug(f"\tTIME {s1-s0:.4f} s\t for propagating past optic '{}'.") if display_intermediates: if poppy.conf.enable_speed_tests: # pragma: no cover t0 = time.time() wavefront._display_after_optic(optic) if poppy.conf.enable_speed_tests: # pragma: no cover t1 = time.time() _log.debug("\tTIME %f s\t for displaying the wavefront." % (t1 - t0)) if poppy.conf.enable_speed_tests: # pragma: no cover t_stop = time.time() _log.debug("\tTIME %f s\tfor propagating one wavelength" % (t_stop - t_start)) if return_intermediates: return wavefront, intermediate_wfs else: return wavefront
[docs] def describe(self): """ Print out a string table describing all planes in an optical system""" res = (str(self) + "\n\tEntrance pupil diam: {0}\tnpix: {1}\tBeam ratio:{2}".format(self.pupil_diameter, self.npix, self.beam_ratio)) for optic, distance in zip(self.planes, self.distances): if distance != 0: res += "\n\tPropagation distance: {0}".format(distance) res += "\n\t" + str(optic) print(res)