Analytic optical element classes to introduce a specified wavefront
error in an OpticalSystem
* ZernikeWFE
* ParameterizedWFE (for use with hexike or zernike basis functions)
* SineWaveWFE
* TODO: MultiSineWaveWFE ?
* TODO: PowerSpectrumWFE
* TODO: KolmogorovWFE
import numpy as np
import collections
from functools import wraps
import astropy.units as u
from .optics import AnalyticOpticalElement, CircularAperture
from .poppy_core import Wavefront, PlaneType, BaseWavefront
from poppy.fresnel import FresnelWavefront
from .physical_wavefront import PhysicalFresnelWavefront
from . import zernike
from . import utils
from . import accel_math
from .accel_math import xp, ensure_not_on_gpu
__all__ = ['WavefrontError', 'ParameterizedWFE', 'ZernikeWFE', 'SineWaveWFE',
'StatisticalPSDWFE', 'PowerSpectrumWFE', 'KolmogorovWFE', 'ThermalBloomingWFE']
def _check_wavefront_arg(f):
"""Decorator that ensures the first positional method argument
is a poppy.Wavefront or FresnelWavefront
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(args[1], BaseWavefront):
raise ValueError("The first argument must be a Wavefront or FresnelWavefront object.")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class WavefrontError(AnalyticOpticalElement):
"""A base class for different sources of wavefront error
Analytic optical elements that represent wavefront error should
derive from this class and override methods appropriately.
Defined to be a pupil-plane optic.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'planetype' not in kwargs:
kwargs['planetype'] = PlaneType.pupil
super(WavefrontError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# in general we will want to see phase rather than intensity at this plane
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'phase'
def get_opd(self, wave):
"""Construct the optical path difference array for a wavefront error source
as evaluated across the pupil for an input wavefront `wave`
wave : Wavefront
Wavefront object with a `coordinates` method that returns (y, x)
coordinate arrays in meters in the pupil plane
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
def rms(self):
"""RMS wavefront error induced by this surface"""
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
def peaktovalley(self):
"""Peak-to-valley wavefront error induced by this surface"""
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
def _wave_y_x_to_rho_theta(y, x, pupil_radius):
Return wave coordinates in (rho, theta) for a Wavefront object
normalized such that rho == 1.0 at the pupil radius
wave : Wavefront
Wavefront object with a `coordinates` method that returns (y, x)
coordinate arrays in meters in the pupil plane
pupil_radius : float
Radius (in meters) of a circle circumscribing the pupil.
if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR and not accel_math._USE_CUPY:
rho = accel_math.ne.evaluate("sqrt(x**2+y**2)/pupil_radius")
theta = accel_math.ne.evaluate("arctan2(y / pupil_radius, x / pupil_radius)")
rho = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / pupil_radius
theta = xp.arctan2(y / pupil_radius, x / pupil_radius)
return rho, theta
class ParameterizedWFE(WavefrontError):
Define an optical element in terms of its distortion as decomposed
into a set of orthonormal basis functions (e.g. Zernikes,
Hexikes, etc.). Included basis functions are normalized such that
user-provided coefficients correspond to meters RMS wavefront
aberration for that basis function.
coefficients : iterable of numbers
The contribution of each term to the final distortion, in meters
RMS wavefront error. The coefficients are interpreted as indices
in the order of Noll et al. 1976: the first term corresponds to
j=1, second to j=2, and so on.
radius : float
Pupil radius, in meters. Defines the region of the input
wavefront array over which the distortion terms will be
evaluated. For non-circular pupils, this should be the circle
circumscribing the actual pupil shape.
basis_factory : callable
basis_factory will be called with the arguments `nterms`, `rho`,
`theta`, and `outside`.
`nterms` specifies how many terms to compute, starting with the
j=1 term in the Noll indexing convention for `nterms` = 1 and
counting up.
`rho` and `theta` are square arrays holding the rho and theta
coordinates at each pixel in the pupil plane. `rho` is
normalized such that `rho` == 1.0 for pixels at `radius` meters
from the center.
`outside` contains the value to assign pixels outside the
radius `rho` == 1.0. (Always 0.0, but provided for
compatibility with `zernike.zernike_basis` and
@utils.quantity_input(coefficients=u.meter, radius=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="Parameterized Distortion", coefficients=None, radius=1*u.meter,
basis_factory=None, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(basis_factory, collections.abc.Callable):
raise ValueError("'basis_factory' must be a callable that can "
"calculate basis functions")
self.radius = radius
self.coefficients = coefficients
self.basis_factory = basis_factory
self._default_display_size = radius * 3
super(ParameterizedWFE, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
def get_opd(self, wave):
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
rho, theta = _wave_y_x_to_rho_theta(y, x, self.radius.to(u.meter).value)
combined_distortion = xp.zeros(rho.shape)
nterms = len(self.coefficients)
computed_terms = self.basis_factory(nterms=nterms, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=0.0)
for idx, coefficient in enumerate(self.coefficients):
if coefficient == 0.0:
continue # save the trouble of a multiply-and-add of zeros
coefficient_in_m = coefficient.to(u.meter).value
combined_distortion += coefficient_in_m * computed_terms[idx]
return combined_distortion
class ZernikeWFE(WavefrontError):
Define an optical element in terms of its Zernike components by
providing coefficients for each Zernike term contributing to the
analytic optical element.
coefficients : iterable of floats
Specifies the coefficients for the Zernike terms, ordered
according to the convention of Noll et al. JOSA 1976. The
coefficient is in meters of optical path difference (not waves).
radius : float
Pupil radius, in meters, over which the Zernike terms should be
computed such that rho = 1 at r = `radius`.
@utils.quantity_input(coefficients=u.meter, radius=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="Zernike WFE", coefficients=None, radius=None,
aperture_stop=False, **kwargs):
if radius is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify a radius for the unit circle "
"over which the Zernike polynomials are normalized")
self.radius = radius
self.aperture_stop = aperture_stop
self.coefficients = coefficients
self.circular_aperture = CircularAperture(radius=self.radius, gray_pixel=False, **kwargs)
self._default_display_size = radius * 3
kwargs.update({'name': name})
super(ZernikeWFE, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def get_opd(self, wave):
wave : poppy.Wavefront (or float)
Incoming Wavefront before this optic to set wavelength and
scale, or a float giving the wavelength in meters
for a temporary Wavefront used to compute the OPD.
# the Zernike optic, being normalized on a circle, is
# implicitly also a circular aperture:
aperture_intensity = self.circular_aperture.get_transmission(wave)
pixelscale_m = wave.pixelscale.to(u.meter / u.pixel).value
# whether we can use pre-cached zernikes for speed depends on whether
# there are any coord offsets. See #229
has_offset_coords = (hasattr(self, "shift_x") or hasattr(self, "shift_y")
or hasattr(self, "rotation"))
if has_offset_coords:
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
rho, theta = _wave_y_x_to_rho_theta(y, x, self.radius.to(u.meter).value)
combined_zernikes = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=xp.float64)
for j, k in enumerate(self.coefficients, start=1):
k_in_m = k.to(u.meter).value
if has_offset_coords:
combined_zernikes += k_in_m * zernike.zernike1(
combined_zernikes += k_in_m * zernike.cached_zernike1(
except TypeError: # can't use cached_zernikes if the user changed between CPU and CuPy
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
rho, theta = _wave_y_x_to_rho_theta(y, x, self.radius.to(u.meter).value)
combined_zernikes += k_in_m * zernike.zernike1(
combined_zernikes[aperture_intensity==0] = 0
return combined_zernikes
def get_transmission(self, wave):
if self.aperture_stop:
return self.circular_aperture.get_transmission(wave)
return xp.ones(wave.shape)
class SineWaveWFE(WavefrontError):
""" A single sine wave ripple across the optic
Specified as a a spatial frequency in cycles per meter, an optional phase offset in cycles,
and an amplitude.
By default the wave is oriented in the X direction.
Like any AnalyticOpticalElement class, you can also specify a rotation parameter to
rotate the direction of the sine wave.
(N.b. we intentionally avoid letting users specify this in terms of a spatial wavelength
because that would risk potential ambiguity with the wavelength of light.)
@utils.quantity_input(spatialfreq=1. / u.meter, amplitude=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name='Sine WFE', spatialfreq=1.0, amplitude=1e-6, phaseoffset=0, **kwargs):
super(WavefrontError, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.sine_spatial_freq = spatialfreq
self.sine_phase_offset = phaseoffset
# note, can't call this next one 'amplitude' since that's already a property
self.sine_amplitude = amplitude
def get_opd(self, wave):
wave : poppy.Wavefront (or float)
Incoming Wavefront before this optic to set wavelength and
scale, or a float giving the wavelength in meters
for a temporary Wavefront used to compute the OPD.
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave) # in meters
opd = self.sine_amplitude.to(u.meter).value * \
np.sin(2 * np.pi * (x * self.sine_spatial_freq.to(1 / u.meter).value + self.sine_phase_offset))
return opd
class StatisticalPSDWFE(WavefrontError):
Statistical PSD WFE class from power law for optical noise.
name : string
name of the optic
index: float
negative power law spectra index, defaults to 3
wfe: astropy quantity
wfe in linear astropy units, defaults to 50 nm
radius: astropy quantity
radius of optic in linear astropy units, defaults to 1 m
seed : integer
seed for the random phase screen generator
@utils.quantity_input(wfe=u.nm, radius=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name='PSD WFE', index=3.0, wfe=50*u.nm, radius=1*u.meter, seed=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.index = index
self.wfe = wfe
self.radius = radius
self.seed = seed
def get_opd(self, wave):
wave : poppy.Wavefront (or float)
Incoming Wavefront before this optic to set wavelength and
scale, or a float giving the wavelength in meters
for a temporary Wavefront used to compute the OPD.
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
rho, theta = _wave_y_x_to_rho_theta(y, x, self.radius.to(u.meter).value)
rho[rho == 0] = 0.00001 # get rid of infinity: see Issue #452
psd = xp.power(rho, -self.index) # generate power-law PSD
psd_random_state = xp.random.RandomState()
psd_random_state.seed(self.seed) # if provided, set a seed for random number generator
rndm_phase = psd_random_state.normal(size=(len(y), len(x))) # generate random phase screen
rndm_psd = xp.fft.fftshift(xp.fft.fft2(xp.fft.fftshift(rndm_phase))) # FT of random phase screen to get random PSD
scaled = xp.sqrt(psd) * rndm_psd # scale random PSD by power-law PSD
phase_screen = xp.fft.ifftshift(xp.fft.ifft2(xp.fft.ifftshift(scaled))).real # FT of scaled random PSD makes phase screen
phase_screen -= xp.mean(phase_screen) # force zero-mean
self.opd = phase_screen / xp.std(phase_screen) * self.wfe.to(u.m).value # normalize to wanted input rms wfe
return self.opd
class PowerSpectrumWFE(WavefrontError):
WFE model specified via a Power Spectral Density (PSD),
or a list of multiple PSDs, which follow von Karman PSD model:
:math:`P(k) = \frac{\beta} {\left( \left(\frac{1}{L_{0}}\right)^{2} + |k|^{2} \right)^{{\alpha/2}}} e^{-(|k|l_{0})^{2}} + \beta_{sr}`
P : astropy quantity
Power Spectral Density at a spatial frequency.
Units: :math: `m^{2}m^{2}`
Assumes surface units of meters (first :math: `m^{2}`)
k : astropy quantity
Spatial frequency value, units 1/m
:math:`\alpha` : float
The PSD index value
:math:`\beta` : astropy quantity
The normalization constant. In units of :math: `\frac{m^{2}}{m^{\alpha-2}}`
Numerator assumes surface units of meters
Denominator assumes spatial frequency units are 1/m
:math:`L_{0}` : astropy quantity
The outer scale value, where the low spatial frequency flattens. Units: m
:math:`l_{0}` : float
Inner scale value, where the high spatial frequency flattens.
:math:`\beta_{sr}` : astropy quantity
Surface roughness normalization. Should match units of PSD.
* Males, Jared. MagAO-X Preliminary-Design Review,
Section 5.1: Optics Specifications, Eqn 1
* Lumbres, et al. In Prep.
name : string
name of the optic
psd_parameters: list (for single PSD set) or list of lists (multiple PSDs)
List of specified PSD parameters.
If there are multiple PSDs, then each list element is a list of specified PSD parameters.
i.e. [ [PSD_list_0], [PSD_list_1]]
The PSD parameters in a list are ordered as follows:
[alpha, beta, outer_scale, inner_scale, surf_roughness]
alpha : float
The PSD index value.
beta : astropy quantity
The normalization constant. In units of :math: `\frac{m^{2}}{m^{\alpha-2}}`
Numerator assumes surface units of meters
Denominator assumes spatial frequency units are 1/m
outer_scale : astropy quantity
The outer scale value, where the low spatial frequency flattens.
Unit requirement: meters
inner_scale : float
Inner scale value, where the high spatial frequency flattens.
surf_roughness : astropy quantity
Surface roughness normalization. Should match units of PSD.
psd_weight : iterable list of floats
Specifies the weight multiplier to set onto each model PSD
seed : integer
Seed for the random phase screen generator
apply_reflection : boolean
Applies 2x scale for the OPD as needed for reflection.
Default to False.
Set to True if the PSD model only accounts for surface.
screen_size : integer
Sets how large the PSD matrix will be calculated.
The PSD matrix needs to be larger than the wavefront for Fourier transform padding purposes.
If None passed in, then code will default size to 4x wavefront's side.
Default to None.
rms : astropy quantity
Optional. Use this to force the wfe RMS
If a value is passed in, this is the surface rms value (not OPD) in meters.
If None passed, then the wfe RMS produced is what shows up in PSD calculation.
Default to None.
incident_angle : astropy quantity
Adjusts the WFE based on reflected beam distortion.
Does not distort the beam (remains circular), but will get the rms equivalent value.
Can be passed as either degrees or radians.
Default is 0 degrees (paraxial).
radius : astropy quantity
Optional. However, mandatory if rms parameter is passed.
If a value is passed in, this is the beam radius value for calculating
the generated WFE rms to compare with the normalized rms value.
Default to None.
@utils.quantity_input(rms=u.nm, radius=u.meter, incident_angle=u.deg)
def __init__(self, name='Model PSD WFE', psd_parameters=None, psd_weight=None,
seed=None, apply_reflection=False, screen_size=None, rms=None,
incident_angle=0*u.deg, radius=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.psd_parameters = psd_parameters
self.seed = seed
self.apply_reflection = apply_reflection
self.screen_size = screen_size
self.rms = rms
if self.rms is not None and radius is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify a radius for rms normalization.")
self.radius = radius
# check incident angle units
if incident_angle >= 90*u.deg:
raise ValueError("Incident angle must be less than 90 degrees, or equivalent in other units.")
self.incident_angle = incident_angle
if psd_weight is None:
self.psd_weight = xp.ones((len(psd_parameters))) # default to equal weights
self.psd_weight = psd_weight
def get_opd(self, wave):
wave : poppy.Wavefront (or float)
Incoming Wavefront before this optic to set wavelength and
scale, or a float giving the wavelength in meters
for a temporary Wavefront used to compute the OPD.
# check that screen size is at least larger than wavefront size
wave_size = wave.shape[0]
if wave.ispadded is True: # get true wave size if padded to oversample.
wave_size = int(wave_size/wave.oversample)
# check that screen size exists
if self.screen_size is None:
self.screen_size = wave.shape[0]
if wave.ispadded is False: # sometimes the wave is not padded.
self.screen_size = self.screen_size * 4 # default 4x, open for discussion
elif self.screen_size < wave_size:
raise Exception('PSD screen size smaller than wavefront size, recommend at least 2x larger')
# get pixelscale to calculate spatial frequency spacing
dk = 1/(self.screen_size * wave.pixelscale * u.pix) # eliminate the pixel units
# build spatial frequency map
cen = int(self.screen_size/2)
maskY, maskX = xp.mgrid[-cen:cen, -cen:cen]
ky = maskY*dk.to_value(1./u.m)
kx = maskX*dk.to_value(1./u.m)
k_map = xp.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2) # unitless for the math, but actually 1/m
# calculate the PSD
psd = xp.zeros_like(k_map) # initialize the total PSD matrix
for n in range(0, len(self.psd_weight)):
# loop-internal localized PSD variables
alpha = self.psd_parameters[n][0]
beta = self.psd_parameters[n][1]
outer_scale = self.psd_parameters[n][2]
inner_scale = self.psd_parameters[n][3]
surf_roughness = self.psd_parameters[n][4]
# unit check
psd_units = beta.unit / ((dk.unit**2)**(alpha/2))
assert surf_roughness.unit == psd_units, "PSD parameter units are not consistent, please re-evaluate parameters."
surf_unit = (psd_units*(dk.unit**2))**(0.5)
# initialize loop-internal PSD matrix
psd_local = xp.zeros_like(psd)
# Calculate the PSD equation denominator based on outer_scale presence
if outer_scale.value == 0: # skip out or else PSD explodes
# temporary overwrite of k_map at k=0 to stop div/0 problem
k_map[cen][cen] = 1*dk.value
# calculate PSD as normal
psd_denom = (k_map**2)**(alpha/2)
# calculate the immediate PSD value
psd_interm = (beta.value*xp.exp(-((k_map*inner_scale)**2))/psd_denom)
# overwrite PSD at k=0 to be 0 instead of the original infinity
psd_interm[cen][cen] = 0
# return k_map to original state
k_map[cen][cen] = 0
psd_denom = ((outer_scale.value**(-2)) + (k_map**2))**(alpha/2) # unitless currently
psd_interm = (beta.value*xp.exp(-((k_map*inner_scale)**2))/psd_denom)
# apply surface roughness
psd_interm = psd_interm + surf_roughness.value
# apply as the sum with the weight of the PSD model
psd = psd + (self.psd_weight[n] * psd_interm) # this should all be m2 [surf_unit]2, but stay unitless for all calculations
# set the random noise
psd_random = xp.random.RandomState()
rndm_noise = xp.fft.fftshift(xp.fft.fft2(psd_random.normal(size=(self.screen_size, self.screen_size))))
psd_scaled = (xp.sqrt(psd/(wave.pixelscale.value**2)) * rndm_noise)
# opd = ((np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(psd_scaled)).real*surf_unit).to(u.m)).value
# opd = ((xp.fft.ifft2(xp.fft.ifftshift(psd_scaled)).real))*1e-9 # this is assuming the opd is calculated in nm
opd = ((xp.fft.ifft2(xp.fft.ifftshift(psd_scaled)).real))*(1*surf_unit).to_value(u.m) # fixed the hardcoded 1e-9
# Set rms value based on the active region of beam
if self.rms is not None:
circ = CircularAperture(name='beam diameter', radius=self.radius)
ap = circ.get_transmission(wave)
opd_crop = utils.pad_or_crop_to_shape(array=opd, target_shape=wave.shape)
active_ap = opd_crop[ap==True]
rms_measure = xp.sqrt(xp.mean(xp.square(active_ap))) # measured rms from aperture
opd *= self.rms.to(u.m).value/rms_measure # appropriately scales entire OPD
# apply the angle adjustment for rms
if self.incident_angle.value != 0:
opd /= np.cos(self.incident_angle.to(u.radian).value) # for cupy, convert angle to radians to use just the value
# Set reflection OPD
if self.apply_reflection == True:
opd *= 2
# Resize PSD screen to shape of wavefront
if self.screen_size > wave.shape[0]: # crop to wave shape if needed
opd = utils.pad_or_crop_to_shape(array=opd, target_shape=wave.shape)
self.opd = opd
return self.opd
class KolmogorovWFE(WavefrontError):
""" A turbulent phase screen.
This is an implementation of a turbulent phase screen as by the
Kolmogorov theory of turbulence.
r0 : astropy.quantity
Fried parameter (m).
Cn2 : astropy.quantity
Index-of-refraction structure constant (m^{-2/3}).
dz : astropy.quantity
Propagation distance (m).
inner_scale : astropy.quantity
Inner scale of the turbulence (m). The inner scale affects the
calculation results if kind = 'von Karman', 'Tatarski', or 'Hill'.
outer_scale : astropy.quantity
Outer scale of the turbulence (m). The outer scale only affects the
calculation results if kind='von Karman'.
kind : string
Kind of the spatial power spectrum. Must be one of 'Kolmogorov',
'Tatarski', 'von Karman', 'Hill'.
seed : integer
Seed for the random number generator when creating the phase screen.
This can be helpful when multiple fields (for example different modes)
should propagate through an identical atmosphere.
For a general overview of the Kolmogorov theory, read
L. C. Andrews and R. L. Phillips, Laser Beam Propagation Through Random
Media, 2nd ed. (Society of Photo Optical, 2005).
Other relevant references are mentioned in the respective functions.
@utils.quantity_input(r0=u.meter, Cn2=u.meter**(-2/3), dz=u.meter,
inner_scale=u.meter, outer_scale=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="Kolmogorov WFE", r0=None, Cn2=None, dz=None,
inner_scale=None, outer_scale=None, kind='Kolmogorov',
seed=None, **kwargs):
if dz is None and not all(item is not None for item in [r0, Cn2]):
raise ValueError('To prepare a turbulent phase screen, dz and either Cn2 or r0 must be given.')
super(KolmogorovWFE, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.r0 = r0
self.Cn2 = Cn2
self.seed = seed
self.dz = dz
self.inner_scale = inner_scale
self.outer_scale = outer_scale
self.kind = kind
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Returns an optical path difference for a turbulent phase screen.
wave : wavefront object
Wavefront to calculate the phase screen for.
J. A. Fleck Jr, J. R. Morris, and M. D. Feit, Appl. Phys. 10, 129 (1976).
E. M. Johansson and D. T. Gavel,
in Proc. SPIE, edited by J. B. Breckinridge
(International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1994), pp. 372–383.
B. J. Herman and L. A. Strugala, in Proc. SPIE,
edited by P. B. Ulrich and L. E. Wilson
(International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1990), pp. 183–192.
G. Gbur, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2038 (2014).
D. L. Knepp, Proc. IEEE 71, 722 (1983).
npix = wave.shape[0]
pixelscale = wave.pixelscale.to(u.m/u.pixel) * u.pix
dq = 2.0*np.pi/npix/pixelscale
# create complex random numbers with required symmetry
a = self.rand_turbulent(npix)
# get phase spectrum
phi = self.power_spectrum(wave=wave, kind=self.kind)
# calculate OPD
# Note: Factor dq consequence of delta function having a unit
opd_FFT = dq.value*a*xp.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*self.dz.to_value(u.m)*phi)
opd = npix**2*xp.fft.ifft2(opd_FFT)
self.opd = xp.real(opd)
return self.opd
def get_Cn2(self, wavelength):
""" Returns the index-of-refraction structure constant (m^-2/3).
wavelength : float
The wavelength (m).
B. J. Herman and L. A. Strugala, in Proc. SPIE,
edited by P. B. Ulrich and L. E. Wilson
(International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1990), pp. 183–192.
if all(item is not None for item in [self.r0, self.dz]):
r0 = self.r0.to(u.m)
wavelength2 = wavelength.to(u.m)**2
return wavelength2/self.dz * (r0/0.185)**(-5.0/3.0)
elif self.Cn2 is not None:
return self.Cn2.to(u.m**(-2/3))
def rand_symmetrized(self, npix, sign):
""" Returns a real-valued random number array of shape (npix, npix)
with the symmetry required for a turbulent phase screen.
npix : int
Number of pixels.
sign : int
Sign of mirror symmetry. Must be either +1 or -1.
Eq. (65) in J. A. Fleck Jr, J. R. Morris, and M. D. Feit,
Appl. Phys. 10, 129 (1976).
if np.abs(sign) != 1:
raise ValueError("sign must be either +1 or -1")
sign = float(sign)
# create Gaussian, zero-mean, unit variance random numbers
random_numbers = xp.random.RandomState()
a = random_numbers.normal(size=(npix, npix))
# apply required symmetry
a[0, int(npix/2)+1:npix] = sign*a[0, 1:int(npix/2)][::-1]
a[int(npix/2)+1:npix, 0] = sign*a[1:int(npix/2), 0][::-1]
a[int(npix/2)+1:npix, int(npix/2)+1:npix] = sign*xp.rot90(a[1:int(npix/2), 1:int(npix/2)], 2)
a[int(npix/2)+1:npix, 1:int(npix/2)] = sign*xp.rot90(a[1:int(npix/2), int(npix/2)+1:npix], 2)
# remove any overall phase resulting from the zero-frequency component
a[0, 0] = 0.0
return a
def rand_turbulent(self, npix):
""" Returns a complex-valued random number array of shape (npix, npix)
with the symmetry required for a turbulent phase screen.
npix : int
Number of pixels.
Eq. (63) in J. A. Fleck Jr, J. R. Morris, and M. D. Feit,
Appl. Phys. 10, 129 (1976).
# create real-valued random numbers with required symmetry
a = self.rand_symmetrized(npix, 1)
b = self.rand_symmetrized(npix, -1)
# create complex-valued random number with required variance
c = (a + 1j*b)/np.sqrt(2.0)
return c
def power_spectrum(self, wave, kind='Kolmogorov'):
""" Returns the spatial power spectrum.
wave : wavefront object
Wavefront to calculate the power spectrum for.
kind : string
The type of the power spectrum, must be one of 'Kolmogorov',
'Tatarski', 'von Karman', 'Hill'.
G. Gbur, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2038 (2014).
R. Frehlich, Appl. Opt. 39, 393 (2000).
if not any(kind==item for item in ['Kolmogorov', 'Tatarski', 'von Karman', 'Hill']):
raise ValueError('Kind of power spectrum not correctly defined.')
Cn2 = self.get_Cn2(wave.wavelength)
coordinates = wave.coordinates()
npix = coordinates[0].shape[0]
pixelscale = wave.pixelscale.to(u.m/u.pixel) * u.pixel
q = xp.fft.fftfreq(npix, d=pixelscale.value)*2.0*np.pi # so q has units of 1/m?
qx, qy = xp.meshgrid(q, q)
q2 = (qx**2 + qy**2)
if kind=='von Karman':
if self.outer_scale is not None:
q2 += 1.0/self.outer_scale.to_value(u.m)**2
raise ValueError('If von Karman kind of turbulent phase \
screen is chosen, the outer scale L_0 \
must be provided.')
q2[0, 0] = xp.inf # this is to avoid a possible error message in the next line
phi = 0.0330054*Cn2.value*q2**(-11.0/6.0)
if kind=='Tatarski' or kind=='von Karman' or kind=='Hill':
if self.inner_scale is not None:
k2 = (qx**2 + qy**2)
if kind=='Tatarski' or kind=='von Karman':
m = (5.92/self.inner_scale.to_value(u.m))**2
phi *= xp.exp(-k2/m)
elif kind=='Hill':
m = xp.sqrt(k2)*self.inner_scale.to_value(u.m) # m is supposed to be dimensionless?
phi *= (1.0 + 0.70937*m + 2.8235*m**2
- 0.28086*m**3 + 0.08277*m**4) * np.exp(-1.109*m)
raise ValueError('If von Karman, Hill, or Tatarski kind \
of turbulent phase screen is chosen, the \
inner scale l_0 must be provided.')
return phi
class ThermalBloomingWFE(WavefrontError):
""" A thermal blooming phase screen.
abs_coeff : astropy.quantity
Aerosol absorption coefficient (m^-1).
dz : astropy.quantity
Propagation distance (m).
v0x : astropy.quantity
x-component of ambient wind velocity (m.s^-1).
v0y : astropy.quantity
y-component of ambient wind velocity (m.s^-1).
cp : astropy.quantity
Specific isobaric heat capacity (J.kg^-1.K^-1).
cV : astropy.quantity
Specific isochore heat capacity (J.kg^-1.K^-1).
rho0 : astropy.quantity
Ambient mass density (kg.m^-3).
eta : astropy.quantity
Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s).
p0 : astropy.quantity
Ambient pressure (Pa).
T0 : astropy.quantity
Ambient temperature (K).
direction : string
Direction of wind velocity. Must be one of 'x' or 'y'. The direction
affects the calculation results if isobaric=True.
isobaric : bool
Whether to use the isobaric approximation.
Initial values are those for dry air at room temperature, taken from:
@utils.quantity_input(abs_coeff=1/u.meter, dz=u.meter,
v0x=u.meter/u.second, v0y=u.meter/u.second,
cp=u.Joule/u.kg/u.Kelvin, cV=u.Joule/u.kg/u.Kelvin,
rho0=u.kg/u.meter**3, p0=u.Pascal,
eta=u.Pascal*u.second, T0=u.Kelvin)
def __init__(self, abs_coeff, dz, name="Thermal Blooming WFE",
v0x=0.0*u.m/u.s, v0y=0.0*u.m/u.s,
cp=1.0049*u.kJ/u.kg/u.K, cV=0.7178*u.kJ/u.kg/u.K,
rho0=1.177*u.kg/u.m**3, eta=18.46*u.uPa*u.s,
p0=101.325*u.kPa, T0=300.0*u.K, direction='x',
isobaric=False, **kwargs):
super(ThermalBloomingWFE, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.abs_coeff = abs_coeff.to(1/u.m).value
self.dz = dz.to(u.m).value
self.v0x = v0x.to(u.m/u.s).value
self.v0y = v0y.to(u.m/u.s).value
self.cp = cp.to(u.J/u.kg/u.K).value
self.cV = cV.to(u.J/u.kg/u.K).value
self.rho0 = rho0.to(u.kg/u.m**3).value
self.eta = eta.to(u.Pa*u.s).value
self.p0 = p0.to(u.Pa).value
self.T0 = T0.to(u.Kelvin).value
self.direction = direction
self.isobaric = isobaric
self.gamma = self.cp/self.cV
self.cs2 = self.gamma*self.p0/self.rho0
def nat_conv_vel(self, wave):
""" Approximation for natural convection velocity (m.s^-1).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the natural convection velocity for.
Smith, D. C.
High-power laser propagation: Thermal blooming.
Proc. IEEE 65, 1679–1714 (1977).
g = 9.81 # Gravitational constant (m.s^-2)
P = wave.power
return (2.0*self.abs_coeff*P*g / (self.rho0*self.cp*self.T0))**(1.0/3.0)
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Returns an optical path difference for a thermal blooming phase screen (m^-1).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the phase screen for.
Fleck, J. A., Jr, Morris, J. R. & Feit, M. D.
Time-dependent propagation of high energy laser beams through the atmosphere.
Appl. Phys. 10, 129–160 (1976).
Fleck, J. A., Jr, Morris, J. R. & Feit, M. D.
Time-dependent propagation of high-energy laser beams through the atmosphere: II.
Appl. Phys. 14, 99–115 (1977).
# Check if correct wavefront object type
if type(wave) is not PhysicalFresnelWavefront:
raise AttributeError("The wavefront must be of type \
'PhysicalFresnelWavefront' to calculate a \
thermal blooming phase screen.")
# Set velocity components according to input
if self.v0x==0.0 and self.v0y==0.0:
# If stagnation point, use approximation for natural convection velocity
self.v0y = -self.nat_conv_vel(wave)
self.isobaric = True
self.direction ='y'
elif self.isobaric:
if self.direction=='x' and self.v0x!=0.0:
self.v0y = 0.0
elif self.direction=='y' and self.v0y!=0.0:
self.v0x = 0.0
raise ValueError("The direction must be either 'x' or 'y' \
and the respective velocity non-vanishing.")
# Use given values (defined in init)
rho = self.rho(wave)
opd = (wave.n0-1.0)*rho*self.dz/(wave.n0*self.rho0)
self.opd = opd
return xp.array(opd)
def rho(self, wave):
""" Top-level routine to calculate density changes (kg.m^-3).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the density changes for.
if (self.isobaric):
rho = self.rho_isobaric(wave)
rho = self.rho_nonisobaric(wave)
return rho
def rho_isobaric(self, wave):
""" Isobaric density variation (kg.m^-3).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the density changes for.
Fleck, J. A., Jr, Morris, J. R. & Feit, M. D.
Time-dependent propagation of high energy laser beams through the atmosphere.
Appl. Phys. 10, 129–160 (1976).
gamma = self.gamma
cs2 = self.cs2
intens = ensure_not_on_gpu(wave.intensity)
npix = wave.npix
dx = wave.dx
rho = np.zeros((npix, npix))
if (self.direction == 'x'):
v0 = self.v0x
if v0 > 0.0:
for idx_x in range(npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = np.sum(intens[0:idx_x, idx_y])
for idx_x in range(npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = np.sum(intens[idx_x:-1, idx_y])
elif (self.direction == 'y'):
v0 = self.v0y
if v0 > 0.0:
for idx_x in range(npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = np.sum(intens[idx_x, 0:idx_y])
for idx_x in range(npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = np.sum(intens[idx_x, idx_y:-1])
raise AttributeError('The direction must be either x or y.')
rho *= -(gamma-1.0)*self.abs_coeff*dx/cs2/np.abs(v0)
return xp.array(rho)
def rho_dot_FT(self, wave):
""" Fourier transform of the derivative of the non-isobaric density variation (unit?).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the density changes for.
Fleck, J. A., Jr, Morris, J. R. & Feit, M. D.
Time-dependent propagation of high-energy laser beams through the atmosphere: II.
Appl. Phys. 14, 99–115 (1977).
if (self.v0x == 0.0 and self.v0y == 0.0):
raise ValueError('The velocity must be non-zero in at least one direction.')
npix = wave.npix
gamma = self.gamma
cs2 = self.cs2
rho0 = self.rho0
intens = ensure_not_on_gpu(wave.intensity)
rho_dot_FT = np.fft.fft2(intens)
rho_dot_FT *= -(gamma-1.0)*self.abs_coeff/cs2
q = ensure_not_on_gpu(wave.q)
for idx_x in range(npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
if idx_x == idx_y == 0:
rho_dot_FT[idx_x, idx_y] *= 0.0
rho_dot_FT[idx_x, idx_y] *= (q[idx_x]**2 + q[idx_y]**2)
rho_dot_FT[idx_x, idx_y] /= (q[idx_x]**2 + q[idx_y]**2
* (1.0 + 4.0j*self.eta*(self.v0x*q[idx_x] + self.v0y*q[idx_y])/rho0/cs2/3.0)
- (self.v0x*q[idx_x] + self.v0y*q[idx_y])**2/cs2)
return rho_dot_FT
def rho_nonisobaric(self, wave):
""" Non-isobaric density variations (kg.m^-3).
wave : poppy.PhysicalFresnelWavefront
Wavefront to calculate the density changes for.
Fleck, J. A., Jr, Morris, J. R. & Feit, M. D.
Time-dependent propagation of high-energy laser beams through the atmosphere: II.
Appl. Phys. 14, 99–115 (1977).
npix = wave.npix
rho = np.zeros((npix, npix), dtype=complex)
eps = 1.0e-16 # this is to prevent numpy.sign to return 0
dx = wave.dx
beta = np.abs((self.v0y+eps)/(self.v0x+eps))
i_prime = np.sign(self.v0x+eps)
j_prime = np.sign(self.v0y+eps)
rho_dot_FT = self.rho_dot_FT(wave)
rho_dot = np.fft.ifft2(rho_dot_FT)
if beta > 1.0:
a = dx/2/abs(self.v0y)
if i_prime == 1 and j_prime == 1:
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, 0] = a*rho_dot[idx_x, 0]
for idx_y in range(1, npix):
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-1.0/beta)*rho[idx_x, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-1.0/beta)*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y-1]
if idx_x != 0:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += 1.0/beta*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a/beta*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y-1]
elif i_prime == 1 and j_prime == -1:
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, -1] = a*rho_dot[idx_x, -1]
for idx_y in reversed(range(npix-1)):
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-1.0/beta)*rho[idx_x, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-1.0/beta)*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y+1]
if idx_x != 0:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += 1.0/beta*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a/beta*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y+1]
elif i_prime == -1 and j_prime == 1:
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, 0] = a*rho_dot[idx_x, 0]
for idx_y in range(1, npix):
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-1.0/beta)*rho[idx_x, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-1.0/beta)*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y-1]
if idx_x != npix-1:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += 1.0/beta*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a/beta*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y-1]
elif i_prime == -1 and j_prime == -1:
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, -1] = a*rho_dot[idx_x, -1]
for idx_y in reversed(range(npix-1)):
for idx_x in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-1.0/beta)*rho[idx_x, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-1.0/beta)*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y+1]
if idx_x != npix-1:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += 1.0/beta*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a/beta*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y+1]
else: # beta <= 1.0
a = dx/2.0/abs(self.v0x)
if i_prime == 1 and j_prime == 1:
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[0, idx_y] = a*rho_dot[0, idx_y]
for idx_x in range(1, npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-beta)*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-beta)*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y]
if idx_y != 0:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += beta*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*beta*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y-1]
elif i_prime == 1 and j_prime == -1:
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[0, idx_y] = a*rho_dot[0, idx_y]
for idx_x in range(1, npix):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-beta)*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-beta)*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y]
if idx_y != npix-1:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += beta*rho[idx_x-1, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*beta*rho_dot[idx_x-1, idx_y+1]
elif i_prime == -1 and j_prime == 1:
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[-1, idx_y] = a*rho_dot[-1, idx_y]
for idx_x in reversed(range(0, npix-1)):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-beta)*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-beta)*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y]
if idx_y != 0:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += beta*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y-1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*beta*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y-1]
elif i_prime == -1 and j_prime == -1:
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[-1, idx_y] = a*rho_dot[-1, idx_y]
for idx_x in reversed(range(0, npix-1)):
for idx_y in range(npix):
rho[idx_x, idx_y] = (1.0-beta)*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*rho_dot[idx_x, idx_y]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*(1.0-beta)*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y]
if idx_y != npix-1:
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += beta*rho[idx_x+1, idx_y+1]
rho[idx_x, idx_y] += a*beta*rho_dot[idx_x+1, idx_y+1]
return rho.real