Zernike & Related Polynomials
This module implements several sets of orthonormal polynomials for
measuring and modeling wavefronts:
* the classical Zernike polynomials, which are orthonormal over the unit circle.
* 'Hexikes', orthonormal over the unit hexagon
* tools for creating a custom set orthonormal over a numerically supplied JWST pupil,
or other generalized pupil
* Segmented bases with piston, tip, & tilt of independent hexagonal segments.
For definitions of Zernikes and a basic introduction to why they are a useful way to
parametrize data, see e.g.
Hardy's 'Adaptive Optics for Astronomical Telescopes' section 3.5.1
or even just the Wikipedia page is pretty decent.
For definition of the hexagon and arbitrary pupil polynomials, a good reference to the
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process as applied to this case is
Mahajan and Dai, 2006. Optics Letters Vol 31, 16, p 2462:
import numpy as np
import inspect
from math import factorial
import scipy
import sys
import logging
import astropy.units as u
from poppy.poppy_core import Wavefront
from . import accel_math
from .accel_math import xp
from functools import lru_cache
__all__ = [
'R', 'cached_zernike1', 'hex_aperture', 'hexike_basis', 'noll_indices',
'decompose_opd', 'decompose_opd_nonorthonormal_basis', 'decompose_opd_segments', 'compose_opd_from_basis',
'opd_expand', 'opd_expand_nonorthonormal', 'opd_expand_segments', 'opd_from_zernikes', # back compatibility aliases
'str_zernike', 'zern_name', 'zernike', 'zernike1', 'zernike_basis',
'Segment_Piston_Basis','Segment_PTT_Basis', 'arbitrary_basis'
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _is_odd(integer):
"""Helper for testing if an integer is odd by bitwise & with 1."""
return integer & 1
def zern_name(i):
"""Return a human-readable text name corresponding to some Zernike term as specified
by `j`, the index
Only works up to term 22, i.e. 5th order spherical aberration.
names = ['Null', 'Piston', 'Tilt X', 'Tilt Y',
'Focus', 'Astigmatism 45', 'Astigmatism 0',
'Coma Y', 'Coma X',
'Trefoil Y', 'Trefoil X',
'Spherical', '2nd Astig 0', '2nd Astig 45',
'Tetrafoil 0', 'Tetrafoil 22.5',
'2nd coma X', '2nd coma Y', '3rd Astig X', '3rd Astig Y',
'Pentafoil X', 'Pentafoil Y', '5th order spherical']
if i < len(names):
return names[i]
return "Z%d" % i
def str_zernike(n, m):
"""Return analytic expression for a given Zernike in LaTeX syntax"""
signed_m = int(m)
m = int(np.abs(m))
n = int(np.abs(n))
terms = []
for k in range(int((n - m) / 2) + 1):
coef = ((-1) ** k * factorial(n - k) /
(factorial(k) * factorial(int((n + m) / 2) - k) * factorial(int((n - m) / 2) - k)))
if coef != 0:
formatcode = "{0:d}" if k == 0 else "{0:+d}"
terms.append((formatcode + " r^{1:d} ").format(int(coef), n - 2 * k))
outstr = " ".join(terms)
if m == 0:
if n == 0:
return "1"
return "sqrt(%d)* ( %s ) " % (n + 1, outstr)
elif signed_m > 0:
return "\\sqrt{%d}* ( %s ) * \\cos(%d \\theta)" % (2 * (n + 1), outstr, m)
return "\\sqrt{%d}* ( %s ) * \\sin(%d \\theta)" % (2 * (n + 1), outstr, m)
def noll_indices(j):
"""Convert from 1-D to 2-D indexing for Zernikes or Hexikes.
j : int
Zernike function ordinate, following the convention of Noll et al. JOSA 1976.
Starts at 1.
if j < 1:
raise ValueError("Zernike index j must be a positive integer.")
# from i, compute m and n
# I'm not sure if there is an easier/cleaner algorithm or not.
# This seems semi-complicated to me...
# figure out which row of the triangle we're in (easy):
n = int(np.ceil((-1 + np.sqrt(1 + 8 * j)) / 2) - 1)
if n == 0:
m = 0
nprev = (n + 1) * (n + 2) / 2 # figure out which entry in the row (harder)
# The rule is that the even Z obtain even indices j, the odd Z odd indices j.
# Within a given n, lower values of m obtain lower j.
resid = int(j - nprev - 1)
if _is_odd(j):
sign = -1
sign = 1
if _is_odd(n):
row_m = [1, 1]
row_m = [0]
for i in range(int(np.floor(n / 2.))):
row_m.append(row_m[-1] + 2)
m = row_m[resid] * sign
_log.debug("J=%d:\t(n=%d, m=%d)" % (j, n, m))
return n, m
def R(n, m, rho):
"""Compute R[n, m], the Zernike radial polynomial
n, m : int
Zernike function degree
rho : array
Image plane radial coordinates. `rho` should be 1 at the desired pixel radius of the
unit circle
m = int(np.abs(m))
n = int(np.abs(n))
output = xp.zeros(rho.shape)
if _is_odd(n - m):
return 0
for k in range(int((n - m) / 2) + 1):
coef = ((-1) ** k * factorial(n - k) /
(factorial(k) * factorial(int((n + m) / 2) - k) * factorial(int((n - m) / 2) - k)))
output += coef * rho ** (n - 2 * k)
return output
def zernike(n, m, npix=100, rho=None, theta=None, outside=np.nan,
noll_normalize=True, **kwargs):
"""Return the Zernike polynomial Z[m,n] for a given pupil.
For this function the desired Zernike is specified by 2 indices m and n.
See zernike1 for an equivalent function in which the polynomials are
ordered by a single index.
You may specify the pupil in one of two ways:
zernike(n, m, npix)
where npix specifies a pupil diameter in pixels.
The returned pupil will be a circular aperture
with this diameter, embedded in a square array
of size npix*npix.
zernike(n, m, rho=r, theta=theta)
Which explicitly provides the desired pupil coordinates
as arrays r and theta. These need not be regular or contiguous.
The expressions for the Zernike terms follow the normalization convention
of Noll et al. JOSA 1976 unless the `noll_normalize` argument is False.
n, m : int
Zernike function degree
npix : int
Desired diameter for circular pupil. Only used if `rho` and
`theta` are not provided.
rho, theta : array_like
Image plane coordinates. `rho` should be 0 at the origin
and 1.0 at the edge of the circular pupil. `theta` should be
the angle in radians.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the circular aperture (rho > 1).
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
noll_normalize : bool
As defined in Noll et al. JOSA 1976, the Zernike definition is
modified such that the integral of Z[n, m] * Z[n, m] over the
unit disk is pi exactly. To omit the normalization constant,
set this to False. Default is True.
zern : 2D numpy array
Z(m,n) evaluated at each (rho, theta)
if not n >= m:
raise ValueError("Zernike index m must be >= index n")
if (n - m) % 2 != 0:
_log.warning("Radial polynomial is zero for these inputs: m={}, n={} "
"(are you sure you wanted this Zernike?)".format(m, n))
_log.debug("Zernike(n=%d, m=%d)" % (n, m))
if theta is None and rho is None:
x = (xp.arange(npix, dtype=xp.float64) - (npix - 1) / 2.) / ((npix - 1) / 2.)
y = x
xx, yy = xp.meshgrid(x, y)
rho = xp.sqrt(xx ** 2 + yy ** 2)
theta = xp.arctan2(yy, xx)
elif (theta is None and rho is not None) or (theta is not None and rho is None):
raise ValueError("If you provide either the `theta` or `rho` input array, you must "
"provide both of them.")
if not xp.all(xp.asarray(rho.shape == theta.shape)):
raise ValueError('The rho and theta arrays do not have consistent shape.')
aperture = (rho <= 1)
if m == 0:
if n == 0:
zernike_result = aperture
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * R(n, m, rho) * aperture
elif m > 0:
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * R(n, m, rho) * xp.cos(np.abs(m) * theta) * aperture
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * R(n, m, rho) * xp.sin(np.abs(m) * theta) * aperture
zernike_result[(rho > 1)] = outside
return zernike_result
def zernike1(j, **kwargs):
""" Return the Zernike polynomial Z_j for pupil points {r,theta}.
For this function the desired Zernike is specified by a single index j.
See zernike for an equivalent function in which the polynomials are
ordered by two parameters m and n.
Note that there are multiple contradictory conventions for labeling Zernikes
with one single index. We follow that of Noll et al. JOSA 1976.
j : int
Zernike function ordinate, following the convention of
Noll et al. JOSA 1976
Additional arguments are defined as in `poppy.zernike.zernike`.
zern : 2D numpy array
Z_j evaluated at each (rho, theta)
n, m = noll_indices(j)
return zernike(n, m, **kwargs)
def cached_zernike1(j, shape, pixelscale, pupil_radius, outside=np.nan, noll_normalize=True):
"""Compute Zernike based on Noll index *j*, using an LRU cache
for efficiency. Refer to the `zernike1` docstring for details.
Note: all arguments should be plain ints, tuples, floats etc rather than
Astropy Quantities.
y, x = Wavefront.pupil_coordinates(shape, pixelscale)
r = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
rho = r / pupil_radius
theta = xp.arctan2(y / pupil_radius, x / pupil_radius)
n, m = noll_indices(j)
result = zernike(n, m, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=outside, noll_normalize=noll_normalize)
result.flags.writeable = False # don't let caller modify cached copy in-place
return result
def zernike_basis(nterms=15, npix=512, rho=None, theta=None, **kwargs):
Return a cube of Zernike terms from 1 to N each as a 2D array
showing the value at each point. (Regions outside the unit circle on which
the Zernike is defined are initialized to zero.)
nterms : int, optional
Number of Zernike terms to return, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the Zernike piston term.)
Default is 15.
npix : int
Desired pixel diameter for circular pupil. Only used if `rho`
and `theta` are not provided.
rho, theta : array_like
Image plane coordinates. `rho` should be 0 at the origin
and 1.0 at the edge of the circular pupil. `theta` should be
the angle in radians.
Other parameters are passed through to `poppy.zernike.zernike`
and are documented there.
if rho is not None and theta is not None:
# both are required, but validated in zernike1
shape = rho.shape
use_polar = True
elif (theta is None and rho is not None) or (theta is not None and rho is None):
raise ValueError("If you provide either the `theta` or `rho` input array, you must "
"provide both of them.")
shape = (npix, npix)
use_polar = False
zern_output = xp.zeros((nterms,) + shape)
if use_polar:
for j in range(nterms):
zern_output[j] = zernike1(j + 1, rho=rho, theta=theta, **kwargs)
for j in range(nterms):
zern_output[j] = zernike1(j + 1, npix=npix, **kwargs)
return zern_output
def zernike_basis_faster(nterms=15, npix=512, outside=np.nan):
Return a cube of Zernike terms from 1 to N each as a 2D array
showing the value at each point. (Regions outside the unit circle on which
the Zernike is defined are initialized to np.nan.)
Same as the original zernike_basis, but optimized to run about 2x faster,
at a cost of somewhat less flexibility.
Does not support providing polar coordinates directly - use regular
zernike_basis for that. Does not support specifying the aperture
directly - similarly, use regular zernike_basis for that.
nterms : int, optional
Number of Zernike terms to return, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the Zernike piston term.)
Default is 15.
npix: int
Desired pixel diameter for circular pupil. Only used if `rho`
and `theta` are not provided.
shape = (npix, npix)
zern_output = xp.zeros((nterms,) + shape)
x = (xp.arange(npix, dtype=xp.float64) - (npix - 1) / 2.) / ((npix - 1) / 2.)
y = x
xx, yy = xp.meshgrid(x, y)
rho = xp.sqrt(xx ** 2 + yy ** 2)
theta = xp.arctan2(yy, xx)
aperture = xp.ones_like(rho)
aperture[rho > 1] = 0.0 # this is the aperture mask
noll_normalize = True
def cached_R(n, m):
"""Compute R[n, m], the Zernike radial polynomial
n, m : int
Zernike function degree
rho : array
Image plane radial coordinates. `rho` should be 1 at the desired pixel radius of the
unit circle (this is found implicitly in the scope of the calling fn)
m = int(np.abs(m))
n = int(np.abs(n))
output = xp.zeros(rho.shape)
if _is_odd(n - m):
return 0
for k in range(int((n - m) / 2) + 1):
coef = ((-1) ** k * factorial(n - k) /
(factorial(k) * factorial(int((n + m) / 2) - k) * factorial(int((n - m) / 2) - k)))
output += coef * rho ** (n - 2 * k)
return output
for j in range(nterms):
n, m = noll_indices(j + 1)
if m == 0:
if n == 0:
zernike_result = aperture
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * cached_R(n, m) * aperture
elif m > 0:
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * cached_R(n, np.abs(m)) * np.cos(np.abs(m) * theta) * aperture
norm_coeff = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(n + 1) if noll_normalize else 1
zernike_result = norm_coeff * cached_R(n, np.abs(m)) * np.sin(np.abs(m) * theta) * aperture
zernike_result[rho > 1] = outside
zern_output[j] = zernike_result
return zern_output
def hex_aperture(npix=1024, rho=None, theta=None, vertical=False, outside=0):
Return an aperture function for a hexagon.
Note that the flat sides are aligned with the X direction by default.
This is appropriate for the individual hex PMSA segments in JWST.
npix : integer
Size, in pixels, of the aperture array. The hexagon will span
the whole array from edge to edge in the direction aligned
with its flat sides. (Ignored when `rho` and `theta` are
rho, theta : 2D numpy arrays, optional
For some square aperture, rho and theta contain each pixel's
coordinates in polar form. The hexagon will be defined such
that it can be circumscribed in a rho = 1 circle.
vertical : bool
Make flat sides parallel to the Y axis instead of the default X.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the hexagonal aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
if rho is not None or theta is not None:
if rho is None or theta is None:
raise ValueError("If you provide either the `theta` or `rho` input array, "
"you must provide both of them.")
# easier to define a hexagon in cartesian, so...
x = rho * xp.cos(theta)
y = rho * xp.sin(theta)
# the coordinates here must be consistent with those used elsewhere in poppy
# see issue #111
x_ = (xp.arange(npix, dtype=xp.float64) - (npix - 1) / 2.) / (npix / 2.)
x, y = xp.meshgrid(x_, x_)
absy = xp.abs(y)
aperture = xp.full(x.shape, outside)
w_rect = ((xp.abs(x) <= 0.5) & (abs(y) <= xp.sqrt(3) / 2))
w_left_tri = ((x <= -0.5) & (x >= -1) & (absy <= (x + 1) * xp.sqrt(3)))
w_right_tri = ((x >= 0.5) & (x <= 1) & (absy <= (1 - x) * xp.sqrt(3)))
aperture[w_rect] = 1
aperture[w_left_tri] = 1
aperture[w_right_tri] = 1
if vertical:
return aperture.transpose()
return aperture
def hexike_basis(nterms=15, npix=512, rho=None, theta=None,
vertical=False, outside=np.nan):
"""Return a list of hexike polynomials 1-N following the
method of Mahajan and Dai 2006 for numerical orthonormalization
This function orders the hexikes in a similar way as the Zernikes.
See also hexike_basis_wss for an alternative implementation.
nterms : int
Number of hexike terms to compute, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the hexike analog to the
Zernike piston term.) Default is 15.
npix : int
Size, in pixels, of the aperture array. The hexagon will span
the whole array from edge to edge in the direction aligned
with its flat sides.
rho, theta : 2D numpy arrays, optional
For some square aperture, rho and theta contain each pixel's
coordinates in polar form. The hexagon will be defined such
that it can be circumscribed in a rho = 1 circle.
vertical : bool
Make flat sides parallel to the Y axis instead of the default X.
Default is False.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the hexagonal aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
aperture : 2D numpy array, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be inferred from
the provided rho and theta arrays.
if rho is not None:
shape = rho.shape
assert len(shape) == 2 and shape[0] == shape[1], \
"only square rho and theta arrays supported"
shape = (npix, npix)
if aperture is None:
aperture = hex_aperture(npix=npix, rho=rho, theta=theta, vertical=vertical, outside=0)
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
apmask_float = xp.asarray(apmask, float)
A = apmask.sum()
# precompute zernikes
Z = xp.full((nterms + 1,) + shape, outside, dtype=float)
Z[1:] = zernike_basis(nterms=nterms, npix=npix, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=0.0)
G = [xp.zeros(shape), xp.ones(shape)] # array of G_i etc. intermediate fn
H = [xp.zeros(shape), apmask_float.copy()] # array of hexikes
c = {} # coefficients hash
for j in np.arange(nterms - 1) + 1: # can do one less since we already have the piston term
_log.debug(" j = " + str(j))
# Compute the j'th G, then H
nextG = Z[j + 1] * apmask_float
for k in np.arange(j) + 1:
c[(j + 1, k)] = -1 / A * (Z[j + 1] * H[k] * apmask_float).sum()
if c[(j + 1, k)] != 0:
nextG += c[(j + 1, k)] * H[k]
_log.debug(" c[%s] = %f", str((j + 1, k)), c[(j + 1, k)])
nextH = nextG / np.sqrt((nextG ** 2).sum() / A)
# TODO - contemplate whether the above algorithm is numerically stable
# cf. modified gram-schmidt algorithm discussion on wikipedia.
basis = xp.asarray(H[1:]) # drop the 0th null element
basis[:, ~apmask] = outside
return basis
def hexike_basis_wss(nterms=9, npix=512, rho=None, theta=None,
x=None, y=None,
vertical=False, outside=np.nan,
"""Return a list of hexike polynomials 1-N based on analytic
expressions. Note, this is strictly consistent with the
JWST WSS hexikes in both ordering and normalization.
***The ordering of hexike terms is DIFFERENT FROM that returned by
the zernike_basis or regular hexike_basis functions. Use this one
in particular if you need something consistent with JWST WSS internals.
That ordering is:
H1 = Piston
H2 = X tilt
H3 = Y tilt
H4 = Astigmatism-45
H5 = Focus
H6 = Astigmatism-00
H7 = Coma X
H8 = Coma Y
H9 = Spherical
H10 = Trefoil-0
H11 = Trefoil-30
The last two are included for completeness of that hexike order but
are not actually used in the WSS.
This function has an attributed hexike_basis_wss.label_strings for
convenient use in plot labeling.
Historical note on ordering: The reordering here relative to the more typical
ordering of Zernikes is motivated by moving spherical to position 9, and using
just the first 8 for JWST. This is because focus and spherical are not orthogonal
when in hexike versions on the JWST aperture, so "spherical was booted out of the picture"
nterms : int
Number of hexike terms to compute, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the hexike analog to the
Zernike piston term.) Default is 15.
npix : int
Size, in pixels, of the aperture array. The hexagon will span
the whole array from edge to edge in the direction aligned
with its flat sides.
rho, theta : 2D numpy arrays, optional
For some square aperture, rho and theta contain each pixel's
coordinates in polar form. The hexagon will be defined such
that it can be circumscribed in a rho = 1 circle.
x,y : 1D numpy arrays, optional
Alternative way of specifying the coordinates.
vertical : bool
Make flat sides parallel to the Y axis instead of the default X.
Default is False.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the hexagonal aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
aperture : 2D numpy array, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be inferred from
the provided rho and theta arrays.
if rho is not None and theta is not None:
_log.debug("User supplied radial coords")
shape = rho.shape
assert len(shape) == 2 and shape[0] == shape[1], \
"only square rho and theta arrays supported"
x = rho * np.cos(theta)
y = rho * np.sin(theta)
r2 = rho ** 2
elif x is not None and y is not None:
_log.debug("User supplied cartesian coords")
r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2
rho = np.sqrt(r2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
_log.debug("User supplied only the number of pixels")
# create 2D arrays of coordinates between 0 and 1
shape = (npix, npix)
y, x = np.indices(shape, dtype=float)
y -= npix / 2.
x -= npix / 2.
y /= (npix / 2)
x /= (npix / 2)
r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2
rho = np.sqrt(r2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
if aperture is None:
aperture = hex_aperture(npix=npix, rho=rho, theta=theta, vertical=vertical)
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
# first 9 hexikes (those used in WAS for JWST)
# create array of hexikes, plus pad for 0th term
H = [np.zeros_like(x), # placeholder for 0th term to allow 1-indexing
np.ones_like(x), # Piston
y, # tilt around x
x, # tilt around y
2 * x * y, # astig-45
r2 - 0.5, # focus -- yes this is really exactly what the WAS uses
x ** 2 - y ** 2, # astig-00
((25. / 11.) * r2 - 14. / 11.) * x, # Coma x
((25. / 11.) * r2 - 14. / 11.) * y, # Coma y
((860. / 231.) * r2 ** 2 - (5140. / 1617.) * r2 + (67. / 147.)), # Spherical
(10. / 7.) * (rho * r2) * np.sin(3. * theta), # Trefoil-0
(10. / 7.) * (rho * r2) * np.cos(3. * theta), # Trefoil-30
if nterms > len(H) - 1:
raise NotImplementedError("hexicke_basis_wss doesn't support that many terms yet")
# apply aperture mask
basis = np.asarray(H[1:]) # drop the 0th null element
basis[:, ~apmask] = outside
return basis[0:nterms]
# for i in range(1,nterms+1):
# H[i] *= aperture
# return H[1:nterms+1]
hexike_basis_wss.label_strings = ['Piston', 'X tilt', 'Y tilt',
'Astigmatism-45', 'Focus', 'Astigmatism-00',
'Coma X', 'Coma Y',
'Spherical', 'Trefoil-0', 'Trefoil-30']
def arbitrary_basis(aperture, nterms=15, rho=None, theta=None, outside=np.nan):
""" Orthonormal basis on arbitrary aperture, via Gram-Schmidt
Return a cube of Zernike-like terms from 1 to N, calculated on an
arbitrary aperture, each as a 2D array showing the value at each
point. (Regions outside the unit circle on which the Zernike is
defined are initialized to zero.)
This implements Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization numerically,
starting from the regular Zernikes, to generate an orthonormal basis
on some other aperture
aperture : 2D array_like
2D array representing the arbitrary aperture.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
nterms : int, optional
Number of Zernike terms to return, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the Zernike piston term.)
Default is 15.
rho, theta : array_like, optional
Image plane coordinates. `rho` should be 0 at the origin
and 1.0 at the edge of the pupil. `theta` should be
the angle in radians.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the specified aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
# code submitted by Arthur Vigan - see https://github.com/mperrin/poppy/issues/166
shape = aperture.shape
assert len(shape) == 2 and shape[0] == shape[1], \
"only square aperture arrays are supported"
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (xp.isfinite(xp.asarray(aperture)) & (xp.asarray(aperture) > 0))
apmask_float = xp.asarray(apmask, float)
A = apmask.sum()
if theta is None and rho is None:
# To avoid clipping the aperture, we precompute the zernike modes
# on an array oversized s.t. the zernike disk circumscribes the
# entire aperture. We then slice the zernike array down to the
# requested array size and cut the aperture out of it.
# get max extent of aperture from array center
yind, xind = xp.where(apmask)
distance = xp.sqrt((yind - (shape[0] - 1) / 2.) ** 2 + (xind - (shape[1] - 1) / 2.) ** 2)
max_extent = distance.max()
# calculate padding for oversizing zernike_basis
ceil = lambda x: xp.ceil(x) if x > 0 else 0 # avoid negative values
padding = (int(ceil((max_extent - (shape[0] - 1) / 2.))),
int(ceil((max_extent - (shape[1] - 1) / 2.))))
padded_shape = (shape[0] + padding[0] * 2, shape[1] + padding[1] * 2)
npix = padded_shape[0]
# precompute zernikes on oversized array
Z = xp.zeros((nterms + 1,) + padded_shape)
Z[1:] = zernike_basis(nterms=nterms, npix=npix, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=0.0)
# slice down to original aperture array size
Z = Z[:, padding[0]:padded_shape[0] - padding[0],
padding[1]:padded_shape[1] - padding[1]]
# precompute zernikes on user-defined rho, theta
Z = xp.zeros((nterms + 1,) + shape)
Z[1:] = zernike_basis(nterms=nterms, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=0.0)
G = [xp.zeros(shape), xp.ones(shape)] # array of G_i etc. intermediate fn
H = [xp.zeros(shape), apmask_float.copy()] # array of zernikes on arbitrary basis
c = {} # coefficients hash
for j in np.arange(nterms - 1) + 1: # can do one less since we already have the piston term
_log.debug(" j = " + str(j))
# Compute the j'th G, then H
nextG = Z[j + 1] * apmask_float
for k in np.arange(j) + 1:
c[(j + 1, k)] = -1 / A * (Z[j + 1] * H[k] * apmask_float).sum()
if c[(j + 1, k)] != 0:
nextG += c[(j + 1, k)] * H[k]
_log.debug(" c[%s] = %f", str((j + 1, k)), c[(j + 1, k)])
nextH = nextG / xp.sqrt((nextG ** 2).sum() / A)
# TODO - contemplate whether the above algorithm is numerically stable
# cf. modified gram-schmidt algorithm discussion on wikipedia.
basis = xp.asarray(H[1:]) # drop the 0th null element
basis[:, ~apmask] = outside
return basis
class Segment_PTT_Basis(object):
def __init__(self, rings=2, flattoflat=1*u.m, gap=1*u.cm, center=False,
pupil_diam=None, **kwargs):
Eigenbasis of segment pistons, tips, tilts.
(Or of pistons only using the Segment_Piston_Basis subclass.)
The aperture geometry is specified identically to
the MultiHexagonAperture class. Set that when creating
an instance of this class, then you can call the resulting function object
to generate a basis set with the desired sampling, or pass it to
the compose_opd_from_basis or decompose_opd_segments functions.
The basis is generated over a square array that exactly circumscribes
the hexagonal aperture.
rings : int
Number of rings of segments
flattoflat : float or astropy.Quantity length
Size of a single segment
gap : float or astropy.Quantity length
Gap between adjacent segments
center : bool
Include the center segment?
pupil_diam : float oar astropy.Quantity length
Diameter of the array on which to generate the basis; by default
this is chosen to circumscribe the multihex aperture given the
specified segment and gap sizes and number of segments.
Additional keyword arguments to this function are passed through to the
HexSegmentedDeformableMirror callable.
# Internally this is implemented as a wrapper on HexDM which in turn is
# a wrapper on MultiHexagonAperture
import poppy.dms
self.hexdm = poppy.dms.HexSegmentedDeformableMirror(rings=rings,
if pupil_diam is not None:
self.hexdm.pupil_diam = pupil_diam
self.segmentlist = self.hexdm.segmentlist
self.nsegments = len(self.hexdm.segmentlist)
def aperture(self, npix=512):
""" Return the overall aperture across all segments """
return self.hexdm.sample(npix=npix)
def __call__(self, nterms=None, npix=512, outside=np.nan):
""" Generate PTT basis ndarray for the specified aperture
nterms : int
Number of terms. Set to 3x the number of segments.
npix : int
Size, in pixels, of the aperture array.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the specified aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
if nterms is None:
nterms = 3*self.nsegments
elif nterms > 3*self.nsegments:
raise ValueError("nterms must be <= {} for the specified segment aperture.".format(3*self.nsegments))
# Re-use the machinery inside the HexSegmentedDM class to set up the
# arrays defining the segment and zernike geometry.
# For simplicity we always generate the basis for all the segments
# even if for some reason the user has set a smaller nterms.
basis = xp.zeros((self.nsegments*3, npix, npix))
basis[:] = outside
for i, segi in enumerate(self.hexdm.segmentlist):
wseg = self.hexdm._seg_indices[segi]
basis[i*3][wseg] = 1 #Piston
basis[i*3+1][wseg] = self.hexdm._seg_x[wseg] # Tip
basis[i*3+2][wseg] = self.hexdm._seg_y[wseg] # Tilt
return basis[0:nterms]
class Segment_Piston_Basis(Segment_PTT_Basis):
def __call__(self, nterms=None, npix=512, outside=np.nan):
""" Generate piston-only basis ndarray for the specified aperture
nterms : int
Number of terms. Set to 3x the number of segments.
npix : int
Size, in pixels, of the aperture array.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the specified aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
if nterms is None:
nterms = self.nsegments
elif nterms > self.nsegments:
raise ValueError("nterms must be <= {} for the specified segment aperture.".format(self.nsegments))
aperture = self.hexdm.sample(npix=npix)
# For simplicity we always generate the basis for all the segments
# even if for some reason the user has set a smaller nterms.
basis = xp.zeros((self.nsegments, npix, npix))
basis[:] = outside
for i, segi in enumerate(self.hexdm.segmentlist):
wseg = self.hexdm._seg_indices[segi]
basis[i][wseg] = 1 #Piston
return basis[0:nterms]
def decompose_opd(opd, aperture=None, nterms=15, basis=zernike_basis,
"""Given a wavefront OPD map, return the list of coefficients in a
given basis set (by default, Zernikes) that best fit the OPD map.
Note that this implementation of the function treats the Zernikes as
an orthonormal basis, which is only true on the unobscured unit circle.
See also `decompose_opd_nonorthonormal` for an alternative approach for
basis vectors that are not orthonormal, or `decompose_opd_segments` for
basis vectors defined over physically disjoint segments.
opd : 2D numpy.ndarray
The wavefront OPD map to expand in terms of the requested basis.
Must be square.
aperture : 2D numpy.ndarray, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
NOTE - this is handed through to the basis function (see basis parameter)
which is responsible for implementing this masking, if appropriate.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be inferred from
the finite (i.e. non-NaN) pixels in the OPD array.
nterms : int
Number of terms to use. (Default: 15)
basis : callable, optional
Callable (e.g. a function) that generates a sequence
of basis arrays given arguments `nterms`, `npix`, and `outside`.
Default is `poppy.zernike.zernike_basis`.
Other Parameters
Additional keyword arguments to this function are passed through to the `basis` callable.
coeffs : list
List of coefficients (of length `nterms`) from which the
input OPD map can be constructed in the given basis.
(No additional unit conversions are performed. If the input
wavefront is in waves, coeffs will be in waves.)
Note that the first coefficient (element 0 in Python indexing)
corresponds to the Z=1 Zernike piston term, and so on.
Recovering coefficients used to generate synthetic/test data
depends greatly on the sampling (as one might expect). Generating
test data using zernike_basis with npix=256 and passing the result
through decompose_opd reproduces the input coefficients within <0.1%.
if aperture is None:
_log.warning("No aperture supplied - "
"using the finite (non-NaN) part of the OPD map as a guess.")
aperture = np.isfinite(opd) # . astype(np.float_)
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
basis_set = basis(
ngood = apmask.sum()
coeffs = [(opd * b)[apmask].sum() / ngood
for b in basis_set]
return coeffs
def decompose_opd_nonorthonormal_basis(opd, aperture=None, nterms=15, basis=zernike_basis_faster,
iterations=5, verbose=False, **kwargs):
""" Modified version of decompose_opd, for cases where the basis function is
*not* orthonormal, for instance using the regular Zernike functions on
obscured apertures.
This version subtracts off each term as it is fit, to avoid over-fitting the
same WFE multiple times. It also iterates the fitting multiple times by re-fitting
the residuals, in order to allow for capturing any WFE which is missed by the
first pass at fitting.
Based on various empirical experimentation for what is necessary to get
reasonable behavior in this non-ideal case. Factors to consider:
1) Masking to use just pixels good in both the zernike unit circle and the
asymmetric numerical aperture
2) Subtracting off the fit terms as you go, so as to not fit the same WFE
multiple times
3) Iterating multiples by re-fitting the residual, to include as much WFE
as possible.
opd : 2d ndarray
the OPD you want to fit
aperture : 2D numpy array, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be inferred from
the finite (i.e. non-NaN) pixels in the OPD array.
nterms : int
number of terms to fit
basis : function
which basis function to use. Defaults to Zernike
iterations : int
Number of iterations for convergence. Default is 5
if aperture is None:
_log.warning("No aperture supplied - "
"using the finite (non-NaN) part of the OPD map as a guess.")
aperture = np.isfinite(opd)
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
# Determine if this basis function accepts an 'aperture' parameter or not
# If so, append that into the function's kwargs. This check is needed to
# handle e.g. both the zernike_basis function (which doesn't accept aperture)
# and hexike_basis or arbitrary_basis (which do).
if 'aperture' in inspect.signature(basis).parameters:
kwargs['aperture'] = aperture
basis_set = basis(
wgood = (apmask & np.isfinite(basis_set[1]))
ngood = apmask.sum()
coeffs = np.zeros(nterms)
opd_copy = np.copy(opd)
for count in range(iterations):
for i, b in enumerate(basis_set):
this_coeff = (opd_copy * b)[wgood].sum() / ngood
opd_copy -= this_coeff * b
coeffs[i] += this_coeff
if verbose:
print("Iteration {}/{}: {}".format(count, iterations, coeffs))
return coeffs
def compose_opd_from_basis(coeffs, basis=zernike_basis_faster, aperture=None, outside=np.nan,
""" Synthesize an OPD from a set of coefficients
coeffs : list or ndarray
Coefficients for the Zernike terms
basis : callable
Which basis set. Defaults to Zernike
aperture : 2D ndarray, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be default to
the 2D unit circle.
outside : float
Value for pixels outside the specified aperture.
Default is `np.nan`, but you may also find it useful for this to
be 0.0 sometimes.
Other Parameters
Other parameters are supported via **kwargs, in particular setting the size of the OPD via npix.
opd = compose_opd_from_basis([0,0,-5,1,0,4,0,8], npix=512)
# Determine if this basis function accepts an 'aperture' parameter or not
# If so, append that into the function's kwargs. This check is needed to
# handle e.g. both the zernike_basis function (which doesn't accept aperture)
# and hexike_basis or arbitrary_basis (which do).
if 'aperture' in inspect.signature(basis).parameters:
kwargs['aperture'] = aperture
basis_set = basis(
output = np.zeros_like(basis_set[0])
# Check if basis area is the same for all elements (like zernike)
# or varies (like segment PTT bases).
# Use a simple proxy for this, by checking if first and last are the same
constant_support = np.allclose(np.isfinite(basis_set[0]), np.isfinite(basis_set[-1]))
if constant_support:
# we can just sum the whole arrays using an Einstein sum
output = xp.einsum('i,ijk->jk', xp.asarray(coeffs), basis_set)
# we have to use different good pixel areas per each basis element
for i, b in enumerate(basis_set):
if coeffs[i] != 0:
wgood = np.isfinite(b)
output[wgood] += coeffs[i] * b[wgood]
if aperture is not None:
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
output[~apmask] = outside
elif aperture is None and not constant_support:
apmask = np.isfinite(basis_set).sum(axis=0) > 0
output[~apmask] = outside
return output
def decompose_opd_segments(opd, aperture=None, nterms=15, basis=None,
iterations=2, verbose=False, ignore_border=None, **kwargs):
Expand OPD into a basis defined by segments, typically with piston, tip, & tilt of each.
Similar algorithm as decompose_opd_nonorthonormal, but adjusted slightly for
spatially disjoint basis vectors, and also for different expected normalization
of the piston and tip/tilt basis terms.
The segment_piston_basis and segment_ptt_basis functions are intended for use with this,
but it should be generally applicable to higher order hexikes or zernikes defined per segment as well.
Rather than supplying directly e.g. the segment_ptt_basis function with its default
parameters, you will likely want to provide a custom basis wrapper function that sets the
number of segments, segment size, etc. as appropriate for your chosen segmented aperture.
opd : 2D numpy.ndarray
The wavefront OPD map to expand in terms of the requested basis.
Must be square.
aperture : 2D numpy.ndarray, optional
Aperture mask for which pixels are included within the aperture.
NOTE - this is handed through to the basis function (see basis parameter)
which is responsible for implementing this masking, if appropriate.
All positive nonzero values are considered within the aperture;
any pixels with zero, negative, or NaN values will be considered
outside the aperture, and set equal to the 'outside' parameter value.
If this parameter is not set, the aperture will be inferred from
the finite (i.e. non-NaN) pixels in the OPD array.
nterms : int
Number of terms to use. (Default: 15)
basis : callable, optional
Callable (e.g. a function) that generates a sequence
of basis arrays given arguments `nterms`, `npix`, and `outside`.
This should be an instance of Segment_Piston_Basis() or
Segment_PTT_Basis(), or an equivalent.
ignore_border : int
Number of border pixels to ignore around each segment's edge. This can be useful to
avoid edge or interpolation artifacts in some circumstances.
if basis is None:
raise ValueError("Must supply a basis function defining the desired segment set")
if aperture is None:
_log.warning("No aperture supplied - "
"using the finite (non-NaN) part of the OPD map as a guess.")
aperture = np.isfinite(opd)
# any pixels with zero or NaN in the aperture are outside the area
apmask = (np.isfinite(aperture) & (aperture > 0))
# Determine if this basis function accepts an 'aperture' parameter or not
# If so, append that into the function's kwargs. This check is needed to
# handle e.g. both the zernike_basis function (which doesn't accept aperture)
# and hexike_basis or arbitrary_basis (which do).
if 'aperture' in inspect.signature(basis).parameters:
kwargs['aperture'] = aperture
basis_set = basis(
coeffs = xp.zeros(nterms)
opd_copy = xp.copy(opd)
for count in range(iterations):
for i, b in enumerate(basis_set):
# The number of good pixels can vary per each segment
# So we must determine an appropriate mask per each basis element
this_seg_mask = apmask & xp.isfinite(basis_set[i])
if ignore_border:
# erode off N pixels from around the edge of the segment mask before doing
# the fitting.
# Having trouble getting this to work on GPU, so
# ensure this step runs on CPU
this_seg_mask = accel_math.ensure_not_on_gpu(this_seg_mask)
this_seg_mask = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(this_seg_mask,
this_seg_mask = xp.asarray(this_seg_mask) # put back on GPU, if necessary
wgood = xp.where(this_seg_mask)
ngood = this_seg_mask.sum()
# The piston and tip/tilt terms are likely not normalized
# with respect to each other (in the sense of an orthonormal basis)
# So we also have to determine some appropriate scaling coefficient
# for our dot product here.
normcoeff = (basis_set[i]**2)[wgood].sum() / ngood
# Now we can perform the dot product
this_coeff = (opd_copy * b)[wgood].sum() / ngood / normcoeff
opd_copy[wgood] -= this_coeff * b[wgood]
coeffs[i] += this_coeff
if verbose:
print("Iteration {}/{}: {}".format(count, iterations, coeffs))
return coeffs
# Back compatibility aliases, for the names in poppy pre 1.0:
opd_expand = decompose_opd
opd_expand_nonorthonormal = decompose_opd_nonorthonormal_basis
opd_expand_segments = decompose_opd_segments
opd_from_zernikes = compose_opd_from_basis