- class poppy.Detector(pixelscale=<Quantity 1. arcsec / pix>, fov_pixels=None, fov_arcsec=None, oversample=1, name='Detector', offset=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Detector is a specialized type of OpticalElement that forces a wavefront onto a specific fixed pixelization of an Image plane.
This class is in effect just a metadata container for the desired sampling; all the machinery for transformation of a wavefront to that sampling happens within Wavefront.
Note that this is not in any way a representation of real noisy detectors; no model for read noise, imperfect sensitivity, etc is included whatsoever.
- Parameters:
- namestring
Descriptive name
- pixelscalefloat or astropy.units.Quantity
Pixel scale, either in angular units such as arcsec/pixel, or (for Fresnel optical systems only) in physical units such as micron/pixel. Units should be specified as astropy Quantities. If pixelscale is given as a float without an explicit unit, it will be interpreted as in arcsec/pixel. Note, this value may be further subdivided by specifying the oversample parameter > 1.
- fov_pixels, fov_arcsecfloat or astropy.units.Quantity
The field of view may be specified either in arcseconds or by a number of pixels. Either is acceptable and the pixel scale is used to convert as needed. You may specify a non-square FOV by providing two elements in an iterable. Note that this follows the usual Python convention of ordering axes (Y,X), so put your desired Y axis size first. For Fresnel optical systems, if specifying pixelscale in microns/pixel then you must specify fov_pixels rather than fov_arcsec.
- oversampleint
Oversampling factor beyond the detector pixel scale. The returned array will have sampling that much finer than the specified pixelscale.
- offset2-tuple of floats
Offset (Y,X) in pixels for shifting the detector relative to the notional center of the output beam. This has similar effect to shifting the source, but with opposite sign. In other words, shifting a light source +1 arcsec in Y should have the same effect as shifting the detector -1 arcsec in Y.
Attributes Summary
Return shape of the OpticalElement, as a tuple
Attributes Documentation
- shape