
poppy.display_psf(hdulist_or_filename, ext=0, vmin=1e-07, vmax=0.1, scale='log', cmap=None, title=None, imagecrop=None, adjust_for_oversampling=False, normalize='None', crosshairs=False, markcentroid=False, colorbar=True, colorbar_orientation='vertical', pixelscale='PIXELSCL', ax=None, return_ax=False, interpolation=None, cube_slice=None, angular_coordinate_unit=Unit('arcsec'))[source]

Display nicely a PSF from a given hdulist or filename

This is extensively configurable. In addition to making an attractive display, for interactive usage this function provides a live display of the pixel value at a given (x,y) as you mouse around the image.

hdulist_or_filenamefits.hdulist or string

FITS file containing image to display.


FITS extension. default = 0

vmin, vmaxfloat

min and max for image display scaling


‘linear’ or ‘log’, default is log

cmapmatplotlib.cm.Colormap instance or None

Colormap to use. If not given, taken from user’s poppy.conf.cmap_sequential (Default: ‘gist_heat’).

titlestring, optional

Set the plot title explicitly.


size of region to display (default is whole image)


rescale to conserve surface brightness for oversampled PSFs? (Making this True conserves surface brightness but not total flux.) Default is False, to conserve total flux.


set to ‘peak’ to normalize peak intensity =1, or to ‘total’ to normalize total flux=1. Default is no normalization.


Draw a crosshairs at the image center (0, 0)? Default: False.


Draw a crosshairs at the image centroid location? Centroiding is computed with the JWST-standard moving box algorithm. Default: False.


Draw a colorbar on the image?

colorbar_orientation‘vertical’ (default) or ‘horizontal’

How should the colorbar be oriented? (Note: Updating a plot and changing the colorbar orientation is not supported. When replotting in the same axes, use the same colorbar orientation.)

pixelscalestr or float

if str, interpreted as the FITS keyword name for the pixel scale in arcsec/pixels. if float, used as the pixelscale directly.

axmatplotlib.Axes instance

Axes to display into.


Return the axes to the caller for later use? (Default: False) When True, this function returns a matplotlib.Axes instance, or a tuple of (ax, cb) where the second is the colorbar Axes.


Interpolation technique for PSF image. Default is None, meaning it is taken from matplotlib’s image.interpolation rcParam.

cube_sliceint or None

if input PSF is a datacube from calc_datacube, which slice of the cube should be displayed?

angular_coordinate_unitastropy Unit

Coordinate unit to use for axes display. Default is arcseconds.