Source code for poppy.dms
# Code for modeling deformable mirrors
# By Neil Zimmerman based on Marshall's in the gpipsfs repo
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation
import scipy.signal
import as fits
import astropy.units as u
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from . import utils, accel_math, poppy_core, optics
from .accel_math import xp, _scipy
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('poppy')
if accel_math._NUMEXPR_AVAILABLE:
import numexpr as ne
__all__ = ['ContinuousDeformableMirror', 'HexSegmentedDeformableMirror', 'CircularSegmentedDeformableMirror',
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class ContinuousDeformableMirror(optics.AnalyticOpticalElement):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
""" Generic deformable mirror, of the continuous face sheet variety.
dm_shape : tuple with 2 elements
Number of actuators across the clear aperture in each dimension
actuator_spacing : float or astropy Quantity with dimension length
Spacing between adjacent actuators as seen in that plane
influence_func : Influence function filename. Optional. If not supplied,
a Gaussian model approximately representative of an influence function
for a Boston MEMS DMs will be used. This parameter can let you provide
a more detailed model for your particular mirror.
radius : float or Quantity with dimension length
radius of the clear aperture of the DM. Note, the reflective clear aperture
may potentially be larger than the controllable active aperture, depending
on the details of your particular hardware. This parameter does not affect
any of the actuator models, only the reflective area for wavefront amplitude.
flip_x, flip_y : Bool
Flip the orientation of the X or Y axes of the DM actuators. Useful if your
device is not oriented such that the origin is at lower left as seen in the
include_factor_of_two : Bool
include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False).
If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of
desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested
values (convolved with the actuator response function etc).
If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface
units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the
amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)
Additionally, the standard parameters for shift_x and shift_y can be accepted and
will be handled by the **kwargs mechanism. Note, rotation is not yet supported for DMs,
and shifts are currently rounded to integer pixels in the sampled wavefront, rather
than being applied as floating point values. Shifts are specified in physical units
of meters transverse motion in the DM plane.
Note: Keeping track of actuator locations and spacing is subtle. This note
assumes you are familiar with 'counting fenceposts' and off-by-one errors.
This class follows the convention adopted by Boston Micromachines:
If there are N actuators across a given distance, there are N-1 spaces between
actuators across that distance (plus half an actuator space border on the outside,
which is still controlled by the outermost actuators.). The controlled portion of
the pupil thus has diameter = (N-1)*actuator_spacing.
However, for display purposes etc it is often useful if the displayed pupil extends
over the full N actuators, so we set the `pupil_diam` attribute to N*actuator_spacing,
or the reflective radius, whichever is larger.
@utils.quantity_input(actuator_spacing=u.meter, radius=u.meter)
def __init__(self, dm_shape=(10, 10), actuator_spacing=None,
influence_func=None, name='DM',
radius=1.0 * u.meter,
flip_x=False, flip_y=False,
include_factor_of_two = False,
optics.AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, planetype=poppy_core.PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
self._dm_shape = dm_shape # number of actuators = name
self._surface = xp.zeros(dm_shape) # array for the DM surface OPD, in meters
self.numacross = dm_shape[0] # number of actuators across diameter of
# the optic's cleared aperture (may be less than full diameter of array)
self.flip_x = flip_x
self.flip_y = flip_y
# What is the total reflective area that passes light onwards?
self.radius_reflective = radius
self._aperture = optics.CircularAperture(radius=radius, **kwargs)
# What is the active area and spacing between actuators?
if actuator_spacing is None:
self.actuator_spacing = 2*radius / (self.numacross - 1) # distance between actuators,
# projected onto the primary
self.actuator_spacing = actuator_spacing
self.radius_active = self.actuator_spacing*(self.numacross-1)/2 # Boston Micromachines convention;
# active area is 'inside the fenceposts'
self.pupil_center = (dm_shape[0] - 1.) / 2 # center of clear aperture in actuator units
# the poppy-standard attribute 'pupil_diam' is used for default display or input wavefront sizes
self.pupil_diam = max(np.max(dm_shape) * self.actuator_spacing, self.radius_reflective*2) # see note above
self.include_actuator_print_through = include_actuator_print_through
# are some actuators masked out/inactive (i.e. circular factor Boston DMs have inactive corners)
self.include_actuator_mask = actuator_mask_file is not None
if self.include_actuator_mask:
self.actuator_mask_file = actuator_mask_file
self.actuator_mask = fits.getdata(self.actuator_mask_file)
if self.include_actuator_print_through:
self.include_factor_of_two = include_factor_of_two
if isinstance(influence_func, str):
self.influence_type = "from file"
elif isinstance(influence_func, fits.HDUList):
self.influence_type = "from file"
elif influence_func is None:
self.influence_type = "default Gaussian"
raise TypeError('Not sure how to use an influence function parameter of type ' + str(type(influence_func)))
def _load_influence_fn(self, filename=None, hdulist=None):
""" Load and verify an influence function provided by FITS file or HDUlist """
import copy
if filename is None and hdulist is not None:
# supplied as HDUlist
hdulist = copy.deepcopy(hdulist) # don't modify the one provided as argument.
self.influence_func_file = 'supplied as fits.HDUList object'"Loaded influence function from supplied fits.HDUList object")
elif filename is not None and hdulist is None:
# supplied as filename
# with as filehandle:
# hdulist = copy.copy(filehandle)
hdulist =
self.influence_func_file = filename"Loaded influence function from " + self.influence_func_file+" for "
raise RuntimeError("must supply exactly one of the filename and hdulist arguments.")
self.influence_func = xp.array(hdulist[0].data.copy())
self.influence_header = hdulist[0].header.copy()
if len(self.influence_func.shape) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("Influence function file must contain a 2D array.")
self.influence_func_sampling = float(self.influence_header['SAMPLING'])
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("Influence function file must have a SAMPLING keyword giving # pixels per actuator.")
def _get_rescaled_influence_func(self, pixelscale):
""" Return the influence function, rescaled onto the appropriate pixel scale for
the wavefront array."""
# self.influence_func contains the 2D influence function array.
# self.influence_func_sampling records how many pixels, in the provided array, represents 1 actuator spacing.
# How many pixels in the output array between actuators?
act_space_m =
act_space_pix = act_space_m / / u.pixel).value
scale = act_space_pix / self.influence_func_sampling
# suppress irrelevant scipy warning here
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return _scipy.ndimage.zoom(self.influence_func, scale)
def _get_rescaled_actuator_surface(self, pixelscale):
""" Return the actuator surface print-through, rescaled onto the
appropriate pixel scale for the wavefront array."""
# self.actuator_surface contains the 2D influence function array,
# for one single pixel.
# How many pixels in the output array between actuators?
act_space_pix = (self.actuator_spacing / pixelscale).to(u.pixel).value
scale = act_space_pix / self.actuator_surface.shape[0]
# suppress irrelevant scipy warning here
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return scipy.ndimage.zoom(self.actuator_surface, scale)
def _load_actuator_surface_file(self, filename=None):
""" Load an array representing the actuator surface print-through
TODO header keyword checking etc!
if filename is None:
raise ValueError("Must supply actuator_print_through_file parameter to include actuator print through.")
self.actuator_surface = fits.getdata(filename)
def dm_shape(self):
""" DM actuator geometry - i.e. how many actuators per axis """
return self._dm_shape
def surface(self):
""" The commanded surface shape of the deformable mirror, in
This is the input to the DM. See the .opd property for the output.
return self._surface
def set_surface(self, new_surface):
""" Set the entire surface shape of the DM.
new_surface : 2d ndarray, or scalar
Desired DM surface OPD, in meters by default, or use
the astropy units system to specify a different unit
if xp.isscalar(new_surface.value):
self._surface[:] =
assert new_surface.shape == self._surface.shape, "Supplied surface shape doesn't match DM. Must be {}".format(self._surface.shape)
self._surface[:] = xp.asarray(, dtype=float)
def set_actuator(self, actx, acty, new_value):
""" Set an individual actuator of the DM.
actx, acty : integers
Coordinates of the actuator you wish to control
new_value : float
Desired surface height for that actuator, in meters
by default or use astropy Units to specify another unit if desired.
dm.set_actuator(12, 22, 123.4*u.nm)
if self.include_actuator_mask:
if not self.actuator_mask[acty, actx]:
raise RuntimeError("Actuator ({}, {}) is masked out for that DM.".format(actx, acty))
if actx < 0 or actx > self.dm_shape[1] - 1:
raise ValueError("X axis coordinate is out of range")
if acty < 0 or acty > self.dm_shape[0] - 1:
raise ValueError("Y axis coordinate is out of range")
self._surface[acty, actx] =
def flatten(self):
"""Flatten the DM by setting all actuators to zero piston"""
self._surface[:] = 0
def get_act_coordinates(self, one_d=False, include_transformations=False):
""" Y and X coordinates for the actuators
one_d : bool
Return 1-dimensional arrays of coordinates per axis?
Default is to return 2D arrays with same shape as full array.
include_transformations : bool
Return *apparent* coordinates after rotations, etc of the DM.
y_act, x_act : float ndarrays
actuator coordinates, in units of meters
act_space_m =
y_act = (xp.arange(self.dm_shape[0]) - self.pupil_center) * act_space_m
x_act = (xp.arange(self.dm_shape[1]) - self.pupil_center) * act_space_m
if not one_d: # convert to 2D
y_act.shape = (self.dm_shape[0], 1)
y_act = y_act * xp.ones((1, self.dm_shape[1]))
x_act.shape = (1, self.dm_shape[1])
x_act = x_act * xp.ones((self.dm_shape[0], 1))
if include_transformations:
# Repeat the same transformations here as applied in AnalyticOpticalElement.get_coordinates()
# But with opposite sense, since there the transformation is on the coordinate system and here
# it is on the optic
if hasattr(self, "rotation"):
if isinstance(self.rotation, u.Quantity) and
angle = -np.deg2rad(self.rotation).value
angle = -np.deg2rad(self.rotation)
x_p = np.cos(angle) * x_act + np.sin(angle) * y_act
y_p = -np.sin(angle) * x_act + np.cos(angle) * y_act
x_act = x_p
y_act = y_p
if getattr(self, 'inclination_x', 0) != 0:
y_act *= np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.inclination_x))
if getattr(self, 'inclination_y', 0) != 0:
x_act *= np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.inclination_y))
return y_act, x_act
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Return the surface shape OPD for the optic.
Interpolates from the current optic surface state onto the
desired coordinates for the wave.
if self.influence_type == 'from file':
interpolated_surface = self._get_surface_via_convolution(wave)
# the following could be replaced with a higher fidelity model if needed
interpolated_surface = self._get_surface_via_gaussian_influence_functions(wave)
if self.include_actuator_print_through:
interpolated_surface += self._get_actuator_print_through(wave)
if hasattr(self, 'shift_x') or hasattr(self, 'shift_y'):
# Apply shifts here, if necessary. Doing it this way lets the same shift code apply
# across all of the above 3 potential ingredients into the OPD, potentially at some
# small cost in accuracy rather than shifting each individually at a subpixel level.
# suppress irrelevant scipy warning from ndzoom calls
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if (hasattr(self, 'shift_x') and self.shift_x !=0):
pixscale_m =
shift_x_pix = int(np.round(self.shift_x /pixscale_m))
interpolated_surface = xp.roll(interpolated_surface, shift_x_pix, axis=1)
if (hasattr(self, 'shift_y') and self.shift_y !=0):
pixscale_m =
shift_y_pix = int(np.round(self.shift_y /pixscale_m))
interpolated_surface = xp.roll(interpolated_surface, shift_y_pix, axis=0)
# account for DM being reflective (optional, governed by include_factor_of_two parameter)
coefficient = 2 if self.include_factor_of_two else 1
return coefficient*interpolated_surface # note optional *2 coefficient to account for DM being reflective surface
def _get_surface_arrays_with_orientation(self):
""" Return representations of the DM actuators and masks
possibly with flips horizontally or vertically
surface = self._surface
if self.flip_x:
surface = xp.fliplr(surface)
if self.flip_y:
surface = xp.flipud(surface)
if self.include_actuator_mask:
act_mask = self.actuator_mask
if self.flip_x:
act_mask = xp.fliplr(act_mask)
if self.flip_y:
act_mask = xp.flipud(act_mask)
act_mask = None
return surface, act_mask
def _get_surface_via_gaussian_influence_functions(self, wave):
""" Infer a finely-sampled surface from simple Gaussian influence functions centered on
each actuator.
This default representation has 15% crosstalk between adjacent actuators, typical of
Boston MEMS continuous DMs.
Work in progress, oversimplified, not a high fidelity representation of the true influence function
See also self._get_surface_via_convolution
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
y_act, x_act = self.get_act_coordinates(one_d=True, include_transformations=False)
# In this case we don't need to transform the actuator coordinates, since we evaluate
# them as Gaussian functions relative to the y and x arrays that already include any
# coordinate transforms present for this optic.
interpolated_surface = xp.zeros(wave.shape)
crosstalk = 0.15 # amount of crosstalk on adjacent actuator
sigma = / np.sqrt((-np.log(crosstalk)))
pixelscale = x[0, 1] - x[0, 0] # scale of x,y
# check for flips
surface, act_mask = self._get_surface_arrays_with_orientation()
for yi, yc in enumerate(y_act):
for xi, xc in enumerate(x_act):
if surface[yi, xi] == 0 or (self.include_actuator_mask and act_mask[yi,xi]==0):
# 2d Gaussian
if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR:
roversigma2 = ne.evaluate("((x - xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2)/sigma**2")
roversigma2 = ((x - xc) ** 2 + (y - yc) ** 2) / sigma ** 2
interpolated_surface += surface[yi, xi] * accel_math._exp(-roversigma2)
return interpolated_surface
def _get_surface_via_convolution(self, wave):
""" Infer the physical DM surface by convolving the actuator
"picket fence" trace with the influence function.
This version uses an influence function read from a file on disk
# Determine the center indices of the actuators in wavefront space,
# if not already established.
if not hasattr(self, '_act_ind_flat') or True:
# check for flips
surface, act_mask = self._get_surface_arrays_with_orientation()
if self.include_actuator_mask:
target_val = (surface * act_mask).ravel()
target_val = surface.ravel()
# Compute the 'surface trace', i.e the values for each actuator, projected
# into the appropriate locations on the detector. For each actuator, we
# weight the surface value across a 2x2 square of pixels to account for subpixel
# positions of the actuators.
# First, determine DM actuator coordinates in fractional pixels:
# Since we are working in units of square pixels here, we need to include
# any coordinate transformations onto the DM actuator coordinates before that.
dm_act_m = xp.stack(self.get_act_coordinates(include_transformations=True))
center = (xp.asarray(wave.shape)-1)/2 # need to be careful here re exact wave center
dm_act_pix = dm_act_m / + center
# Then iterate over a 2x2 square of pixels, weighting linearly between adjacent pixels
# based on the subpixel offset for each actuator
fracpart, intpart = xp.modf(dm_act_pix)
for ix in (0,1):
for iy in (0,1):
xweight = fracpart[1] if ix==1 else (1-fracpart[1])
yweight = fracpart[0] if iy==1 else (1-fracpart[0])
if accel_math._USE_CUPY:
# for some reason you can't use .flat and multiply the array in CuPy, you have to use .flatten()
self._surface_trace_flat[self._act_ind_flat[0] + ix + iy*wave.shape[0]]=(xweight*yweight).flatten()*target_val
# in numpy, using .flat is slightly faster since it uses an iterator rather than making a copy
self._surface_trace_flat[self._act_ind_flat[0] + ix + iy*wave.shape[0]]=(xweight*yweight).flat*target_val
pass # Ignore any actuators outside the FoV
# Now we can convolve with the influence function to get the full continuous surface.
influence_rescaled = self._get_rescaled_influence_func(wave.pixelscale)
dm_surface = _scipy.signal.fftconvolve(self._surface_trace_flat.reshape(wave.shape), influence_rescaled, mode='same')
return dm_surface
def _setup_actuator_indices(self, wave):
# This attribute will hold the 1D, flattened indices of each of the
# actuators, in the larger wave array.
# FIXME this will need to become smarter about when to regenerate these.
# for cases with different wave samplings.
# For now will just regenerate this every time. Slower but strict.
y_wave, x_wave = self.get_coordinates(wave)
N_act = self.numacross
center = (xp.asarray(wave.shape)-1)/2 # need to be careful here re exact wave center
if getattr(self, 'rotation', 0)==0:
# The DM is not rotated, so each row or column has a consistent X or Y coordinate
# This simplifies the math.
y_act, x_act = self.get_act_coordinates(one_d=True, include_transformations=True)
# The DM is rotated, so each actuator has its own unique X and Y coordinate.
y_act, x_act = self.get_act_coordinates(one_d=False, include_transformations=True)
# Find integer pixel to the left & down (i.e. floor) for each actuator.
# This sets us up for the subpixel offsets inside
# _get_surface_via_convolution()
dm_x_act_pix = x_act / + center[1]
dm_y_act_pix = y_act / + center[0]
x_wave_ind_act = xp.asarray(xp.floor(dm_x_act_pix), dtype=int)
y_wave_ind_act = xp.asarray(xp.floor(dm_y_act_pix), dtype=int)
if getattr(self, 'rotation', 0)==0:
act_trace_row = xp.zeros((1, wave.shape[1]), dtype='bool')
act_trace_col = xp.zeros((wave.shape[0], 1), dtype='bool')
act_trace_row[0, x_wave_ind_act] = 1
act_trace_col[y_wave_ind_act, 0] = 1
act_trace_2d = act_trace_col * act_trace_row
self._tmp = (y_wave, x_wave, y_act, x_act, wave )
# Depending on the amount of rotation, some actuators may have rotated outside of the wavefront array
acts_in_pupil = ((0 < x_wave_ind_act) & (x_wave_ind_act < wave.shape[1]) &
(0 < y_wave_ind_act) & (y_wave_ind_act < wave.shape[0]))
act_trace_2d = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype='bool')
for y, x in zip(y_wave_ind_act[acts_in_pupil], x_wave_ind_act[acts_in_pupil]):
act_trace_2d[y, x] = 1
self._act_trace_2d = act_trace_2d
act_trace_flat = act_trace_2d.ravel()
self._act_ind_flat = xp.nonzero(act_trace_flat) # 1-d indices of actuator centers in wavefront space
if self._act_ind_flat[0].shape[0] < N_act**2:
raise RuntimeError("The specified sampling is too small a region to include all the DM actuators")
self._surface_trace_flat = xp.zeros(act_trace_flat.shape) # flattened representation of DM surface trace
def _get_actuator_print_through(self, wave):
""" DM surface print through. This function currently hardcoded for Boston MEMS.
TODO - write something more generalized. """
# Determine the center indices of the actuators in wavefront space,
# if not already established.
if not hasattr(self, '_act_ind_flat') or True:
# Set physical DM surface trace -
# this is constant for the surface print through, for all actuators that are present.
if self.include_actuator_mask:
target_val = self.actuator_mask.ravel()
target_val = 1
self._surface_trace_flat[self._act_ind_flat] = target_val
actuator_rescaled = self._get_rescaled_actuator_surface(wave.pixelscale)
dm_surface = _scipy.signal.fftconvolve(self._surface_trace_flat.reshape(wave.shape),
actuator_rescaled, mode='same')
return dm_surface
def get_transmission(self, wave):
# Pass through transformations of this optic to the aperture sub-optic, if needed
if hasattr(self, 'shift_x'):
self._aperture.shift_x = self.shift_x
if hasattr(self, 'shift_y'):
self._aperture.shift_y = self.shift_y
return self._aperture.get_transmission(wave)
def display(self, annotate=False, grid=False, what='opd', crosshairs=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Display an Analytic optic by first computing it onto a grid.
wavelength : float
Wavelength to evaluate this optic's properties at
npix : int
Number of pixels to use when sampling the optical element.
what : str
What to display: 'intensity', 'surface' or 'phase', or 'both'
ax : matplotlib.Axes instance
Axes to display into
nrows, row : integers
# of rows and row index for subplot display
crosshairs : bool
Display crosshairs indicating the center?
colorbar : bool
Show colorbar?
colorbar_orientation : bool
Desired orientation, horizontal or vertical?
Default is horizontal if only 1 row of plots, else vertical
opd_vmax : float
Max value for OPD image display, in meters.
title : string
Plot label
annotate : bool
Draw annotations on plot
grid : bool
Show the grid for the DM actuator spacing
kwargs['crosshairs'] = crosshairs
kwargs['what'] = what
returnvalue = optics.AnalyticOpticalElement.display(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Annotations not yet smart enough to deal with two panels
if what != 'both':
if annotate:
if grid:
return returnvalue
def display_actuators(self, annotate=False, grid=True, what='opd', crosshairs=False, *args, **kwargs):
""" Display the optical surface, viewed as discrete actuators
annotate : bool
Annotate coordinates and types of actuators on the display? Default false.
grid : bool
Annotate grid of actuators on the display? Default true.
what : string
What to display: 'intensity' transmission, 'opd', or 'both'
crosshairs : bool
Draw crosshairs on plot to indicate the origin.
# call parent class display, setting parameters to display at actuator grid resolution
returnvalue = super().display(what=what, crosshairs=crosshairs,
npix = self.dm_shape[0],
grid_size = self.dm_shape[0]*,
if annotate: self.annotate()
if grid: self.annotate_grid()
return returnvalue
def annotate(self, marker='+', **kwargs):
""" Overplot actuator coordinates on some already-existing pupil display
yc, xc = self.get_act_coordinates()
ax = plt.gca()
# jump through some hoops to avoid autoscaling the X,Y coords
# of the prior plot here, but retain the autoscale state
autoscale_state = (ax._autoscaleXon, ax._autoscaleYon)
plt.scatter(xc, yc, marker=marker, **kwargs)
ax._autoscaleXon, ax._autoscaleYon = autoscale_state
def annotate_grid(self, linestyle=":", color="black", **kwargs):
import matplotlib
y_act, x_act = self.get_act_coordinates(one_d=True)
ax = plt.gca()
# jump through some hoops to avoid autoscaling the X,Y coords
# of the prior plot here, but retain the autoscale state
autoscale_state = (ax._autoscaleXon, ax._autoscaleYon)
act_space_m =
for x in x_act:
plt.axvline(x + (act_space_m / 2), linestyle=linestyle, color=color)
for y in y_act:
plt.axhline(y + (act_space_m / 2), linestyle=linestyle, color=color)
ap_radius =
aperture = matplotlib.patches.Circle((0,0), radius=ap_radius, fill=False,
active_radius =
aperture = matplotlib.patches.Circle((0,0), radius=active_radius, fill=False,
ax._autoscaleXon, ax._autoscaleYon = autoscale_state
def display_influence_fn(self):
if self.influence_type == 'from file':
act_space_m =
r = np.linspace(0, 4 * act_space_m, 50)
crosstalk = 0.15 # amount of crosstalk on adjacent actuator
sigma = act_space_m / np.sqrt((-np.log(crosstalk)))
plt.plot(r, np.exp(- (r / sigma) ** 2))
plt.xlabel('Separation [m]')
for i in range(4):
plt.axvline(act_space_m * i, ls=":", color='black')
plt.ylabel('Actuator Influence')
plt.title("Gaussian influence function with 15% crosstalk")
raise NotImplementedError("Display of influence functions from files not yet written.")
class SegmentedDeformableMirror(ABC):
""" Abstract class for segmented DMs.
See below for subclasses for hexagonal and circular apertures.
Classes to turn into a SegmentedDeformableMirror must implement the
poppy.MultiSegmentAperture ABC, including methods for
and attributes:
def __init__(self, rings=1, include_factor_of_two=False):
self._surface = xp.zeros((self._n_aper_inside_ring(rings + 1), 3))
# see _setup_arrays for the following
self._last_npix = xp.nan
self._last_pixelscale = xp.nan * u.meter / u.pixel
self.include_factor_of_two = include_factor_of_two
def dm_shape(self):
""" DM actuator geometry - i.e. how many actuators """
return len(self.segmentlist)
def surface(self):
""" The surface shape of the deformable mirror, in
**meters**. This is the commanded shape, input to the DM.
See the .opd property for the output. """
return self._surface
def flatten(self):
"""Flatten the DM by setting all actuators to zero piston"""
self._surface[:] = 0
@utils.quantity_input(piston=u.meter, tip=u.radian, tilt=u.radian)
def set_actuator(self, segnum, piston, tip, tilt):
""" Set an individual actuator of the DM.
segnum : integer
Index of the actuator you wish to control
piston, tip, tilt : floats or astropy Quantities
Piston (in meters or other length units) and tip and tilt
(in radians or other angular units)
if segnum not in self.segmentlist:
raise ValueError("Segment {} is not present for this DM instance.".format(segnum))
self._surface[segnum] = xp.array([,,])
def _setup_arrays(self, npix, pixelscale, wave=None):
""" Set up the arrays to compute an OPD into.
This is relatively slow, but we only need to do this once for
each size of input array. A simple caching mechanism avoids
unnecessary recomputations.
# Don't recompute if values unchanged.
if (npix == self._last_npix) and (pixelscale == self._last_pixelscale):
self._last_npix = npix
self._last_pixelscale = pixelscale
self._seg_mask = xp.zeros((npix, npix))
self._seg_x = xp.zeros((npix, npix))
self._seg_y = xp.zeros((npix, npix))
self._seg_indices = dict()
self.transmission = xp.zeros((npix, npix))
for i in self.segmentlist:
self._one_aperture(wave, i, value=i + 1)
self._seg_mask = self.transmission
self._transmission = xp.asarray(self._seg_mask != 0, dtype=float)
y, x = self.get_coordinates((wave))
for i in self.segmentlist:
wseg = xp.where(self._seg_mask == i+1)
self._seg_indices[i] = wseg
ceny, cenx = self._aper_center(i)
self._seg_x[wseg] = x[wseg] - cenx
self._seg_y[wseg] = y[wseg] - ceny
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Return OPD - Faster version with caching"""
self._setup_arrays(wave.shape[0], wave.pixelscale, wave=wave)
self.opd = xp.zeros(wave.shape)
for i in self.segmentlist:
wseg = self._seg_indices[i]
self.opd[wseg] = (self._surface[i, 0] +
self._surface[i, 1] * self._seg_x[wseg] +
self._surface[i, 2] * self._seg_y[wseg])
# account for DM being reflective (optional, governed by include_factor_of_two parameter)
if self.include_factor_of_two:
self.opd *= 2
return self.opd
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Return transmission - Faster version with caching"""
self._setup_arrays(wave.shape[0], wave.pixelscale, wave=wave)
return self._transmission
# note, must inherit first from SegmentedDeformableMirror to get correct method resolution order
class HexSegmentedDeformableMirror(SegmentedDeformableMirror, optics.MultiHexagonAperture, ):
""" Hexagonally segmented DM. Each actuator is controllable in piston, tip, and tilt
rings, flattoflat, gap, center : various
All keywords for defining the segmented aperture geometry are inherited from
the MultiHexagonAperture class. See that class for details.
include_factor_of_two : Bool
include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False).
If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of
desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested
values (convolved with the actuator response function etc).
If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface
units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the
amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)
def __init__(self, rings=3, flattoflat=1.0 * u.m, gap=0.01 * u.m,
name='HexDM', center=True, include_factor_of_two=False, **kwargs):
optics.MultiHexagonAperture.__init__(self, name=name, rings=rings, flattoflat=flattoflat,
gap=gap, center=center, **kwargs)
SegmentedDeformableMirror.__init__(self, rings=rings, include_factor_of_two=include_factor_of_two)
# note, must inherit first from SegmentedDeformableMirror to get correct method resolution order
class CircularSegmentedDeformableMirror(SegmentedDeformableMirror, optics.MultiCircularAperture):
""" Circularly segmented DM. Each actuator is controllable in piston, tip, and tilt (and any zernike term)
rings, segment_radius, gap, center : various
All keywords for defining the segmented aperture geometry are inherited from
the MultiCircularAperture class. See that class for details.
include_factor_of_two : Bool
include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False).
If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of
desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested
values (convolved with the actuator response function etc).
If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface
units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the
amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)
def __init__(self, rings=1, segment_radius=1.0 * u.m, gap=0.01 * u.m,
name='CircSegDM', center=True, include_factor_of_two=False, **kwargs):
#FIXME ? using grey pixel does not work. something in the geometry module generate a true divide error
optics.MultiCircularAperture.__init__(self, name=name, rings=rings, segment_radius=segment_radius,
gap=gap, center=center, gray_pixel = False, **kwargs)
SegmentedDeformableMirror.__init__(self, rings=rings, include_factor_of_two=include_factor_of_two)
# note, must inherit first from SegmentedDeformableMirror to get correct method resolution order
class KeystoneSegmentedDeformableMirror(SegmentedDeformableMirror, optics.KeystoneSegmentedCircularAperture):
""" Circularly segmented DM. Each actuator is controllable in piston, tip, and tilt (and any zernike term)
rings, segment_radius, gap, center : various
All keywords for defining the segmented aperture geometry are inherited from
the MultiCircularAperture class. See that class for details.
include_factor_of_two : Bool
include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False).
If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of
desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested
values (convolved with the actuator response function etc).
If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface
units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the
amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)
def __init__(self, name='WedgeSegDM', radius=1.0 * u.m, rings=1, nsections=4, gap_radii=None, gap=0.01 * u.m,
include_factor_of_two=False, **kwargs):
#FIXME ? using grey pixel does not work. something in the geometry module generate a true divide error
optics.KeystoneSegmentedCircularAperture.__init__(self, name=name, radius=radius, rings=rings,
nsections=nsections, gap_radii=gap_radii,
gap=gap, **kwargs)
SegmentedDeformableMirror.__init__(self, rings=rings, include_factor_of_two=include_factor_of_two)
def _setup_arrays(self, npix, pixelscale, wave=None):
# Small tweak to the superclass function, to allow invoking slightly better handling for pixels near
# edges of segments. This approach results in the DM segment maps covering the segment gaps better, to
# accomodate 'gray' pixels in the transmission map
super()._setup_arrays(npix, pixelscale, wave=wave)
self._transmission = optics.KeystoneSegmentedCircularAperture.get_transmission(self, wave)