- class poppy.CircularSegmentedDeformableMirror(rings=1, segment_radius=<Quantity 1. m>, gap=<Quantity 0.01 m>, name='CircSegDM', center=True, include_factor_of_two=False, **kwargs)[source]
Circularly segmented DM. Each actuator is controllable in piston, tip, and tilt (and any zernike term)
- Parameters:
- rings, segment_radius, gap, centervarious
All keywords for defining the segmented aperture geometry are inherited from the MultiCircularAperture class. See that class for details.
- include_factor_of_twoBool
include the factor of two due to reflection in the OPD function (optional, default False). If this is set False (default), actuator commands are interpreted as being in units of desired wavefront error directly; the returned WFE will be directly proportional to the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc). If this is set to True, then the actuator commands are interpreted as being in physical surface units, and the WFE is therefore a factor of two larger. The returned WFE will be twice the amplitude of the requested values (convolved with the actuator response function etc.)