import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation
import matplotlib
import as fits
import astropy.units as u
import warnings
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from . import utils
from . import conf
from .poppy_core import OpticalElement, Wavefront, BaseWavefront, PlaneType, _RADIANStoARCSEC
from . import geometry
from . import accel_math
from .accel_math import xp, _scipy, _exp, _r, _float, _complex
if accel_math._NUMEXPR_AVAILABLE:
import numexpr as ne
_log = logging.getLogger('poppy')
__all__ = ['AnalyticOpticalElement', 'ScalarTransmission', 'ScalarOpticalPathDifference', 'InverseTransmission',
'BandLimitedCoron', 'BandLimitedCoronagraph', 'IdealFQPM', 'CircularPhaseMask', 'RectangularFieldStop', 'SquareFieldStop',
'AnnularFieldStop', 'HexagonFieldStop',
'CircularOcculter', 'BarOcculter', 'FQPM_FFT_aligner', 'CircularAperture',
'HexagonAperture', 'MultiHexagonAperture', 'NgonAperture', 'MultiCircularAperture',
'KeystoneSegmentedCircularAperture', 'RectangleAperture',
'SquareAperture', 'SecondaryObscuration', 'LetterFAperture', 'AsymmetricSecondaryObscuration',
'ThinLens', 'GaussianAperture', 'KnifeEdge', 'TiltOpticalPathDifference', 'CompoundAnalyticOptic', 'fixed_sampling_optic']
# ------ Generic Analytic elements -----
class AnalyticOpticalElement(OpticalElement):
""" Defines an abstract analytic optical element, i.e. one definable by
some formula rather than by an input OPD or pupil file.
This class is useless on its own; instead use its various subclasses
that implement appropriate get_opd and/or get_transmission functions.
It exists mostly to provide some behaviors & initialization common to
all analytic optical elements.
name, verbose, oversample, planetype : various
Same as for OpticalElement
transmission, opd : string
These are *not allowed* for Analytic optical elements, and this class will raise an
error if you try to set one.
shift_x, shift_y : Optional floats
Translations of this optic, given in meters relative to the optical
axis for pupil plane elements, or arcseconds relative to the optical axis
for image plane elements.
rotation : Optional float
Rotation of the optic around its center, given in degrees
counterclockwise. Note that if you apply both shift and rotation,
the optic rotates around its own center, rather than the optical
def __init__(self, shift_x=None, shift_y=None, rotation=None,
inclination_x=None, inclination_y=None,
OpticalElement.__init__(self, **kwargs)
if shift_x is not None: self.shift_x = shift_x
if shift_y is not None: self.shift_y = shift_y
if rotation is not None: self.rotation = rotation
if inclination_x is not None: self.inclination_x = inclination_x
if inclination_y is not None: self.inclination_y = inclination_y
if getattr(self, 'inclination_x', 0) != 0 and getattr(self, 'inclination_y', 0) != 0:
warnings.warn("It is physically inconsistent to set inclinations on both X and Y at the same time.")
if np.abs(getattr(self, 'inclination_x', 0)) > 90 or np.abs(getattr(self, 'inclination_y', 0)) > 90:
warnings.warn("Inclinations should be within the range -90 to 90 degrees")
# self.shape = None # no explicit shape required
self.pixelscale = None
def shape(self): # Analytic elements don't have shape
return None
def __str__(self):
if self.planetype == PlaneType.pupil:
return "Pupil plane: " +
elif self.planetype == PlaneType.image:
return "Image plane: " +
return "Optic: " +
# The following two functions should be replaced by derived subclasses
# but we provide a default of perfect transmission and zero OPD.
# Each must return something which is a numpy ndarray.
def get_opd(self, wave):
return xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Note that this is the **amplitude** transmission, not the
total intensity transmission. """
return xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def get_phasor(self, wave):
""" Compute a complex phasor from an OPD, given a wavelength.
The returned value should be the complex phasor array as appropriate for
multiplying by the wavefront amplitude.
wave : float or obj
either a scalar wavelength or a Wavefront object
if isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront):
wavelength = wave.wavelength
wavelength = wave
scale = 2. * np.pi /
if accel_math._USE_NUMEXPR:
trans = self.get_transmission(wave)
opd = self.get_opd(wave)
# we first multiply the two scalars, for a slight performance gain
scalars = 1.j * scale
# warning, numexpr exp is crash-prone if fed complex64, so we
# leave the scalars variable as np.complex128 for reliability
result = ne.evaluate("trans * exp( opd * scalars)")
# TODO if single-precision, need to cast the result back to that
# to work around a bug
# Not sure why numexpr is casting up to complex128
# see
# (Yes this is inefficient to do math as doubles if in single mode, but
# numexpr is still a net win)
if conf.double_precision:
return result
return xp.asarray(result, _complex())
return self.get_transmission(wave) * xp.exp(1.j * self.get_opd(wave) * scale)
def sample(self, wavelength=1e-6 * u.meter, npix=512, grid_size=None, what='amplitude',
return_scale=False, phase_unit='waves'):
""" Sample the Analytic Optic onto a grid and return the array
wavelength : astropy.units.Quantity or float
Wavelength (in meters if unit not given explicitly)
npix : integer
Number of pixels for sampling the array
grid_size : float
Field of view grid size (diameter) for sampling the optic, in meters for
pupil plane optics and arcseconds for image planes. Default value is
taken from the optic's properties, if defined. Otherwise defaults to
6.5 meters or 2 arcseconds depending on plane.
what : string
What to return: optic 'amplitude' transmission, 'intensity' transmission,
'phase', or 'opd'. Note that optical path difference, OPD, is given in meters.
phase_unit : string
Unit for returned phase array IF what=='phase'. One of 'radians', 'waves', 'meters'.
('meters' option is deprecated; use what='opd' instead.)
return_scale : float
if True, will return a tuple containing the desired array and a float giving the
pixel scale.
if self.planetype != PlaneType.image:
if grid_size is not None:
diam = grid_size if isinstance(grid_size, u.Quantity) else grid_size * u.meter
elif hasattr(self, '_default_display_size'):
diam = self._default_display_size
elif hasattr(self, 'pupil_diam'):
diam = self.pupil_diam * 1
diam = 1.0 * u.meter
w = Wavefront(wavelength=wavelength, npix=npix, diam=diam)
pixel_scale = diam / (npix * u.pixel)
if grid_size is not None:
fov = grid_size if isinstance(grid_size, u.Quantity) else grid_size * u.arcsec
elif hasattr(self, '_default_display_size'):
fov = self._default_display_size
fov = 4 * u.arcsec
pixel_scale = fov / (npix * u.pixel)
w = Wavefront(wavelength=wavelength, npix=npix, pixelscale=pixel_scale)"Computing {0} for {1} sampled onto {2} pixel grid with pixelscale {3}".format(what,, npix, pixel_scale))
if what == 'amplitude':
output_array = self.get_transmission(w)
elif what == 'intensity':
output_array = self.get_transmission(w) ** 2
elif what == 'phase':
if phase_unit == 'radians':
output_array = xp.angle(phasor) * 2 * np.pi / wavelength
elif phase_unit == 'waves':
output_array = self.get_opd(w) / wavelength
elif phase_unit == 'meters':
warnings.warn("'phase_unit' parameter has been deprecated. Use what='opd' instead.",
output_array = self.get_opd(w)
warnings.warn("'phase_unit' parameter has been deprecated. Use what='opd' instead.",
raise ValueError('Invalid/unknown phase_unit: {}. Must be one of '
'[radians, waves, meters]'.format(phase_unit))
elif what == 'opd':
output_array = self.get_opd(w)
elif what == 'complex':
output_array = self.get_phasor(w)
raise ValueError('Invalid/unknown what to sample: {}. Must be one of '
'[amplitude, intensity, phase, opd, complex]'.format(what))
if return_scale:
return output_array, pixel_scale
return output_array
def to_fits(self, outname=None, what='amplitude', wavelength=1e-6 * u.meter, npix=512, **kwargs):
""" Save an analytic optic computed onto a grid to a FITS file
The FITS file is returned to the calling function, and may optionally be
saved directly to disk.
what : string
What quantity to save. See the sample function of this class
wavelength : float
Wavelength in meters.
npix : integer
Number of pixels.
outname : string, optional
Filename to write out a FITS file to disk
See the sample() function for additional optional parameters.
from .version import version
except ImportError:
version = ''
kwargs['return_scale'] = True
if what == 'complex':
raise ValueError("FITS cannot handle complex arrays directly. Save the amplitude and opd separately.")
output_array, pixelscale = self.sample(wavelength=wavelength, npix=npix, what=what,
output_array = accel_math.ensure_not_on_gpu(output_array)
long_contents = {'amplitude': "Electric field amplitude transmission",
'intensity': "Electric field intensity transmission",
'opd': "Optical path difference",
'phase': "Wavefront phase delay"}
phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(output_array)
phdu.header['OPTIC'] = (, "Descriptive name of this optic")
phdu.header['NAME'] =
phdu.header['SOURCE'] = 'Computed with POPPY'
phdu.header['VERSION'] = (version, "software version of POPPY")
phdu.header['CONTENTS'] = (what, long_contents[what])
phdu.header['PLANETYP'] = (self.planetype.value, "0=unspecified, 1=pupil, 2=image, 3=detector, 4=rot")
if self.planetype == PlaneType.image:
phdu.header['PIXELSCL'] = ( / u.pixel).value, 'Image plane pixel scale in arcsec/pix')
outFITS[0].header['PIXUNIT'] = ('arcsecond', "Unit for PIXELSCL")
phdu.header['PUPLSCAL'] = ( / u.pixel).value, 'Pupil plane pixel scale in meter/pix')
phdu.header['PIXELSCL'] = (phdu.header['PUPLSCAL'], 'Pupil plane pixel scale in meter/pix')
phdu.header['PIXUNIT'] = ('meter', "Unit for PIXELSCL")
if what == 'opd':
phdu.header['BUNIT'] = ('meter', "Optical Path Difference is given in meters.")
if hasattr(self, 'shift_x'):
phdu.header['SHIFTX'] = (self.shift_x, "X axis shift of input optic")
if hasattr(self, 'shift_y'):
phdu.header['SHIFTY'] = (self.shift_y, "Y axis shift of input optic")
if hasattr(self, 'rotation'):
phdu.header['ROTATION'] = (self.rotation, "Rotation of input optic, in deg")
hdul = fits.HDUList(hdus=[phdu])
if outname is not None:
phdu.writeto(outname, overwrite=True)"Output written to " + outname)
return hdul
def get_coordinates(self, wave):
"""Get coordinates of this optic, optionally including shifts
Method: Calls the supplied wave object's coordinates() method,
then checks for the existence of the following attributes:
"shift_x", "shift_y", "rotation", "inclination_x", "inclination_y"
If any of them are present, then the coordinates are modified accordingly.
Shifts are given by default implicitly in meters for pupil optics and arcseconds for image
plane optics. Shifts may optionally also be given with explicit units using Astropy Quantities,
which in this case must be convertable into meters or arcseconds as appropriate.
Rotations and inclinations are given implicitly in degrees.
For multiple transformations, the order of operations is:
shift, rotate, incline.
y, x = wave.coordinates()
if hasattr(self, "shift_x"):
if isinstance(self.shift_x, u.Quantity):
desired_unit = u.arcsecond if self.planetype == PlaneType.image else u.meter
shift_value = self.shift_x.to_value(desired_unit)
x -= float(shift_value)
x -= float(self.shift_x)
if hasattr(self, "shift_y"):
if isinstance(self.shift_y, u.Quantity):
desired_unit = u.arcsecond if self.planetype == PlaneType.image else u.meter
shift_value = self.shift_y.to_value(desired_unit)
y -= float(shift_value)
y -= float(self.shift_y)
if hasattr(self, "rotation"):
if isinstance(self.rotation, u.Quantity):
angle = np.deg2rad(self.rotation.to_value(
angle = np.deg2rad(self.rotation)
xp = np.cos(angle) * x + np.sin(angle) * y
yp = -np.sin(angle) * x + np.cos(angle) * y
x = xp
y = yp
# inclination around X axis rescales Y, and vice versa:
if hasattr(self, "inclination_x"):
y /= np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.inclination_x))
if hasattr(self, "inclination_y"):
x /= np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.inclination_y))
return y, x
class ScalarTransmission(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Uniform transmission between 0 and 1.0 in intensity.
Either a null optic (empty plane) or some perfect ND filter...
But most commonly this is just used as a null optic placeholder """
def __init__(self, name=None, transmission=1.0, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = ("-empty-" if transmission == 1.0 else
"Scalar Transmission of {0}".format(transmission))
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
self.transmission = float(transmission)
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'intensity'
def get_transmission(self, wave):
res = xp.empty(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
return res
class ScalarOpticalPathDifference(AnalyticOpticalElement):
"""Uniform and constant optical path difference
def __init__(self, name=None, opd=1.0*u.micron, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = f'Constant OPD, {opd}'
super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.opd = opd
def get_opd(self, wave):
res = xp.empty(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
return res
class InverseTransmission(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Given any arbitrary OpticalElement with transmission T(x,y)
return the inverse transmission 1 - T(x,y)
This is a useful ingredient in the SemiAnalyticCoronagraph algorithm.
def __init__(self, optic=None):
super(InverseTransmission, self).__init__()
if optic is None or not hasattr(optic, 'get_transmission'):
raise ValueError("Need to supply an valid optic to invert!")
self.uninverted_optic = optic = "1 - " +
self.planetype = optic.planetype
self.pixelscale = optic.pixelscale
self.oversample = optic.oversample
if hasattr(self.uninverted_optic, '_default_display_size'):
self._default_display_size = self.uninverted_optic._default_display_size
def shape(self): # override parent class shape function
return self.uninverted_optic.shape
def get_transmission(self, wave):
return 1 - self.uninverted_optic.get_transmission(wave)
def get_opd(self, wave):
return self.uninverted_optic.get_opd(wave)
def display(self, **kwargs):
if isinstance(self.uninverted_optic, AnalyticOpticalElement):
AnalyticOpticalElement.display(self, **kwargs)
OpticalElement.display(self, **kwargs)
# ------ Analytic Image Plane elements (coordinates in arcsec) -----
class AnalyticImagePlaneElement(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Parent virtual class for AnalyticOptics which are
dimensioned in angular units such as arcseconds, rather
than physical length units such as meters.
def __init__(self, name='Generic image plane optic', *args, **kwargs):
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.image, *args, **kwargs)
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'intensity' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
class BandLimitedCoronagraph(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines an ideal band limited coronagraph occulting mask.
name : string
Descriptive name
kind : string
Either 'circular' or 'linear'. The linear ones are custom shaped to NIRCAM's design
with flat bits on either side of the linear tapered bit.
Also includes options 'nircamcircular' and 'nircamwedge' specialized for the
JWST NIRCam occulters, including the off-axis ND acq spots and the changing
width of the wedge occulter.
sigma : float
The numerical size parameter, as specified in Krist et al. 2009 SPIE
wavelength : float
Wavelength this BLC is optimized for, only for the linear ones.
allowable_kinds = ['circular', 'linear']
""" Allowable types of BLC supported by this class"""
def __init__(self, name="unnamed BLC", kind='circular', sigma=1, wavelength=None, **kwargs):
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
self.kind = kind.lower() # either circular or linear
if self.kind in ['nircamwedge', 'nircamcircular']:
import warnings
warnings.warn('JWST NIRCam specific functionality in poppy.BandLimitedCoron is moving to ' +
'webbpsf.NIRCam_BandLimitedCoron. The "nircamwedge" and "nircamcircular" options ' +
'in poppy will be removed in a future version of poppy.', DeprecationWarning)
elif self.kind not in self.allowable_kinds:
raise ValueError("Invalid value for kind of BLC: " + self.kind)
self.sigma = float(sigma) # size parameter. See section 2.1 of Krist et al. SPIE 2007, 2009
if wavelength is not None:
self.wavelength = float(wavelength.to_value(u.m)) # wavelength, for selecting the
# linear wedge option only
self._default_display_size = 20. * u.arcsec # default size for onscreen display, sized for NIRCam
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the amplitude transmission appropriate for a BLC for some given pixel spacing
corresponding to the supplied Wavefront.
Based on the Krist et al. SPIE paper on NIRCam coronagraph design
Note that the equations in Krist et al specify the intensity transmission of the occulter,
but what we want to return here is the amplitude transmittance. That is the square root
of the intensity, of course, so the equations as implemented here all differ from those
written in Krist's SPIE paper by lacking an exponential factor of 2. Thanks to John Krist
for pointing this out.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("BLC get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
if self.kind == 'circular':
# larger sigma implies narrower peak? TBD verify if this is correct
r = _r(x, y)
sigmar = self.sigma * r
sigmar.clip(np.finfo(sigmar.dtype).tiny, out=sigmar) # avoid divide by zero -> NaNs
self.transmission = (1 - (2 * _scipy.special.j1(sigmar) / sigmar) ** 2)
self.transmission[r == 0] = 0 # special case center point (value based on L'Hopital's rule)
elif self.kind == 'nircamcircular':
# larger sigma implies narrower peak? TBD verify if this is correct
r = _r(x, y)
sigmar = self.sigma * r
sigmar.clip(np.finfo(sigmar.dtype).tiny, out=sigmar) # avoid divide by zero -> NaNs
self.transmission = (1 - (2 * scipy.special.jn(1, sigmar) / sigmar) ** 2)
# add in the ND squares. Note the positions are not exactly the same in the two wedges.
# See the figures in Krist et al. of how the 6 ND squares are spaced among the 5
# coronagraph regions
# Also add in the opaque border of the coronagraph mask holder.
if self.sigma > 4:
# MASK210R has one in the corner and one half in the other corner
wnd = (
(y > 5) &
((x < -5) & (x > -10)) |
((x > 7.5) & (x < 12.5))
wborder = ((np.abs(y) > 10) | (x < -10)) # left end of mask holder
# the others have two halves on in each corner.
wnd = (
(y > 5) &
(np.abs(x) > 7.5) &
(np.abs(x) < 12.5)
wborder = (np.abs(y) > 10)
self.transmission[wnd] = np.sqrt(1e-3)
self.transmission[wborder] = 0
self.transmission[r == 0] = 0 # special case center point (value based on L'Hopital's rule)
elif self.kind == 'linear':
sigmar = self.sigma * np.abs(y)
sigmar.clip(np.finfo(sigmar.dtype).tiny, out=sigmar) # avoid divide by zero -> NaNs
self.transmission = (1 - (np.sin(sigmar) / sigmar) ** 2)
elif self.kind == 'nircamwedge':
# This is hard-coded to the wedge-plus-flat-regions shape for NIRCAM
# we want a scale factor that goes from 2 to 6 with 1/5th of it as a fixed part on
# either end
# scalefact = np.linspace(1,7, x.shape[1]).clip(2,6)
# the scale fact should depend on X coord in arcsec, scaling across a 20 arcsec FOV.
# map flat regions to 2.5 arcsec each?
# map -7.5 to 2, +7.5 to 6. slope is 4/15, offset is +9.5
scalefact = (2 + (-x + 7.5) * 4 / 15).clip(2, 6)
# scalefact *= self.sigma / 2 #;2.2513
# scalefact *= 2.2513
# scalefact.shape = (1, x.shape[1])
# This does not work - shape appears to be curved not linear.
# This is NOT a linear relationship. See calc_blc_wedge in test_poppy.
if np.abs(self.wavelength - 2.1e-6) < 0.1e-6:
polyfitcoeffs = np.array([2.01210737e-04, -7.18758337e-03, 1.12381516e-01,
-1.00877701e+00, 5.72538509e+00, -2.12943497e+01,
5.18745152e+01, -7.97815606e+01, 7.02728734e+01])
elif np.abs(self.wavelength - 4.6e-6) < 0.1e-6:
polyfitcoeffs = np.array([9.16195583e-05, -3.27354831e-03, 5.11960734e-02,
-4.59674047e-01, 2.60963397e+00, -9.70881273e+00,
2.36585911e+01, -3.63978587e+01, 3.20703511e+01])
raise NotImplemented("No defined NIRCam wedge BLC mask for that wavelength? ")
sigmas = numpy.poly1d(polyfitcoeffs)(scalefact)
sigmar = sigmas * np.abs(y)
sigmar.clip(np.finfo(sigmar.dtype).tiny, out=sigmar) # avoid divide by zero -> NaNs
self.transmission = (1 - (np.sin(sigmar) / sigmar) ** 2)
# the bar should truncate at +- 10 arcsec:
self.transmission[np.abs(x) > 10] = 1.0
# add in the ND squares. Note the positions are not exactly the same in the two wedges.
# See the figures in Krist et al. of how the 6 ND squares are spaced among the 5
# coronagraph regions. Also add in the opaque border of the coronagraph mask holder.
if np.abs(self.wavelength - 2.1e-6) < 0.1e-6:
# half ND square on each side
wnd = (
(y > 5) &
((x < -5) & (x > -10)) |
((x > 7.5) & (x < 12.5))
wborder = (np.abs(y) > 10)
elif np.abs(self.wavelength - 4.6e-6) < 0.1e-6:
wnd = (
(y > 5) &
((x < -7.5) & (x > -12.5)) |
(x > 5)
wborder = ((np.abs(y) > 10) | (x > 10)) # right end of mask holder
self.transmission[wnd] = np.sqrt(1e-3)
self.transmission[wborder] = 0
if not np.isfinite(self.transmission.sum()):
_log.warning("There are NaNs in the BLC mask - correcting to zero. (DEBUG LATER?)")
self.transmission[np.isnan(self.transmission)] = 0
return self.transmission
BandLimitedCoron = BandLimitedCoronagraph # Back compatibility for old name.
class IdealFQPM(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines an ideal 4-quadrant phase mask coronagraph, with its retardance
set perfectly to 0.5 waves at one specific wavelength and varying linearly on
either side of that. "Ideal" in the sense of ignoring chromatic effects other
than just the direct scaling of the wavelength.
name : string
Descriptive name
wavelength : float
Wavelength in meters for which the FQPM was designed, and at which there
is exactly 1/2 a wave of retardance.
def __init__(self, name="unnamed FQPM ", wavelength=10.65e-6 * u.meter, **kwargs):
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, **kwargs) = name
self.central_wavelength = wavelength
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Compute the OPD appropriate for a 4QPM for some given pixel spacing
corresponding to the supplied Wavefront
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("4QPM get_opd must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
phase = (1 - np.sign(x) * np.sign(y)) * 0.25
return phase *
class CircularPhaseMask(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Circular phase mask coronagraph, with its retardance
set perfectly at one specific wavelength and varying linearly on
either side of that.
name : string
Descriptive name
radius : float
Radius of the mask
wavelength : float
Wavelength in meters for which the phase mask was designed
retardance : float
Optical path delay at that wavelength, specified in waves
relative to the reference wavelength. Default is 0.5.
@utils.quantity_input(radius=u.arcsec, wavelength=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1*u.arcsec, wavelength=1e-6 * u.meter, retardance=0.5,
if name is None:
name = "Phase mask r={:.3g}".format(radius)
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'phase' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
self._default_display_size = 4*radius
self.central_wavelength = wavelength
self.radius = radius
self.retardance = retardance
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Compute the OPD appropriate for that phase mask for some given pixel spacing
corresponding to the supplied Wavefront
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_opd must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = _r(x, y)
self.opd = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
radius =
self.opd[r <= radius] = self.retardance *
npix = (r <= radius).sum()
if npix < 50: # pragma: no cover
import warnings
errmsg = "Phase mask is very coarsely sampled: only {} pixels. "\
"Improve sampling for better precision!".format(npix)
return self.opd
class RectangularFieldStop(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines an ideal rectangular field stop
name : string
Descriptive name
width, height: float
Size of the field stop, in arcseconds. Default 0.5 width, height 5.
@utils.quantity_input(width=u.arcsec, height=u.arcsec)
def __init__(self, name="unnamed field stop", width=0.5*u.arcsec, height=5.0*u.arcsec, **kwargs):
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, **kwargs) = name
self.width = width # width of square stop in arcseconds.
self.height = height # height of square stop in arcseconds.
self._default_display_size = max(height, width) * 1.2
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the field stop.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("IdealFieldStop get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
w_inside = (
(abs(y) <= ( / 2)) &
(abs(x) <= ( / 2))
self.transmission = w_inside.astype(_float())
return self.transmission
class SquareFieldStop(RectangularFieldStop):
""" Defines an ideal square field stop
name : string
Descriptive name
size : float
Size of the field stop, in arcseconds. Default 20.
def __init__(self, name="unnamed field stop", size=20.*u.arcsec, **kwargs):
RectangularFieldStop.__init__(self, width=size, height=size, **kwargs) = name
self.height = self.width
self._default_display_size = size * 1.2
class HexagonFieldStop(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines an ideal hexagonal field stop
Specify either the side length (= corner radius) or the
flat-to-flat distance, or the point-to-point diameter, in
angular units
name : string
Descriptive name
side : float, optional
side length (and/or radius) of hexagon, in arcsec. Overrides flattoflat if both are present.
flattoflat : float, optional
Distance between sides (flat-to-flat) of the hexagon, in arcsec. Default is 1.0
diameter : float, optional
point-to-point diameter of hexagon. Twice the side length. Overrides flattoflat, but is overridden by side.
Note you can also specify the standard parameter "rotation" to rotate the hexagon by some amount.
@utils.quantity_input(side=u.arcsec, diameter=u.arcsec, flattoflat=u.arcsec)
def __init__(self, name=None, side=None, diameter=None, flattoflat=None, **kwargs):
if flattoflat is None and side is None and diameter is None:
self.side = 1.0 * u.arcsec
elif side is not None:
self.side = side
elif diameter is not None:
self.side = diameter / 2
self.side = flattoflat / np.sqrt(3.)
if name is None:
name = "Hexagon, side length= {}".format(self.side)
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs)
def diameter(self):
return self.side * 2
def flat_to_flat(self):
return self.side * np.sqrt(3.)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("HexagonFieldStop get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
side =
absy = xp.abs(y)
self.transmission = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
w_rect = (
(xp.abs(x) <= 0.5 * side) &
(absy <= np.sqrt(3) / 2 * side)
w_left_tri = (
(x <= -0.5 * side) &
(x >= -1 * side) &
(absy <= (x + 1 * side) * np.sqrt(3))
w_right_tri = (
(x >= 0.5 * side) &
(x <= 1 * side) &
(absy <= (1 * side - x) * np.sqrt(3))
self.transmission[w_rect] = 1
self.transmission[w_left_tri] = 1
self.transmission[w_right_tri] = 1
return self.transmission
class AnnularFieldStop(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines a circular field stop with an (optional) opaque circular center region
name : string
Descriptive name
radius_inner : float
Radius of the central opaque region, in arcseconds. Default is 0.0 (no central opaque spot)
radius_outer : float
Radius of the circular field stop outer edge. Default is 10. Set to 0.0 for no outer edge.
@utils.quantity_input(radius_inner=u.arcsec, radius_outer=u.arcsec)
def __init__(self, name="unnamed annular field stop", radius_inner=0.0, radius_outer=1.0, **kwargs):
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, **kwargs) = name
self.radius_inner = radius_inner
self.radius_outer = radius_outer
self._default_display_size = 2 * max(radius_outer, radius_inner)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the field stop.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = _r(x, y)
radius_inner =
radius_outer =
pxscl =
ypix = y/pxscl # The filled_circle_aa code and in particular pxwt doesn't seem reliable with pixel scale <1
xpix = x/pxscl
if self.radius_outer > 0:
self.transmission = geometry.filled_circle_aa(wave.shape, 0, 0, radius_outer/pxscl, xarray=xpix, yarray=ypix)
self.transmission = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
if self.radius_inner > 0:
self.transmission -= geometry.filled_circle_aa(wave.shape, 0, 0, radius_inner/pxscl, xarray=xpix, yarray=ypix)
return self.transmission
class CircularOcculter(AnnularFieldStop):
""" Defines an ideal circular occulter (opaque circle)
name : string
Descriptive name
radius : float
Radius of the occulting spot, in arcseconds. Default is 1.0
def __init__(self, name="unnamed occulter", radius=1.0, **kwargs):
super(CircularOcculter, self).__init__(name=name, radius_inner=radius, radius_outer=0.0, **kwargs)
self._default_display_size = 10 * u.arcsec
class BarOcculter(AnalyticImagePlaneElement):
""" Defines an ideal bar occulter (like in MIRI's Lyot coronagraph)
name : string
Descriptive name
width : float
width of the bar stop, in arcseconds. Default is 1.0
height: float
heightof the bar stop, in arcseconds. Default is 10.0
@utils.quantity_input(width=u.arcsec, height=u.arcsec)
def __init__(self, name="bar occulter", width=1.0*u.arcsec, height=10.0*u.arcsec, **kwargs):
AnalyticImagePlaneElement.__init__(self, **kwargs) = name
self.width = width
self.height = height
self._default_display_size = max(height, width) * 1.2
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype == PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
w_inside = ((xp.abs(x) <= / 2) &
(xp.abs(y) <= / 2))
self.transmission = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
self.transmission[w_inside] = 0
return self.transmission
# ------ Analytic Pupil or Intermediate Plane elements (coordinates in meters) -----
class FQPM_FFT_aligner(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Helper class for modeling FQPMs accurately
Adds (or removes) a slight wavelength- and pixel-scale-dependent tilt
to a pupil wavefront, to ensure the correct alignment of the image plane
FFT'ed PSF with the desired quad pixel alignment for the FQPM.
This is purely a computational convenience tool to work around the
pixel coordinate restrictions imposed by the FFT algorithm,
not a representation of any physical optic.
direction : string
'forward' or 'backward'
def __init__(self, name="FQPM FFT aligner", direction='forward', **kwargs):
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
direction = direction.lower()
if direction != 'forward' and direction != 'backward':
raise ValueError("Invalid direction %s, must be either"
"forward or backward." % direction)
self.direction = direction
self._suppress_display = True
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'phase' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Compute the required tilt needed to get the PSF centered on the corner between
the 4 central pixels, not on the central pixel itself.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("FQPM get_opd must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert wave.planetype != PlaneType.image, "This optic does not work on image planes"
fft_im_pixelscale = wave.wavelength / wave.diam / wave.oversample * u.radian
required_offset = fft_im_pixelscale * 0.5
if self.direction == 'backward':
wave._image_centered = 'pixel'
required_offset *= -1 # changed in poppy 1.0 for sign convention update
wave._image_centered = 'corner'
wave.tilt(required_offset, required_offset)
# gotta return something... so return a value that will not affect the wave any more.
return 0 # null OPD
class ParityTestAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines a circular pupil aperture with boxes cut out.
This is mostly a test aperture, which has no symmetry and thus can be used to
test the various Fourier transform algorithms and sign conventions.
See also LetterFAperture
name : string
Descriptive name
radius : float
Radius of the pupil, in meters. Default is 1.0
pad_factor : float, optional
Amount to oversize the wavefront array relative to this pupil.
This is in practice not very useful, but it provides a straightforward way
of verifying during code testing that the amount of padding (or size of the circle)
does not make any numerical difference in the final result.
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1.0 * u.meter, pad_factor=1.0, **kwargs):
if name is None: name = "Asymmetric Parity Test Aperture, radius={}".format(radius)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
self.radius = radius
# for creating input wavefronts - let's pad a bit:
self.pupil_diam = pad_factor * 2 * self.radius
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'intensity' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("CircularAperture get_opd must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
radius =
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = _r(x, y)
w_outside = (r > radius)
self.transmission = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
self.transmission[w_outside] = 0
w_box1 = (
(r > (radius * 0.5)) &
(xp.abs(x) < radius * 0.1) &
(y < 0)
w_box2 = (
(r > (radius * 0.75)) &
(xp.abs(y) < radius * 0.2) &
(x < 0)
self.transmission[w_box1] = 0
self.transmission[w_box2] = 0
return self.transmission
class LetterFAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Define a capital letter F aperture. This is sometimes useful for
disambiguating pupil orientations. See also AsymmetricParityTestAperture
and LetterFOpticalPathDifference.
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1.0 * u.meter, pad_factor=1.5, **kwargs):
if name is None: name = f"Letter F Parity Test Aperture, radius={radius}"
super().__init__(name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
self.radius = radius
# for creating input wavefronts - let's pad a bit:
self.pupil_diam = pad_factor * 2 * self.radius
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'intensity' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the aperture.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("LetterFAperture get_opd must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
radius =
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
yr = y / radius
xr = x / radius
self.transmission = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=float)
self.transmission[(xr < 0) & (xr > -0.5) & (xp.abs(yr) < 1)] = 1
self.transmission[(xr >= 0) & (xr < 0.75) & (xp.abs(yr - 0.75) < 0.25)] = 1
self.transmission[(xr >= 0) & (xr < 0.5) & (xp.abs(yr) < 0.25)] = 1
return self.transmission
class LetterFOpticalPathDifference(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Define a capital letter F in OPD. This is sometimes useful for
disambiguating pupil orientations. See also LetterFAperture.
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1.0 * u.meter, pad_factor=1.5, opd=1*u.micron, **kwargs):
if name is None: name = f"Letter F Parity Test Aperture, radius={radius}"
super().__init__(name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
self.radius = radius
self._opd_amount = opd.to_value(u.m)
# for creating input wavefronts - let's pad a bit:
self.pupil_diam = pad_factor * 2 * self.radius
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'intensity' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
def get_opd(self, wave):
""" Compute the OPD inside/outside of the aperture.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("LetterFAperture get_opd must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
radius =
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
yr = y / radius
xr = x / radius
self.opd = np.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=float)
self.opd[(xr < 0) & (xr > -0.5) & (np.abs(yr) < 1)] = self._opd_amount
self.opd[(xr >= 0) & (xr < 0.75) & (np.abs(yr - 0.75) < 0.25)] = self._opd_amount
self.opd[(xr >= 0) & (xr < 0.5) & (np.abs(yr) < 0.25)] = self._opd_amount
return self.opd
class CircularAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines an ideal circular pupil aperture
name : string
Descriptive name
radius : float
Radius of the pupil, in meters. Default is 1.0
gray_pixel : bool
Apply gray pixel approximation to return fractional transmission for
edge pixels that are only partially within this aperture?
pad_factor : float, optional
Amount to oversize the wavefront array relative to this pupil.
This is in practice not very useful, but it provides a straightforward way
of verifying during code testing that the amount of padding (or size of the circle)
does not make any numerical difference in the final result.
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1.0 * u.meter, pad_factor=1.0, planetype=PlaneType.unspecified,
gray_pixel=True, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = "Circle, radius={}".format(radius)
super(CircularAperture, self).__init__(name=name, planetype=planetype, **kwargs)
if radius <= 0*u.meter:
raise ValueError("radius must be a positive nonzero number.")
self.radius = radius
# for creating input wavefronts - let's pad a bit:
self.pupil_diam = pad_factor * 2 * self.radius
self._default_display_size = 3 * self.radius
self._use_gray_pixel = bool(gray_pixel)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the aperture.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("CircularAperture get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
radius =
if self._use_gray_pixel:
pixscale =
self.transmission = geometry.filled_circle_aa(wave.shape, 0, 0, radius/pixscale, x/pixscale, y/pixscale)
r = _r(x, y)
self.transmission = (r <= radius).astype(_float())
return self.transmission
class HexagonAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines an ideal hexagonal pupil aperture
Specify either the side length (= corner radius) or the
flat-to-flat distance, or the point-to-point diameter.
name : string
Descriptive name
side : float, optional
side length (and/or radius) of hexagon, in meters. Overrides flattoflat if both are present.
flattoflat : float, optional
Distance between sides (flat-to-flat) of the hexagon, in meters. Default is 1.0
diameter : float, optional
point-to-point diameter of hexagon. Twice the side length. Overrides flattoflat, but is overridden by side.
@utils.quantity_input(side=u.meter, diameter=u.meter, flattoflat=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, side=None, diameter=None, flattoflat=None, **kwargs):
if flattoflat is None and side is None and diameter is None:
self.side = 1.0 * u.meter
elif side is not None:
self.side = side
elif diameter is not None:
self.side = diameter / 2
self.side = flattoflat / np.sqrt(3.)
self.pupil_diam = 2 * self.side # for creating input wavefronts
self._default_display_size = 3 * self.side
if name is None:
name = "Hexagon, side length= {}".format(self.side)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
def diameter(self):
return self.side * 2
def flat_to_flat(self):
return self.side * np.sqrt(3.)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("HexagonAperture get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront "
"to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
side =
absy = xp.abs(y)
self.transmission = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
w_rect = (
(xp.abs(x) <= 0.5 * side) &
(absy <= np.sqrt(3) / 2 * side)
w_left_tri = (
(x <= -0.5 * side) &
(x >= -1 * side) &
(absy <= (x + 1 * side) * np.sqrt(3))
w_right_tri = (
(x >= 0.5 * side) &
(x <= 1 * side) &
(absy <= (1 * side - x) * np.sqrt(3))
self.transmission[w_rect] = 1
self.transmission[w_left_tri] = 1
self.transmission[w_right_tri] = 1
return self.transmission
class MultiSegmentAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement, ABC):
"""Abstract base class for an aperture made of sub-apertures
This is subclassed to hexagons and circles below.
@utils.quantity_input(segment_size=u.meter, gap=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="MultiSegment", segment_size=1, gap=0.01, rings=1,
segmentlist=None, center=False, **kwargs):
self.rings = rings = gap
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
# spacing between segment centers
self._segment_spacing = (segment_size + gap).to_value(u.meter)
self.pupil_diam = (self._segment_spacing) * (2 * self.rings + 1) * u.m
# make a list of all the segments included in this hex aperture
if segmentlist is not None:
self.segmentlist = segmentlist
self.segmentlist = list(range(self._n_aper_inside_ring(self.rings + 1)))
if not center:
self.segmentlist.remove(0) # remove center segment 0
def _n_aper_in_ring(self, n):
""" How many hexagons or circles in ring N? """
return 1 if n == 0 else 6 * n
def _n_aper_inside_ring(self, n):
""" How many hexagons or circles interior to ring N, not counting N?"""
return sum([self._n_aper_in_ring(i) for i in range(n)])
def _aper_in_ring(self, hex_index):
""" What ring is a given hexagon or circle in?"""
if hex_index == 0:
return 0
for i in range(100):
if self._n_aper_inside_ring(i) <= hex_index < self._n_aper_inside_ring(i + 1):
return i
raise ValueError("Loop exceeded! MultiSegmentAperture is limited to <100 rings of segments.")
def _aper_radius(self, hex_index):
""" Radius of a given hexagon from the center """
ring = self._aper_in_ring(hex_index)
if ring <= 1:
return (self._segment_spacing) * ring
def _aper_center(self, aper_index):
""" Center coordinates of a given hexagon
counting clockwise around each ring
Returns y, x coords
ring = self._aper_in_ring(aper_index)
# handle degenerate case of center segment
# to avoid div by 0 in the main code below
if ring == 0:
return 0, 0
# now count around from the starting point:
index_in_ring = aper_index - self._n_aper_inside_ring(ring) + 1 # 1-based
angle_per_hex = 2 * np.pi / self._n_aper_in_ring(ring) # angle in radians
radius = (self._segment_spacing) * ring # like JWST 'B' segments, aka corners for a hexagon
if np.mod(index_in_ring, ring) == 1:
angle = angle_per_hex * (index_in_ring - 1)
ypos = radius * np.cos(angle)
xpos = radius * np.sin(angle)
# find position of previous 'B' type segment.
last_B_angle = ((index_in_ring - 1) // ring) * ring * angle_per_hex
ypos0 = radius * np.cos(last_B_angle)
xpos0 = radius * np.sin(last_B_angle)
# count around from that corner
da = (self._segment_spacing) * np.cos(30 * np.pi / 180)
db = (self._segment_spacing) * np.sin(30 * np.pi / 180)
whichside = (index_in_ring - 1) // ring # which of the sides are we on?
if whichside == 0:
dx, dy = da, -db
elif whichside == 1:
dx, dy = 0, -self._segment_spacing
elif whichside == 2:
dx, dy = -da, -db
elif whichside == 3:
dx, dy = -da, db
elif whichside == 4:
dx, dy = 0, self._segment_spacing
elif whichside == 5:
dx, dy = da, db
xpos = xpos0 + dx * np.mod(index_in_ring - 1, ring)
ypos = ypos0 + dy * np.mod(index_in_ring - 1, ring)
return ypos, xpos
def _one_aperture(self, wave, index, value=1):
"""Implement how to draw one aperture"""
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront):
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
self.transmission = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
for i in self.segmentlist:
self._one_aperture(wave, i)
return self.transmission
class MultiHexagonAperture(MultiSegmentAperture):
""" Defines a hexagonally segmented aperture
name : string
Descriptive name
rings : integer
The number of rings of hexagons to include, not counting the central segment
(i.e. 2 for a JWST-like aperture, 3 for a Keck-like aperture, and so on)
side : float, optional
side length (and/or radius) of hexagon, in meters. Overrides flattoflat if both are present.
flattoflat : float, optional
Distance between sides (flat-to-flat) of the hexagon, in meters. Default is 1.0
gap: float, optional
Gap between adjacent segments, in meters. Default is 0.01 m = 1 cm
center : bool, optional
should the central segment be included? Default is False.
segmentlist : list of ints, optional
This allows one to specify that only a subset of segments are present, for a
partially populated segmented telescope, non-redundant segment set, etc.
Segments are numbered from 0 for the center segment, 1 for the segment immediately
above it, and then clockwise around each ring.
For example, segmentlist=[1,3,5] would make an aperture of 3 segments.
Note that this routine becomes a bit slow for nrings >4. For repeated computations on
the same aperture, avoid repeated evaluations of this function. It will be faster to create
this aperture, evaluate it once, and save the result onto a discrete array, via either
(1) saving it to a FITS file using the to_fits() method, and then use that in a
FITSOpticalElement, or
(2) Use the fixed_sampling_optic function to create an ArrayOpticalElement with
a sampled version of this.
@utils.quantity_input(side=u.meter, flattoflat=u.meter, gap=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="MultiHex", flattoflat=1.0, side=None, gap=0.01, rings=1,
segmentlist=None, center=False, **kwargs):
if flattoflat is None and side is None:
self.side = 1.0 * u.meter
elif side is not None:
self.side = side
self.side = flattoflat / np.sqrt(3.)
self.flattoflat = self.side * np.sqrt(3)
super().__init__(name=name, segment_size=self.flattoflat,
gap=gap, rings=rings, segmentlist=segmentlist, center=center, **kwargs)
def _one_aperture(self, wave, index, value=1):
""" Draw one hexagon into the self.transmission array """
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
side =
ceny, cenx = self._aper_center(index)
y -= ceny
x -= cenx
absy = xp.abs(y)
w_rect = (
(np.abs(x) <= 0.5 * side) &
(absy <= np.sqrt(3) / 2 * side)
w_left_tri = (
(x <= -0.5 * side) &
(x >= -1 * side) &
(absy <= (x + 1 * side) * np.sqrt(3))
w_right_tri = (
(x >= 0.5 * side) &
(x <= 1 * side) &
(absy <= (1 * side - x) * np.sqrt(3))
self.transmission[w_rect] = value
self.transmission[w_left_tri] = value
self.transmission[w_right_tri] = value
class NgonAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines an ideal N-gon pupil aperture.
name : string
Descriptive name
nsides : integer
Number of sides. Default is 6.
radius : float
radius to the vertices, meters. Default is 1.
rotation : float
Rotation angle to first vertex, in degrees counterclockwise from the +X axis. Default is 0.
TODO: get_transmission() extremely slow when using CuPy, find better solution
def __init__(self, name=None, nsides=6, radius=1 * u.meter, rotation=0., **kwargs):
self.radius = radius
self.nsides = nsides
self.pupil_diam = 2 * self.radius # for creating input wavefronts
if name is None:
name = "{}-gon, radius= {}".format(self.nsides, self.radius)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, rotation=rotation, **kwargs)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
phase = self.rotation * np.pi / 180
vertices = xp.zeros((self.nsides, 2), dtype=_float())
for i in range(self.nsides):
vertices[i,0] = xp.cos(i * 2 * xp.pi / self.nsides + phase)
vertices[i,1] = xp.sin(i * 2 * xp.pi / self.nsides + phase)
vertices *=
self.transmission = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
for row in range(wave.shape[0]):
pts = xp.asarray(list(zip(x[row], y[row])))
if accel_math._USE_CUPY:
ok = matplotlib.path.Path(vertices.get()).contains_points(pts.get()) # extremely slow
ok = matplotlib.path.Path(vertices).contains_points(pts)
self.transmission[row][ok] = 1.0
return self.transmission
class MultiCircularAperture(MultiSegmentAperture):
""" Defines a circularly segmented aperture in close compact configuration
name : string
descriptive name
rings : integer
The number of rings of hexagons to include, not counting the central segment
segment_radius : float, optional
radius of the circular sub-apertures in meters, default is 1 meters
gap: float, optional
Gap between adjacent segments, in meters. Default is 0.01 m = 1 cm
center : bool, optional
should the central segment be included? Default is True.
segmentlist : list of ints, optional
This allows one to specify that only a subset of segments are present, for a
partially populated segmented telescope, non-redundant segment set, etc.
Segments are numbered from 0 for the center segment, 1 for the segment immediately
above it, and then clockwise around each ring.
For example, segmentlist=[1,3,5] would make an aperture of 3 segments.
gray_pixel : bool, optional
Apply gray pixel approximation to return fractional transmission for
edge pixels that are only partially within this aperture? default : True
@utils.quantity_input(segment_radius=u.meter, gap=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name="multiCirc", rings=1, segment_radius=1.0, gap=0.01,
segmentlist=None, center=True, gray_pixel=True, **kwargs):
self.segment_radius = segment_radius
segment_diameter = 2*segment_radius
super().__init__(name=name, segment_size=segment_diameter,
gap=gap, rings=rings, segmentlist=segmentlist, center=center, **kwargs)
self.pupil_diam = (segment_diameter) * (2 * self.rings + 1) + gap * (2*rings)
self._use_gray_pixel = bool(gray_pixel)
def _one_aperture(self, wave, index, value=1):
""" Draw one circular aperture into the self.transmission array """
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
segRadius =
ceny, cenx = self._aper_center(index)
y -= ceny
x -= cenx
if self._use_gray_pixel:
pixscale =
tmpTransmission = geometry.filled_circle_aa(wave.shape, 0, 0, segRadius/pixscale, x/pixscale, y/pixscale)
self.transmission += tmpTransmission
r = _r(x, y)
del x
del y
w_inside = xp.where(r < segRadius)
del r
self.transmission[w_inside] = value
return self.transmission
class KeystoneSegmentedCircularAperture(MultiSegmentAperture, CircularAperture):
@utils.quantity_input(radius=u.meter, gap=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, radius=1.0 * u.meter,
rings=2, nsections=4, gap_radii=None, gap=0.01 * u.meter,
rotation=0, **kwargs):
""" Define a circular aperture made of pie-wedge or keystone shaped segments.
name : string
Descriptive name
radius : float
Radius of the pupil, in meters.
rings : int
Number of rings of segments
nsections : int or list of ints
Number of segments per ring. If one int, same number of segments in each ring.
Or provide a list of ints to set different numbers per ring.
To exclude the center for an on-axis aperture, provide a 0 as the first
element of nsections to indicate 0 segments in the first ring.
gap_radii : quantity length
Radii from the center for the gaps between rings
gap : quantity length
Width of gaps between segments, in both radial and azimuthal directions
gray_pixel : bool, optional
Apply gray pixel approximation to return fractional transmission for
edge pixels that are only partially within this aperture?
(Note, currently this gives a warning; disabled by default)
kwargs : other kwargs are passed to CircularAperture
Potential TODO: also have this inherit from MultiSegmentedAperture and subclass
some of those functions as appropriate. Consider refactoring from gap_radii to instead
provide the widths of each segment. Add option for including the center segment or having
a missing one in the middle for on-axis apertures. Use grayscale approximation for rasterizing
the circular gaps between the rings.
if name is None:
name = "Circle of Wedge Sections, radius={}".format(radius)
CircularAperture.__init__(self, name=name, radius=radius, rotation=rotation,
gray_pixel=gray_pixel, **kwargs)
# This class inherits from MultiSegmentAperture, but intentionally
# does **not** call MultiSegmentAperture.__init__, because some of the
# assumptions made there for a regular geometry do not apply. We instead
# perform the necessary initialization steps here directly.
self.nsections = [nsections, ] * rings if np.isscalar(nsections) else nsections
self.segmentlist = np.arange(np.sum(self.nsections))
self._include_center = self.nsections[0] != 0
if not self._include_center:
self.segmentlist = self.segmentlist[1:] # remove center segment 0
self._default_display_size = 2 * self.radius
self.pupil_diam = 2*self.radius
self.rings = rings = gap
self.gap_radii = gap_radii if gap_radii is not None else ((np.arange(
self.rings) + 1) / self.rings) * self.radius
# determine angles per each section gap
# Note, this starts with angle 0 = +X in the array, and
# increases counterclockwise around the aperture.
self.gap_angles = []
for iring in range(self.rings):
nsec = self.nsections[iring]
self.gap_angles.append(np.arange(nsec) / nsec * 2 * np.pi)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the aperture.
Note, this implementation draws the whole circular aperture then draws in
the individual gaps, rather than drawing the aperture one segment at a time.
self.transmission = CircularAperture.get_transmission(self, wave)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
halfgapwidth = / 2
for iring in range(self.rings):
# Draw the radial gaps around the azimuth in the Nth ring
r_ring_inner = 0 if iring == 0 else self.gap_radii[iring - 1].to_value(u.m)
r_ring_outer = self.radius.to_value(u.m) if iring == self.rings - 1 else self.gap_radii[iring].to_value( u.m)
# print(f"{iring}: gap from inner: {r_ring_inner} to outer: {r_ring_outer}")
# Draw the azimuthal gap after the ring
if iring > 0:
# print(f"drawing ring gap {iring} at {r_ring_inner}")
self.transmission[np.abs(r - r_ring_inner) < halfgapwidth] = 0
if self.nsections[iring] > 1:
# If we have more than 1 segment in this ring, draw the gaps
for igap in range(self.nsections[iring]):
angle = self.gap_angles[iring][igap]
# print(f" linear gap {igap} at {angle} radians")
# calculate rotated x' and y' coordinates after rotation by that angle.
x_p = np.cos(angle) * x + np.sin(angle) * y
y_p = -np.sin(angle) * x + np.cos(angle) * y
self.transmission[(0 < x_p) & (r_ring_inner < r) & (r < r_ring_outer) &
(np.abs(y_p) < halfgapwidth)] = 0
if not self._include_center: # mask out the center ring / center zeroth segment
self.transmission[r < self.gap_radii[0].to_value(u.m)] = 0
return self.transmission
def _n_aper_in_ring(self, n):
""" How many hexagons or circles in ring N? """
return self.nsections[n] if (n < len(self.nsections)) else 0
def _one_aperture(self, wave, index, value=1):
""" Draw one wedge aperture into the existing self.transmission array
#self.transmission = CircularAperture.get_transmission(self, wave)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
theta[theta<0] += 2*np.pi # we want angles between 0 and 2 pi, below
halfgapwidth = / 2
# which ring is this?
iring = self._aper_in_ring(index)
# which segment within this ring?
iseg_in_ring = index - self._n_aper_inside_ring(iring)
# Determine the inner and outer radii of the Nth ring
# (Not counting the gap width yet here)
r_ring_inner = 0 if iring == 0 else self.gap_radii[iring - 1].to_value(u.m)
r_ring_outer = self.radius.to_value(u.m) if iring == self.rings - 1 else self.gap_radii[iring].to_value( u.m)
# print(f"{iring}: gap from inner: {r_ring_inner} to outer: {r_ring_outer}")
gap_angles_this_ring = self.gap_angles[iring]
theta_min = gap_angles_this_ring[iseg_in_ring]
theta_max = gap_angles_this_ring[iseg_in_ring+1] if (iseg_in_ring < self._n_aper_in_ring(iring)-1) else (gap_angles_this_ring[0] + 2*np.pi)
self.transmission[(r_ring_inner < r) &
(r < r_ring_outer) &
(theta_min < theta) &
(theta < theta_max)] = value
def _aper_center(self, aper_index):
""" Center coordinates of a given wedge aperture
counting counter clockwise around each ring
Returns y, x coords
# which ring is this?
iring = self._aper_in_ring(aper_index)
# which segment within this ring?
iseg_in_ring = aper_index - self._n_aper_inside_ring(iring)
# Determine the inner and outer radii of the Nth ring
# (Not counting the gap width yet here)
r_ring_inner = 0 if iring == 0 else self.gap_radii[iring - 1].to_value(u.m)
r_ring_outer = self.radius.to_value(u.m) if iring == self.rings - 1 else self.gap_radii[iring].to_value( u.m)
r_center = (r_ring_inner + r_ring_outer) / 2
gap_angles_this_ring = self.gap_angles[iring]
theta_min = gap_angles_this_ring[iseg_in_ring]
theta_max = gap_angles_this_ring[iseg_in_ring+1] if (iseg_in_ring < self._n_aper_in_ring(iring)-1) else (gap_angles_this_ring[0] + 2*np.pi)
theta_center = (theta_min + theta_max) / 2
xpos = r_center * np.cos(theta_center)
ypos = r_center * np.sin(theta_center)
return ypos, xpos
class RectangleAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines an ideal rectangular pupil aperture
name : string
Descriptive name
width : float
width of the rectangle, in meters. Default is 0.5
height : float
height of the rectangle, in meters. Default is 1.0
rotation : float
Rotation angle for 'width' axis. Default is 0.
@utils.quantity_input(width=u.meter, height=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, width=0.5 * u.meter, height=1.0 * u.meter, rotation=0.0, **kwargs):
self.width = width
self.height = height
if name is None:
name = "Rectangle, size= {s.width:.1f} wide * {s.height:.1f} high".format(s=self)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, rotation=rotation, **kwargs)
# for creating input wavefronts:
self.pupil_diam = np.sqrt(self.height ** 2 + self.width ** 2)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the occulter.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
w_inside = (
(abs(y) <= ( / 2)) &
(abs(x) <= ( / 2))
self.transmission = w_inside.astype(dtype=_float())
return self.transmission
class SquareAperture(RectangleAperture):
""" Defines an ideal square pupil aperture
name : string
Descriptive name
size: float
side length of the square, in meters. Default is 1.0
rotation : float
Rotation angle for the square. Default is 0.
def __init__(self, name=None, size=1.0 * u.meter, **kwargs):
self._size = size
if name is None:
name = "Square, side length= {}".format(size)
RectangleAperture.__init__(self, name=name, width=size, height=size, **kwargs)
self.size = size
self.pupil_diam = 2 * self.size # for creating input wavefronts
def size(self):
return self._size
def size(self, value):
self._size = value
self.height = value
self.width = value
class SecondaryObscuration(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines the central obscuration of an on-axis telescope including secondary mirror and
The number of supports is adjustable but they are always radially symmetric around the center.
See AsymmetricSecondaryObscuration if you need more flexibility.
secondary_radius : float or astropy Quantity length
Radius of the circular secondary obscuration, in meters or other unit.
Default 0.5 m
n_supports : int
Number of secondary mirror supports ("spiders"). These will be
spaced equally around a circle. Default is 4.
support_width : float or astropy Quantity length
Width of each support, in meters or other unit. Default is 0.01 m = 1 cm.
support_angle_offset : float
Angular offset, in degrees, of the first secondary support from the X axis.
@utils.quantity_input(secondary_radius=u.meter, support_width=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, secondary_radius=0.5 * u.meter, n_supports=4, support_width=0.01 * u.meter,
support_angle_offset=0.0, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = "Secondary Obscuration with {0} supports".format(n_supports)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
self.secondary_radius = secondary_radius
self.n_supports = n_supports
self.support_width = support_width
self.support_angle_offset = support_angle_offset
# for creating input wavefronts if this is the first optic in a opticalsystem:
self.pupil_diam = 4 * self.secondary_radius
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the obscuration
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
self.transmission = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) # * wave.pixelscale
self.transmission[r <] = 0
for i in range(self.n_supports):
angle = 2 * np.pi / self.n_supports * i + np.deg2rad(self.support_angle_offset)
# calculate rotated x' and y' coordinates after rotation by that angle.
x_p = np.cos(angle) * x + np.sin(angle) * y
y_p = -np.sin(angle) * x + np.cos(angle) * y
self.transmission[(x_p > 0) & (xp.abs(y_p) < / 2)] = 0
# TODO check here for if there are no pixels marked because the spider is too thin.
# In that case use a grey scale approximation
return self.transmission
class AsymmetricSecondaryObscuration(SecondaryObscuration):
""" Defines a central obscuration with one or more supports which can be oriented at
arbitrary angles around the primary mirror, a la the three supports of JWST
This also allows for secondary supports that do not intersect with
the primary mirror center; use the support_offset_x and support_offset_y parameters
to apply offsets relative to the center for the origin of each strut.
secondary_radius : float
Radius of the circular secondary obscuration. Default 0.5 m
support_angle : ndarray or list of floats
The angle measured counterclockwise from +Y for each support
support_width : float or astropy Quantity of type length, or list of those
if scalar, gives the width for all support struts
if a list, gives separately the width for each support strut independently.
Widths in meters or other unit if specified. Default is 0.01 m = 1 cm.
support_offset_x : float, or list of floats.
Offset in the X direction of the start point for each support.
if scalar, applies to all supports; if a list, gives a separate offset for each.
support_offset_y : float, or list of floats.
Offset in the Y direction of the start point for each support.
if scalar, applies to all supports; if a list, gives a separate offset for each.
def __init__(self, support_angle=(0, 90, 240), support_width=0.01 * u.meter,
support_offset_x=0.0, support_offset_y=0.0, **kwargs):
SecondaryObscuration.__init__(self, n_supports=len(support_angle), **kwargs)
self.support_angle = np.asarray(support_angle)
if np.isscalar(support_width.value):
support_width = np.zeros(len(support_angle)) + support_width
self.support_width = support_width
if np.isscalar(support_offset_x):
support_offset_x = xp.zeros(len(support_angle)) + support_offset_x
self.support_offset_x = support_offset_x
if np.isscalar(support_offset_y):
support_offset_y = xp.zeros(len(support_angle)) + support_offset_y
self.support_offset_y = support_offset_y
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the obscuration
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
assert (wave.planetype != PlaneType.image)
self.transmission = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
self.transmission[r <] = 0
for angle_deg, width, offset_x, offset_y in zip(self.support_angle,
angle = np.deg2rad(angle_deg + 90) # 90 deg offset is to start from the +Y direction
# calculate rotated x' and y' coordinates after rotation by that angle.
# and application of offset
x_p = np.cos(angle) * (x - offset_x) + np.sin(angle) * (y - offset_y)
y_p = -np.sin(angle) * (x - offset_x) + np.cos(angle) * (y - offset_y)
self.transmission[(x_p > 0) & (xp.abs(y_p) < / 2)] = 0
# TODO check here for if there are no pixels marked because the spider is too thin.
# In that case use a grey scale approximation
return self.transmission
class ThinLens(CircularAperture):
""" An idealized thin lens, implemented as a Zernike defocus term.
The sign convention adopted is the usual for lenses: a "positive" lens
is converging (i.e. convex), a "negative" lens is diverging (i.e. concave).
Recall the sign convention choice that the OPD is positive if the aberrated wavefront
leads the ideal unaberrated wavefront; a converging wavefront leads at its outer edges
relative to a flat wavefront.
In other words, a positive number of waves of defocus indicates a
lens with more positive OPD at the edges than at the center.
NOTE - this sign convention was different in prior versions of poppy < 1.0.
nwaves : float
The number of waves of defocus, peak to valley. May be positive or negative.
This is applied as a normalization over an area defined by the circumscribing circle
of the input wavefront. That is, there will be nwaves defocus peak-to-valley
over the region of the pupil that has nonzero input intensity.
reference_wavelength : float
Wavelength, in meters, at which that number of waves of defocus is specified.
radius : float
Pupil radius, in meters, over which the Zernike defocus term should be computed
such that rho = 1 at r = `radius`.
def __init__(self, name='Thin lens', nwaves=4.0, reference_wavelength=1e-6 * u.meter,
radius=1.0*u.meter, **kwargs):
self.reference_wavelength = reference_wavelength
self.nwaves = nwaves
self.max_phase_delay = reference_wavelength * nwaves
CircularAperture.__init__(self, name=name, radius=radius, **kwargs)
self.wavefront_display_hint = 'phase' # preferred display for wavefronts at this plane
def get_opd(self, wave):
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
r_norm = r /
# don't forget the factor of 0.5 to make the scaling factor apply as peak-to-valley
# rather than center-to-peak
defocus_zernike = ((2 * r_norm ** 2 - 1) *
(0.5 * self.nwaves *
opd = defocus_zernike
# the thin lens is explicitly also a circular aperture:
# we use the aperture intensity here to mask the OPD we return, in
# order to avoid bogus values outside the aperture
aperture_intensity = CircularAperture.get_transmission(self, wave)
opd[aperture_intensity == 0] = 0
return opd
class GaussianAperture(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Defines an ideal Gaussian apodized pupil aperture,
or at least as much of one as can be fit into a finite-sized
The Gaussian's width must be set with either the fwhm or w parameters.
Note that this makes an optic whose electric *field amplitude*
transmission is the specified Gaussian; thus the intensity
transmission will be the square of that Gaussian.
name : string
Descriptive name
fwhm : float, optional.
Full width at half maximum for the Gaussian, in meters.
w : float, optional
Beam width parameter, equal to fwhm/(2*sqrt(ln(2))).
pupil_diam : float, optional
default pupil diameter for cases when it is not otherwise
specified (e.g. displaying the optic by itself.) Default
value is 3x the FWHM.
@utils.quantity_input(fwhm=u.meter, w=u.meter, pupil_diam=u.meter)
def __init__(self, name=None, fwhm=None, w=None, pupil_diam=None, **kwargs):
if fwhm is None and w is None:
raise ValueError("Either the fwhm or w parameter must be set.")
elif w is not None:
self.w = w
elif fwhm is not None:
self.w = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)))
if pupil_diam is None:
pupil_diam = 3 * self.fwhm # for creating input wavefronts
self.pupil_diam = pupil_diam
if name is None:
name = "Gaussian aperture with fwhm ={0:.2f}".format(self.fwhm)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, planetype=PlaneType.pupil, **kwargs)
def fwhm(self):
return self.w * (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)))
def get_transmission(self, wave):
""" Compute the transmission inside/outside of the aperture.
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
r = xp.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
transmission = np.exp((- (r / ** 2))
return transmission
class TiltOpticalPathDifference(AnalyticOpticalElement):
"""A simple tilt in OPD.
With the sign convention used in poppy, a wavefront that is positively increasing
in the +X direction will deflect the beam in the -X direction, and so on.
tilt_angle : angle, as an astropy unit
Angle of the tilt
rotation : float
Position angle, in degrees, for the direction in which the beam should be tilted
use the rotation parameter (available for any AnalyticOpticalElement)
to adjust the position angle of the tilt
def __init__(self, name='Tilt', tilt_angle=0.1 * u.arcsec, rotation=0, **kwargs):
self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
super().__init__(name=name, rotation=rotation, **kwargs)
def get_opd(self, wave):
# Get local coordinates for this wave; note this will implicitly include any
# rotation.
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
# SIGN CONVENTION: an OPD or wavefront increasing in the -y direction will deflect the beam
# into the +y direction, and vice versa.
angle = self.tilt_angle.to_value(u.radian)
opd = y * -angle
return opd
# ------ generic analytic optics ------
class KnifeEdge(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" A half-infinite opaque plane, with a perfectly sharp edge
through the origin.
Use the 'rotation', 'shift_x', and 'shift_y' parameters to adjust
location and orientation.
Rotation=0 yields a knife edge oriented vertically (edge parallel to +y)
with the opaque side to the right.
def __init__(self, name=None, rotation=0, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = "Knife edge at {} deg".format(rotation)
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, rotation=rotation, **kwargs)
def get_transmission(self, wave):
if not isinstance(wave, BaseWavefront): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("get_transmission must be called with a Wavefront to define the spacing")
y, x = self.get_coordinates(wave)
return x < 0
class CompoundAnalyticOptic(AnalyticOpticalElement):
""" Define a compound analytic optical element made up of the combination
of two or more individual optical elements.
This is just a convenience routine for semantic organization of optics.
It can be useful to keep the list of optical planes cleaner, but
you can certainly just add a whole bunch of planes all in a row without
using this class to group them.
All optics should be of the same plane type (pupil or image); propagation between
different optics contained inside one compound is not supported.
opticslist : list
A list of AnalyticOpticalElements to be merged together.
mergemode : string, default = 'and'
Method for merging transmissions:
'and' : resulting transmission is product of constituents. (E.g
trans = trans1*trans2)
'or' : resulting transmission is sum of constituents, with overlap
subtracted. (E.g. trans = trans1 + trans2 - trans1*trans2)
In both methods, the resulting OPD is the sum of the constituents' OPDs.
def _validate_only_analytic_optics(self, optics_list):
for optic in optics_list:
if isinstance(optic, AnalyticOpticalElement):
continue # analytic elements are allowed
elif isinstance(optic, InverseTransmission):
if isinstance(optic.uninverted_optic, AnalyticOpticalElement):
continue # inverted elements are allowed, as long as they're analytic elements
return False # inverted non-analytic elements aren't allowed, skip the rest
return False # no other types allowed, skip the rest of the list
return True
def __init__(self, opticslist=None, name="unnamed", mergemode="and", verbose=True, **kwargs):
if opticslist is None:
raise ValueError("Missing required opticslist argument to CompoundAnalyticOptic")
AnalyticOpticalElement.__init__(self, name=name, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
self.opticslist = []
self.planetype = None
# check for valid mergemode
if mergemode == "and":
self.mergemode = "and"
elif mergemode == "or":
self.mergemode = "or"
raise ValueError("mergemode must be either 'and' or 'or'.")
for optic in opticslist:
if not self._validate_only_analytic_optics(opticslist):
raise ValueError("Supplied optics list to CompoundAnalyticOptic can "
"only contain AnalyticOptics")
# if we are adding the first optic in the list, check what type of optical plane
# it has
# for subsequent optics, validate they have the same type
if len(self.opticslist) == 0:
self.planetype = optic.planetype
elif (self.planetype != optic.planetype and self.planetype != PlaneType.unspecified and
optic.planetype != PlaneType.unspecified):
raise ValueError("Cannot mix image plane and pupil plane optics in "
"the same CompoundAnalyticOptic")
if hasattr(optic, '_default_display_size'):
if hasattr(self, '_default_display_size'):
self._default_display_size = max(self._default_display_size,
self._default_display_size = optic._default_display_size
if hasattr(optic, 'pupil_diam'):
if not hasattr(self, 'pupil_diam'):
self.pupil_diam = optic.pupil_diam
self.pupil_diam = max(self.pupil_diam, optic.pupil_diam)
if self.planetype == PlaneType.pupil:
if all([hasattr(o, 'pupil_diam') for o in self.opticslist]):
self.pupil_diam = np.asarray([ for o in self.opticslist]).max() * u.meter
def get_transmission(self, wave):
if self.mergemode == "and":
trans = xp.ones(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
for optic in self.opticslist:
trans *= optic.get_transmission(wave)
elif self.mergemode == "or":
trans = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
for optic in self.opticslist:
trans = trans + optic.get_transmission(wave) - trans * optic.get_transmission(wave)
raise ValueError("mergemode must be either 'and' or 'or'.")
self.transmission = trans
return self.transmission
def get_opd(self, wave):
opd = xp.zeros(wave.shape, dtype=_float())
if self.mergemode == 'and':
for optic in self.opticslist:
opd += optic.get_opd(wave)
elif self.mergemode == "or":
for optic in self.opticslist:
# spatially disjoint optics; each only contributes OPD to where it has nonzero transmission.
trans = optic.get_transmission(wave)
opd[trans != 0] += optic.get_opd(wave)[trans != 0]
raise ValueError("mergemode must be either 'and' or 'or'.")
self.opd = opd
return self.opd
# ------ convert analytic optics to array optics ------
def fixed_sampling_optic(optic, wavefront, oversample=2):
"""Convert a variable-sampling AnalyticOpticalElement to a fixed-sampling ArrayOpticalElement
For a given input optic this produces an equivalent output optic stored in simple arrays rather
than created each time via function calls.
If you know a priori the desired sampling will remain constant for some
application, and don't need any of the other functionality of the
AnalyticOpticalElement machinery with get_opd and get_transmission functions,
you can save time by setting the sampling to a fixed value and saving arrays
computed on that sampling.
Also, you can use this to evaluate any optic on a finer sampling scale and then bin the
results to the desired scale, using the so-called gray-pixel approximation. (i.e. the
value for each output pixel is computed as the average of N*N finer pixels in an
intermediate array.)
optic : poppy.AnalyticOpticalElement
Some optical element
wave : poppy.Wavefront
A wavefront to define the desired sampling pixel size and number.
oversample : int
Subpixel sampling factor for "gray pixel" approximation: the optic will be
evaluated on a finer pixel scale and then binned down to the desired sampling.
new_array_optic : poppy.ArrayOpticalElement
A version of the input optic with fixed arrays for OPD and transmission.
from .poppy_core import ArrayOpticalElement
npix = wavefront.shape[0]
grid_size = npix*u.pixel*wavefront.pixelscale
_log.debug("Converting {} to fixed sampling with grid_size={}, npix={}, oversample={}".format(, grid_size, npix, oversample))
if oversample > 1:
_log.debug("retrieving oversampled opd and transmission arrays")
sampled_opd = optic.sample(what='opd', npix=npix*oversample, grid_size=grid_size)
sampled_trans = optic.sample(what='amplitude', npix=npix*oversample, grid_size=grid_size)
_log.debug("binning down opd and transmission arrays")
sampled_opd = utils.krebin(sampled_opd, wavefront.shape)/oversample**2
sampled_trans = utils.krebin(sampled_trans, wavefront.shape)/oversample**2
sampled_opd = optic.sample(what='opd', npix=npix, grid_size=grid_size)
sampled_trans = optic.sample(what='amplitude', npix=npix, grid_size=grid_size)
return ArrayOpticalElement(opd=sampled_opd,