
class poppy.AsymmetricSecondaryObscuration(support_angle=(0, 90, 240), support_width=<Quantity 0.01 m>, support_offset_x=0.0, support_offset_y=0.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: poppy.optics.SecondaryObscuration

Defines a central obscuration with one or more supports which can be oriented at arbitrary angles around the primary mirror, a la the three supports of JWST

This also allows for secondary supports that do not intersect with the primary mirror center; use the support_offset_x and support_offset_y parameters to apply offsets relative to the center for the origin of each strut.

secondary_radius : float
Radius of the circular secondary obscuration. Default 0.5 m
support_angle : ndarray or list of floats
The angle measured counterclockwise from +Y for each support
support_width : float or astropy Quantity of type length, or list of those
if scalar, gives the width for all support struts if a list, gives separately the width for each support strut independently. Widths in meters or other unit if specified. Default is 0.01 m = 1 cm.
support_offset_x : float, or list of floats.
Offset in the X direction of the start point for each support. if scalar, applies to all supports; if a list, gives a separate offset for each.
support_offset_y : float, or list of floats.
Offset in the Y direction of the start point for each support. if scalar, applies to all supports; if a list, gives a separate offset for each.

Methods Summary

get_transmission(wave) Compute the transmission inside/outside of the obscuration

Methods Documentation


Compute the transmission inside/outside of the obscuration